Wow, I got popular. =) Lots of PM's, people are starting to recognize me... crazy! Thanks for all the comments in my journal, peoplez. I had no idea my signatures attracted attention. I mean, I don't even advertise that the my pictures are links to my journal. @w@
Oh, you noticed my avatar? Yeah. It's a zombie. How'd I do that? For those of you who missed it, you could change into a zombie for the Halloween event of '05. It was really fun, but it required you to post lots to be able to change! Anyhow, I planned on only keeping the zombie look till the novelty wore off, but it sort of never did. ._.;; I suppose my avatar reflects my conflicting personality... or something. One side of me is girlish, the other side loves death and destruction. Put them together and what do you get? Uh, possibly a zombie princess... thing. I'm going with a red, pink, maroon theme becuase of the color of the eyes. (Very important.) Also because I like those colors. =D
I hope to get rich in the future to really be able to pull off my avatar. But at the time of writing this, I don't really see many items I could be buying to pull off this look. So I may end up changing my color scheme or changing my style... or even... USING THE GREEN VIAL! *gasp* Fer srsly, I don't know. Only time will tell. I'm just in limbo right now as to where I'm going. I'll get there someday. I just don't know when. Or how. Or what "there" will look like. Maybe I'm there already?
Gaia calls me. I depart... *vanishes with a puff of smoke*
View User's Journal
Kaasen's Kewl and Krazy Journal
Just a log of stuff I've accomplished on Gaia, and sometimes used as a diary. Nothing special. ^^
THERE'S NO WHERE ELSE TO RUN[/color:8e024e5d36][/size:8e024e5d36]
[b:8e024e5d36]la tristesse durera[/b:8e024e5d36][/size:8e024e5d36][/color:8e024e5d36]
tough out here for a gurololi.[/size:8e024e5d36][/color:8e024e5d36]
THERE'S NO WHERE ELSE TO RUN[/color:8e024e5d36][/size:8e024e5d36]
[b:8e024e5d36]la tristesse durera[/b:8e024e5d36][/size:8e024e5d36][/color:8e024e5d36]
tough out here for a gurololi.[/size:8e024e5d36][/color:8e024e5d36]