I said I'd do it, did I lie? Answer, Hell to the NO! I told all y'all I'd steal the Red Diamond...and I of course did! Last night I slipped right in and took it. It was a cinch to. Not too many guards or nothing. Its almost as if they were handing it to me!
They weren't kidding about the sunlight thing...it really is or looks like its on fire! Its gorgeous! I almost don't wanna sell it! Today I watched the news to see if they noticed right away...or just recently! And indeed...those knuckle-heads didn't realize it until several hours after! I rolled on the floor crying from the laughter!
Then I decided to celebrate by drinking the imported drink from the other day. It tasted good...but a little bitter. Probably cause it got shook up or maybe its suppose to taste like that...I don't know. I'll never understand fancy drinks.