You've found Devil Deity's, message in a bottle:
Question: A clone is to be identical to you, so does that mean that it has a soul?
Situations like these make me think of the soul as a rechargable battery - a life
essence, originating from the universe, put into organisms, allowing them to live,
reproduce, destroy and die.
soul =/= individuality
I think I've grown as a "soul being" (notice I don't say human or person) within the
last year. I've replied to people recently on two occasions where I could've
reprimanded them or said something sarcastic to set the offender in their place,
but instead I took the diplomatic route and addressed the issue at hand, not the
They get so caught up in their bickering that they practically hijack the OP's
thread and turn it into a cesspool of hate. Keeping an objective mind amidst
madness & turmoil is a skill I hope to perfect.
<span id="test30198209">. . .</span><br/><div id="post30198209" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;">
Oh, Btw, consider yourself reported.
The user in question keeps making inflammatory remarks about christian adherents, not just this post, but throughout the thread.
No one has held his personal practices in contempt nor attacked his personal beliefs (intentional or otherwise), yet he's lashing out at the OP simply for her faith and philosophy.
inb4: I don't belong to any religious affiliation, but still take offense to such spiteful behavior.
Read his replies to the thread and you'll see that they are nothing short of catty provocation.
______Report Submitted.
Thank you for submitting your report. A moderator will work this as soon as possible.
Your reference number is 11406143. Please retain this for your records.
Also, I'd just like to add that "left-brain" thinking is necessary, but in no way makes you superior to anyone else; like-wise for "right-brain" thinking. Nice try. What's your excuse for the intellectually-competent artists?
Please --- go away & take your God complex with you.