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Adara's, thoughts, stories and rambles.
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nuttier then Auntie Helen's fruitcake
Shu Yin dropped the dog, he hated that he killed it but it was in the way of him getting his sister back. He could see her outline in the window, he knows that figure as he had been like an obsessive stalker for good reasons. Poor guy has ran himself ragged to make sure she was safe only to, in his eyes, fall flat on his face in failure. He really didn't know what else to do as he was supposed to be dead, but he wanted to talk to her, he was just confused about the whole thing before but not anymore. His baby sister was in trouble and he was going to fulfill his brotherly duties. Besides, he was crazy enough to fake his own death, he was psychotic enough to stalk her, and now he's mad enough, both emotionally and mentally, to take on one of the largest Italian mob Dons out there. This boy was nuttier then Auntie Helen's fruitcake.

Wu Fei let Shu Yin run the show this time, he figured that it would be for the best. That and less painful and less arguments in the heat in moment. As it was his blood eyes were focused and determined. His eyes shifted around the complex, he knew that there wouldn't be normal traps but he did see the motion sensors were down. Thank you to all the animals that were around at that moment. One of the residences of that city came to them earlier with plans to the house that he had stolen from the library. He didn't like the Carpone family so when he found out what this bunch of tall, mean looking Americans came walking down the street he made sure he helped them.

Shu Yin rolled out the blueprints and started quietly giving out orders. "Ox, you and Staples" Trowa smiled at Heero, who just rolled his eyes "cause a distraction. You two are really good at that. Do your Cheech and Chong for all I care, just get their eyes on you. Then when your done with that and the bodies" Heero whispered quickly "What does he think we're going to rape them?" Trowa replied "I'm only raping his sister..." then smacked his hand over his mouth, eyes wide open to see Heero getting an evil look on his face "I need you guys to head in the front door and start taking people out." "Rodger" Heero smiled as he responded. When he was off coms "He is going to kiiiiiiiiiill you." "There won't be a reason for him to as I won't tell him and you can't if your dead." They laughed and started a small riot in front of the Villa.

Adara turned as two guards came in with automatic guns, they were to keep her safe. She crossed her arms behind her and made a 2 sign with one hand and the sign language A with the other. "That's my sister. Jesus, I need you and Fox to take out that particular part of the house. The guy said its known for housing the wives. I figured you two would have no problem taking them down. The only other that would be into that would be Staple." They nodded and headed off. He gave out the other orders then executed his own plans. The pawns were in place, it was time to checkmate it all.

Trowa and Heero had NO problem taking the front, it wasn't that well guarded and they were scrambling to bring up the defenses, but it wasn't in time. Ox barreled through it like an ox in a china cabinet. Staple was busy with his specialty. Demolitions. He was the master at it, he seriously was. His original name was PyroMcGyver but that was too long so they were trying Staple. But he preferred to be called BOOMBOOM it was befitting. As it was he didn't care, he just cared that his a** didn't get shot, and that he got his babies in places.

Wu Fei and Duo slipped in the side of the house and went to check on the wives but was greeted by mama with a double barrel. It was almost funny because after the second shot it wouldn't fire and she was bitching that the gun was broken, that she was too much woman for it. They came out to say something but the wives started to throw high heeled shoes at them. They didn't have a problem taking the women down. Not one bit. "That totally reaffirmed my love for your p***s, Fei." Duo nodded to the small blush and they turned to leave only to hear a gunshot behind them. Stopping they looked at each other for a minute but finally Wu Fei slumped forward, dead from the shot. It was just in the leg but she somehow got the femoral artery, making him bleed out in no time. Duo didn't leave that room either as when he went back and made sure they were all dead, he was taken down violently by a sledge hammer. One of the guards came to their aid just a little too late.

Shu Yin wanted to go straight to his sister, but he couldn't, he had a job to do. He looked at the stairwell "I'll see you soon." he walked cautiously but quickly on, keeping his autorifle up and at aim ready to take down everyone in his way except his own boys. He vowed he was going to 'kill them all, let the gods sort it out' at this point. When the head of the Carpone family's daughter, age 5, came around the corner he shot her down. He wanted to wipe that name out of the history books. He doesn't need her growing up and coming after them when their older. Kicking her in some room he walked on. If they are going to ******** with his family, Shu Yin sure as s**t was going to let them feel the same pain.

Rounding the corner he grunted and went back to the safe side of it. With his back against the corner he looked at his arm, which had a nice chunk missing from it. Nothing TOO bad, just annoying. "Not again...." thinking of his face. Having enough he pulls a pineapple, getting it ready then sending it down the hall he cleared his path to move forward. He wanted the Don. The house was huge, and unfortunately winding so he was getting confused. Pulling a marker he started marking his way through, which was a good thing as he was doubling back on himself a few times. ******** Italians and their big houses. Just as he was about to go in another room a burning sensation swept his a**. "Oh hell no." He turned and saw the Don wobble/running off yelling at others to become his human meat shield. "You did not just shoot me in my a**." Okay he was seeing red now as he turned and started taking down the 'meat shield' along with heading after the fat coward.

Trowa's shoulder was broken as he took the sledgehammer's handle to it, somehow he got that part instead of the actual head. He was happy as when the guy backed up BoomBoom came up and fixed it. "Thanks." "Yep buy me time." As he kept working. They had most of the house done so it would just be one big fiery mess. Trowa raised his gun and pulled the trigger. CLICK! "should have known...that would have been way too easy." letting his gun slip from his shoulder he gripped it like a bat. "Come on b***h. Time for me to ******** you up." Trowa's eyes narrowed as he went running in as did the guy, both swinging their weapons, Trowa's lasted just enough to keep him from getting the hammer to the temple.

He leaned back, after it broke, just in time to smell something metallic on it. "s**t" "yes, that would be a guy with long brown hair's brains. the other is bled out." Heero faltered but kept working. Trowa didn't have time to shed a tear as Heero sent a com out "Men down, I repeat men down Fox and Jesus." the team scrambled to get them as Heero moved to the next room. "Don't speak English unless you know it Garlic Bread." Leaning back as the sledge went whizzing past his face a few more times. Finally catching it, Trowa pulled it away, but let it fly off instead of holding it. Going in it was a fight of brute strength that Trowa easily won. Standing up and walking away from a body with a splatter for a head he found Heero finishing his job. "Time to get the sister." "YES! I mean. Rodger." "There is something seriously wrong with you and Shu Yin is going to whoop your a**." as they ran up the stairs.

Adara heard some commotion outside her room and the guards turned to look. They didn't see the sister with a pure evil look in her eye as she moved silently towards them. When Trowa and Heero opened the French doors to her room they were greeted with two guards, eyes wide open looking shocked. "Uh...." they slumped onto their knees reveling Adara. She looked up to see one scarred man and one stapled man. When the two fell forward there were female heels stuck in the back of their skulls. "I knew I liked you." The one with the scar across his throat smiled at her "But your not allowed heels on our dates or wedding." Which made the two just take a double take to him. "What? I'm just that damn confident. Come on you," scooping her up and over his shoulder "Your brother wants to see you." Heero got on com again "The kitten is in the bag, we're heading out." All the tactical teams, rough neckers, and DEAs were all a bit confused on what the hell that meant but they figured they had the girl.

Shu Yin smiled as he was stuck in an office. Getting a stapler he stapled up his arm and a**. "I'm never living this down." he half assed smiled as he noticed something. After a bit of time doing something he headed out and was able to see a helicopter rising from the ground as Fat b*****d flipped him off with his pudgy finger. Shu Yin just smiled and waved which made him get a bit nervous but they headed off. "Never turn your back on me." With an evil smirk that rivals his sister's. He watched it turn and he raised his gun, he didn't know there was only one bullet left but it was all he needed. He aimed sharp shooter style and found the sweet spot.

"Good bye." squeezing the trigger, the mechanism in the gun moved making the pin hit the sensitive spot on the back of the bullet. The chain reaction made the gun powder ignited and a small explosion of power shot the bullet forward, the casing out and the gun back in a recoil. It all seemed to be in slow motion as Shu Yin barely even blinked from the recoil, sound and heat of it. The bullet was going at a beautiful spiral that rivaled every quarterback's best throw, the barrel was perfect for this shot. It whizzed through the air, Shu Yin could almost hear it spinning, flying and connecting with the metal belly, where it just so happens that the gas is being stored. But sure as s**t he heard it when the b***h exploded. Dropping the gun he saluted with his middle finger as if he was in the military. "Lets see you give me problems from now on." Turning and running in "Loser."

He grabbed up something and watched as everyone was scattering like a seventh grade fight that the teacher just showed up to. "s**t." Oh he made it out in time, but he did go flying with his bag, his a** hurting worse then before, hitting a tree.

When he woke everything was bright and white. "Man....I'm in hell...." As he was thinking he went to heaven. It was going to be too bright for him. However, looking over he saw his sister asleep in a chair, head on his fingertips. Slowly, without disturbing her he smiled as he pulled his hand free and petted her hair. It was the first time in his second lifetime that he was able to touch her. Her hair was silk, the curls did to him what they did so long ago, they wrapped around his hand as if they were claiming him for her territory. Squeezing his eyes shut tears streamed down his face as he was so happy she was safe. She was alive and he could make up for his 'failure'. He was able to protect her like he wanted to.

However, when he woke up he sniffed but his eyes were sharper then a hawk's at this point. His eyes were like eagles, zooming in on her left hand ring finger. "What the-" He didn't have time to comment as the team came in and was wishing him well. "Wait wait wait, what is up with my baby sister's hand?" Heero smile as Ox stepped up "I put it there, you got a problem with that?" He had puffed up, it kinda took Shu Yin off guard as he didn't think that whoever had done it would be that bold. He looked at the ring, it was freaken' huge as Trowa wanted to make sure that others would know that she was taken and to back off. Shu Yin looked back "I don't want her to marry into this, I don't want her worrying and a possibility that you won't come home." "Deal with it, I'm marrying your sister, I'm going to ******** your sister, I'm going to do everything in my power to make her happy one way or another. If you like it or not." "Does she even know she's engaged?" "No" "Didn't think so."

Shu Yin sighed, he was hurting too bad to fight right now but that was his sister. "Someone give me their gun so I can kill Trowa." Again Shu Yin was shocked by Ox. Ox pulled his own gun, took the safety off, cocked it and put it in Shu Yin's hand. "That is the only way your going to get rid of me, and same with her. The minute I saw your sister everything blurred out around her. She makes me weak and makes me want to get up and do right by her. She makes me want to go out and take down every bad guy in the world so she can be safe and do whatever she wants. So. If you or her wants me out of her life. There's my gun, I'll let you kill me as there is no other way."

The room was so tense as Shu Yin raised the gun, pointing it straight at Trowa's face. He searched Trowa's eyes, his very soul for even one drop of a lie. If that was so he would pull the trigger. However, he knew that Trowa wasn't lying, he was floored by the devotion. He knew Trowa wasn't playing around or kidding when he handed over the gun. At that moment, he was proud to have him as a future brother-in-law, as he knew his sister wouldn't throw this man away. Clicking the hammer down, but keeping it from firing he put the safety on and handed it back, grip to Trowa. "You hurt her, I'll kill you." But he knew he didn't have to say that. He just smiled at Trowa and they went on like it was an everyday occurrence.

Several months later Adara was watching TV on the couch with her husband's, Trowa, head in her lap his body resting peacefully, one leg on the top of the couch, one foot on the floor admiring what he was married to. He played with her cheek and hair smiling up at her. Shu Yin was sitting on the other side of the couch legs spread a bit, BoomBoom sitting between them throwing popcorn at the TV complaining that it was boring. Shu Yin just laughing as he played with his lover's hair. Adara looked down "Huh? What is it Trowa?" They had already buried their fallen, "Lets try to make a baby." which made Shu Yin stiffen, Heero was already heading for the door. "We can't have one, did you forget?" Adara furrowed her brows a bit "No I didn't forget, but that doesn't mean we can't try." "PEACE" The two boys were gone as they didn't want to hear the two making love.

Running off they could see the bedroom light turn off and just smiled. They headed home and had their own love session that night as well. Ever since the ordeal Trowa was good to his word, Adara never was harmed again and the criminals were on a serious decline after they got married. Heero helped Shu Yin with his butt problem which the two fell fast for each other. After his sister was safe and he could come out of hiding Shu Yin's anger disappeared, he had everything he needed in life, then Heero and him hooked up, what a bonus. From that moment on their lives, yes, had their spots, but very much flowed beautifully. Beer, pizza and the rugby games were their 'beer, pizza and sunday football'.

The hand stopped writing and the red eyes sparkled "I loved that memory." with a soft smile. "One of my favorites." Twisting the pen lightly to shut it he slipped it in his pocket and shut the book. "that should do, for now." getting up he walks off, only soft clicks of his nice shoes on the stone floor could be heard as he walks off.

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