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O.O i write about anything usually, but a lot of the time dream avis.
Tales of Lucifer (continued)
Table of Contents continued
Chapter 17: Restoring the Past For Good

Chapter 18: A Real Circus

Chapter 19: Sunakawa

Chapter 20: Heart Break

Chapter 21: Distorted Universe of Dreams

Chapter 22: Thorns on the Flowers

Chapter 23: Poison Truth

Chapter 24: Obvious Result

Chapter 25: Oz

Chapter 26: Threat

"What are these, Break?" "Snowflakes, Lucifer. Whenever rain water freezes in the atmosphere, it comes down frozen." A snowflake landed on her nose, making her sneeze. "Do they taste bad?" "No, not really. They melt in your mouth and turn to water, so whatever the water tasted like is what the snowflakes taste like." One snowflake landed on her lip, so she licked it up. "You're right.....there's not much of a taste." Both of them chuckled. "Are you cold, Lucifer?" he asked warmly. Probably because she was shivering he asked that. "S-sure, but let's keep going till we find shelter." For the next mile there wasn't much, besides leafless forest. Then Lucifer and Break came to a huge, bright red tent. In front of it was a sign labeled "Fukachi Circus". "I don't like this place.....it seems somewhat suspicious." "Lucifer, you're right. Something does seem wrong." Just then, a shock of pain went through Lucifer's body, making her go limp. Something also hit Break on the head, making him unconscious. There were voices, and Lucifer blanked out.

Chapter 18: A Real Circus

"What is that? A human?" "But it has horns.....or one and a half." "And it has a weird aura coming off it........like some monster." "I think she's almost awake." Lucifer's eyes shot open. Some people were talking about her. Or were they even human? Those voices sounded eerie, like other creatures unknown to the outside. When Lucifer looked up, she shrieked. In other cages were a variety of creatures, some small and some large, all of which weren't remotely human. One was a lion with another ram head and a snake for a tail; that was most likely a chimera. Another was a snake with black, shiny feathers. Some her parts of animals that Lucifer recognized, and some were just indescribable. Not looking at her, though, was a cat-like animal with no tail. It was holding it's legs, as though it were waiting for fate to kill it. "What are you looking at, huh," It partially muttered under its breath. Someone seemed human, at least. "E-excuse me, but did you see the person who accompanied me?" It stared at Lucifer for a moment, then looked back down. "No..............if he's human, though, you better safe him, quick. The non-humans they put in here and the humans they test on. In a lab, they mutate them. Some of the others here may as well be human, but changed. I don't know. We've been here so long........." said the creature solemnly. "Where is he?!?!" "This tent isn't that big, you can go find him yourself. Then again, there's no way you would get out of your cage." Calming herself down, Lucifer released her vectors and grabbed the bars of the cage. It was an easy task, destroying the cage. But many others started yelling at her, to free them. If they caused enough commotion, someone would come in. So quickly, she ran off to another room. There, two men with guns were standing there. Her vectors grabbed the men and threw them out of her way. Next room. This time, there were a group of people, probably five or six. The room smelled of many unfamiliar scents, most of which were coming from strange viles of liquid. In the corner of the room was Break on another table. The men froze, then took the viles and loaded then into what looked like guns. Their motive, obviously, was to tranquilize Lucifer. When they fired, Lucifer swiftly dodged the shots and ran towards Break. By then, she had to stop to pick him up. That was the wrong move. Something hit her, and she fell on Break. This time, her body just couldn't move, but she was conscious. Her body was put on a different table. "Nooo........." Someone stabbed her forehead, and her vectors couldn't come out. She wasn't about to give up that easily. Changing forms paralyzed wasn't easy, but somehow Lucifer did it. Now a wolf, she struggled. Suddenly, just like in her dream a few nights ago, hands started grabbing her. Oh no! This had better not have the same outcome! No matter how hard she struggled, she would not get free. One of the men took out a syringe and stabbed it into Break's arm, making him soon awaken. For a moment he just lied there, then soon got up. "Step.......away........from....................her............NOW!" A weird hat with a cape appeared behind him, and everything went blank for a moment, and the next second later, Lucifer was in the same room with Break on the floor. "BREAK!!!" she screeched. Putting her head to his chest, she listened for a heartbeat. Just slightly there was one; not too faint, but not too clear either. "We need to leave, now. Break, please, now is not the time to die!" Hollering somewhere made her serious. "Okay. Now. Come on....." Lucifer pushed up and down on his chest with her paws. "C'mon............we don't have time to waste! Crap, I'll have to carry you on my own." With her teeth, she swung Break onto her back and ran. Then again, I can't leave just quite yet. Those creatures should be freed, not locked up in such a vile place. As she hurried to the pens, someone blocked her path. Uh-oh, they had a whip. Now, Lucifer had never seen a whip, but had enough common sense to know that you don't want to be in the path of one. Hurriedly she dodged it, but the whip was fast enough to graze her. The mark oozed with blood, and hurt like.............oh, you know what I mean. For now, Lucifer couldn't carry Break anymore. While putting him down she got whip-lashed. She swore she heard something on her snap, and it sure felt like that. "Break please wake-" Once the whip cracked on her muzzle she fell to the ground in terrible pain.

Chapter 19: Sunakawa

Lucifer grunted when she opened her eyes. Those whip marks on her were bound to be scars. Yet again, she was in a cage, surrounded by unusual and terrifying creatures. Also, the cat-like creature was still present. However, she seemed to be in a more cheerful mood, humming to herself. Now seems like a better time to talk to her, Lucifer thought. "Excuse me again, uh.........." "The name's Sunakawa. And yes, I am a girl." "Oh, hello there. Yeah, as you can see, my little rescue mission failed. I tried, but whips hurt, you know." For a moment she fell silent. "Just a minute ago, what were you humming?" "It was a tune from my old home. The only thing that's from home." Sunakawa replied grimly. "I see. Where was your old home?" "I lived in the forest, with plenty of mushrooms. And what do they give me here? Grimy, filthy, rotten, contaminated human food! Hey, I'm serious you know!" Lucifer had begun to giggle, but just a bit. "I believe you, trust me. It's just..........well, nevermind. Did you have.....a.....significant other?" "No I didn't. Not like you and that other. But I did have very good friends." Lucifer blushed a little and apparently, Sunakawa noticed. "I have something I must tell you, and you won't like it." Looking up, Lucifer showed a confused countenance. "What exactly would that be about??" "It's about Break's feelings for you. What he planned is-" An awfully loud explosion interrupted her unexpectedly. A devilish, gruff yet feminine voice spoke. "Hm, weaklings. There's no way you'll cage me up like that." The voice was very nostalgic somehow. "You disgusting rats! I'll annihilate you all!" Finally, the dust cleared away to reveal a giant black rabbit with red eyes, wearing Alice's clothes. "Alice?!? You came!?!" Lucifer exclaimed. "And why not!? You and the clown were gone, so I came looking for you to do the dirty work of rescuing you." With her scythe she cut open the cage. "Well, hurry up! Reinforcements are probably coming!" "Wait! Where's Break? And we need to save all these others too!" "The clown's coming, and as for the rest of these creatures....................fine, but I need to hold off any more guys charging at me, OK?" "Sure, I'm on it!" She morphed into her wolf form and started running at the pursuers of Alice, ripping and attacking them one by one. Surprisingly, Alice was quickly and successfully freeing everyone in cages. The odds of winning were with Alice and Lucifer. Eventually, Alice and Lucifer were the only ones left. "Where's Break?!?! We can't leave without him!" "I know..........he should've gotten here by now." "BREAK!!!!! BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!! WE NEED TO GO!!!!" Thirty seconds later, and he still wasn't there. "Alice, I'm going to look for him. You go on ahead without me; I'll catch up when-" "Lucifer, Lucifer. I'm here. Let's go." Break just randomly appeared from the shadows. The three of them set off towards the Reinsworth mansion. "Don't worry; I think Miss Sharon will understand whats going on," Break had said when Lucifer questioned where they were heading. As they were passing through a forest, Lucifer halted. She turned towards a tree behind them. "Who's hiding there? I can smell you perfectly." Sunakawa came out from behind the tree. "Sunakawa.....? Oh, I'm sorry I left you behind! Do you need help getting back home?" "No, that's not it. I know how to get back; I just wanted to talk to you for a second before we part." "Sure, do you-" "I prefer our conversation to be private." She glanced at Break, then followed Sunakawa a few feet down the road. "What I am about to tell you, you cannot tell a soul. Do you understand?" "Does it concern anyone else but me?" "No, well, as I was saying earlier...........it's about how Break feels about you. I can read the emotions of others, you know. I am telling the truth, and this will be hard for you to believe, but Break is just using you. He is pretending to love you dearly, but he just needs your cooperation." Lucifer's mouth was gaping. "However, Lucifer, he has taken a great liking to you............he has begun to develop real feelings for you." Lucifer still seemed frozen with shock. "Has he.....really..been....faking it?" "There is a possibility, Lucifer. You are...........a unique being, and people will want to research you for your talents. Really, I have never seen a creature like you before." She collapsed on her knees. "So that's why, that's why he has seemed too perfect.......because he's not......this dream has all been a nightmare......." "Lucifer, this may not be the case. This is just what I am finding from him. Now, I think it is time for me to go." "Can you come visit me, Sunakawa?" "Sure sure. I do have a form of transportation. Come down here," Lucifer bent down so Sunakawa would whisper in her ear. "A dragon. You promise not to tell anyone?" "I promise. Farewell, good friend." "Farewell." Lucifer ran back to join Break and Alice. "Let's go."

Chapter 20: Heart Break

Alice regrouped with Oz and Gilbert, and they left to enjoy a lunch together. Lucifer, as Break had noticed, was exceptionally quiet. He motioned for her to come in a room, and locked the door. "Lucifer.........did Sunakawa say something to upset you?" He warmly asked. "Kinda, but I just..........just want to know the truth! Do you really..........really................really....." "Yes? What? Really what?" "Love me? Are you using me!? Do you just want me for research?!? Or is it that you pity me?!?" Break let out a long sigh, then replied. "That is how it was from the start. When I saw you, I thought perhaps you were a demon that ate humans, but then you didn't attack. I did pity you, so Lady Sharon and I took you in. It turned out that you weren't a demon, so while you were distracted by other things, we researched you. The way you acted towards humans, the way you understood things.....it all seemed so human, but later on we verified what would happen if you were angry or terrified, so I needed to treat with a high level of respect to get you to cooperate with us." It's just like Sunakawa said, exactly like she said. Lucifer thought. Fear swept over her like a fever. Now that I know.....will he kill me?! Will he treat me worse and hate me?! Warm tears ran down her cheek as he raced to the door. The door was extremely hard for wood, and locked it was impossible to open. Even so, Lucifer kept turning the handle. "It seems, however, that I have-" "STAY AWAY!!!!" She shoved him to the ground. "Listen to me for a second, please! I have developed a real feeling for you. Now I don't care anymore, what you are. I wish to bring you happiness." "It's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie!!!!" She was leaning against the door on her knees. "Also, I am near the end of my life." That was completely off topic. Shaking, she turned around to face him. "How are you? You're probably just trying to win back my respect!" "No, I am going to die soon. Unlike you, I am much older than I look. You are much younger than me, so you have quiet a while to live." "Why didn't you tell me this earlier...?" "I didn't want you to be sad." Before she could reply, he embraced her. "I want to spend my remaining time with you, so you can be happy while I am still alive." Her breathing slowed and she closed her eyes. His presence was relaxing, and Lucifer held him tighter. "I don't want you to die though......" Break smiled. "I'll stay alive for as long as I can, and don't worry; I won't abandon you so soon." "O....kay......" She replied, just about ready to fall asleep. "You have done much today; let's get some rest." He gracefully picked her up and set her down on a bed in the room, then rested right next to her. With sleepiness, Lucifer put his arm around her. In minutes they fell asleep.

Chapter 21: Distorted Universe of Dreams

As the lovers slept soundly, an unwanted man walked into the room. An evil grin swept across his face, with his yellow and red eye gleaming. The floor just so ever slightly creaked under his black boots, but not quite enough to wake the sleeping two. "Sleep soundly, Lucifer, for as long as you can," the man chuckled, using some type of dormouse creature to use a spell on Lucifer.

Break woke up like he usually did at 6:00 a.m. for work (being an investigator), and of course, Lucifer still slept in. Watching the rise and fall of her chest was comforting and calming, knowing at least someone was safe. When the clock struck 9:00 a.m., Break went to check up on her. She was still ever so soundly asleep. Oh well, I'll give her two more hours; that seems reasonable, he thought while observing her. Break silently slipped out of the room to return to work. At 11:00 a.m., he was surprised to find Lucifer still in bed. First he lightly shook her shoulder. "Lucifer, it's almost noon. You should be waking up about now." Lucifer didn't fret, or move, for that matter. It was as if she had died and gone far away, but that wasn't the case. "Lucifer, if you don't reply I'll tickle you 'till you can't breathe." No reply in any form came from her; therefore, Break tickled her, and was astonished that she didn't react at all. He put his head to her chest to listen for a pulse. Fortunately, her heartbeat was normal, but her frozen state wasn't. Exceptionally quickly, Break yelled, "LUCIFER ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" No reaction came, and Break soon began to panic. "Lucifer, where are you?"

Lucifer was startled awake by Break's voice, asking if she was alright. "I am, I am," she moaned. But when her eyes flew open, Lucifer was greeted by a weird looking setting with furniture and dolls floating all around her. What is this place..................? The ground was flooded with water about a foot high, and the sky was dark. "Someone, answer me! Where am I?" she screeched, her gray starlight eyes wide with worry. Where was there to go? How could she get back home? As questions flooded into her mind, the spot below her feet began to glow. Lucifer stepped off to the side, and where her feet were there were two glowing footprints. Lucifer watched in awe as they began to walk, just like real feet, and multiplied to form a path. Silently, she followed the path as though the footprints were the leader and she was the scout. They seemed to go on forever. On her little "hike" with the footprints, she spotted odd things floating about that seemed to belong to a toy chest. I know this definitely isn't meant to be my dream world........ Lucifer realized with a shock. Finally after about 20 minutes, the footprints stopped at a lake, glazed with light, like a crystal cavern. Gazing into it, Lucifer gasped. A girl with brown hair that looked like a clone of Lucifer gazed back. However, the female reflection wasn't exactly a "girl", she was more of a full grown woman. "Do you know..........anything about this place?" Lucifer fearfully asked her. "The child of your child shall bring destruction to all living," the maiden replied. "And do not lose yourself in pleasures that seem too real to be true." "Wait!!!!! How does that work?!!?" This was easily stressing Lucifer. The image faded into the water, while another one appeared, also with brunette hair. "Toboe!!!!!!" "LUCY!?!? Are you there?!?" "I woke up to Break's voice, but.......ended up here.............." "I know how you feel Lucifer, but Waka sent me here. He had a vision of you being lost, and asked me to help you instead of him." "Yeah, really, right now, it would be weird to see my father." "I understand. Lucy, in order to get out of here, you need the Ake flower. There is only one way to obtain it; go through the road of thorns and across the ledge of poison." "That sounds corny. I have to believe that?" "Yes, it's too bad, you do."

Chapter 22: Thorns on the Flowers

After Lucifer and Toboe said their good-byes through the lake, the footprints started appearing again. This time, they led to a road of many white roses. Lucifer was very hesitant about passing through the path because it gave off a threatening aura. She also wasn't sure if this was even a road at all; roses grew everywhere, making the ground look like a field. Just so Lucifer could protect herself, she went into wolf form. After taking a good sniff at the flowers she took her first step into them, almost immediately pulling back. Her paw was drenched in blood. It was her blood. Yet again she observed the roses, seeking what caused her wound. Of course, thorns! All roses have thorns. "Why are they that sharp?" Lucifer said out loud. "That is all the hate you have gathered up from the years," an eerie voice replied. I know that voice! Still, I don't know if I remember the person...... "Who are you? Where are you?" As her fear grew, the roses started to wilt. "What's going on!??!" "This place is a reflection of your heart. Did you not know?" Now the roses were dry and dead. "For crying out loud just show yourself!!!!!" Out of the roses came an exact copy of Lucifer with gray hair. "Why so startled? This is your dream." Then it hit her. All of this, everything in this ugly, dreadful land could go away. Dreams are all imagination. Even her meeting with Toboe was imagined. Or was it? "I am quite busy; this conversation needs to end quick, sorry to say." "I am quite busy; this conversation needs to end quick, sorry to say." The duplicate repeated. "Don't mock me!!" "Don't mock me!!" It teased back. "Go away!" Having had enough, Lucifer jumped on it. The ghostly figure just faded to nothingness, making the wolf fall into the rose bed. This is my dream...it won't hurt...it won't hurt... She reminded herself. Instead she fell onto a ledge, almost falling off. Down below, brambles gathered like piercing spikes. The road of thorns couldn't be that easy to get away from. This couldn't already be the ledge of poison. Was this another obstacle? The only direction to go was forward. Getting to the other ledge was an easy jump. If she fell, nothing would happen. This was only a dream. Just before jumping, a strong force shoved her backwards. Her body crashed into a rock behind her, winding her. What in the world could that have been? Lucifer gasped in shock at what stood in front of her. There was a little girl with white hair. Not just any girl........but the Lucifer as a younger child, crying bloody tears. "Don't go!!!! Stay back!!! The Will of the Abyss will catch you! When she catches you.......when she catches you.............." Young Lucifer looked down darkly. ".......she will rip you apart, limb by limb. You have defied her goal, and you held back. You could have killed him. All of them. Have you forgotten?" When the innocent, vulnerable little child looked back up at the real Lucifer, she glared a red-eyed stare. The real Lucifer answered, "Who is the Will of the Abyss?" then let out a shriek of terror when she saw the changed form of the girl. "At first, she thought you had potential. Unfortunately, just like the rest, you have turned out to be a defective doll, a pawn. Her efforts to control you were useless, and just like the rest as well, you decided to live your own life. What a disgraceful Chain." As if she snapped a string with scissors, Lucifer looked at her. "WHAT!? A CHAIN!? I AM NO CHAIN!!!" This evil girl tried to stifle back a laugh. "Of course you are!! You were born in the Abyss!!! As to how you got out was no mystery. Obviously, the Will of the Abyss, the creator of the Abyss itself, released you into the human world. No, that's not right. The world with light. The world with light has humans as well as other species. No one owns it." By now, she was cracking up. "Shut up. You're really annoying." Lucifer lept onto her and bit her head off with devilish fangs. "I don't want to hear another word from you, stupid filth."

Chapter 23: Poison Truth

Strutting towards the ledge in her wolf form, Lucifer gave the air a decent sniff. There wasn't a trace of anything that could be potentially dangerous; however, as soon as Lucifer thought of the idea, a purple fog began to rise from the ledge. Lucifer could already feel it's effect before it came in sight. The scent was gave off such an odor that it made Lucifer gag and suffocate. She had to hurry across the ledge before the fog killed her, but the stench was so intense she collapsed to the ground in a heap. Even being a wolf didn't aid her. Closing her eyes, the realm began to dissipate, and Lucifer's mind was the only thing she could feel. Have I finally woken up? A glimmer of hope shined in her conscious. Instead of waking, a woman approached, who had gleaming chalky hair identical to Lucifer's and wolf ears on her head along with a lupine tail. Her attire consisted of long pearly robes outlined in red, and her face included many crimson lines. In a soothing voice, she uttered, "My dear, do not focus on obstructions, but only your goal." Lucifer knew what her goal was....to escape. The fog is slowly killing me. She replied through her thoughts. "Think nothing of it. Focus on your goal and all will be clear!" Jolting back into the dream world, Lucifer hurriedly thought of her next actions. I will get the Ake Flower! It may be the only means of withdrawal from this horror! Abruptly, her senses returned. This time, she could control her body, making herself leap to the other ledge side. Forward was the only direction logical. Paws raced against the ground, aiming for a decent end to the journey. At least, for the Ake Flower. Whispers suddenly rang in her ears, possibly of warning. What kind of foreboding were they speaking of? The voices were too inaudible to comprehend. Without notice a heavy force landed on Lucifer's furry back, winding her yet again. A red Oni (japanese demon) with frighteningly sharp horns roared in victory. For any battle, this was the perfect time to launch an attack, which Lucifer just so wonderfully did, spinning out of the Oni's grasp and landing a grand chomp on its shoulder. Yowling from the wound, the Oni desperately tried to shake its opponent free. Noticing the enemy was failing miserably, Lucifer released her maw only to snap back again on a more vital spot: the neck. Now the Oni plummeted to the ground, Lucifer still on the neck. For a finale, she twisted its throat to hear a reassuring snap. Watching in awe, she saw the Oni disperse in a flurry of flower petals. They too dispersed, leaving only a single flower in their wake. The creamy flower had a garnet center. Could this be the Ake Flower? At least it gave off a comforting aura. It was so comforting that Lucifer silently and sleepily shut her eyes.

Chapter 24: Obvious Result

A light brighter than any star practically blinded Lucifer as her eyes fluttered open. The scenery around her, as she came to realize, was much different than the one she remembered falling asleep in. All around her there were white walls, where all of them seemed alike. Was there even an entrance? How could anyone enter here? She sighed with relief when she saw something door-like open from the wall across from her and the bed she resided in. A woman in a nurse dress with blond hair sat down in a chair conveniently next to Lucifer. "Hello, Miss. Do not fret about your location. Lady Reinsworth arranged your stay here. If there is anything you need, feel free to contact me." Her finger pointed out a small button on the side of the bed. Curtly, Lucifer replied, "Thank you, Ma'am. May I speak to any of the Reinsworths?" The nurse's merry smile slightly faded. "I am sorry, but they aren't in this same location. I do believe, however, that Lady Reinsworth also arranged one of her servants to check up on you. He will be arriving shortly. Anything else?" Did she mean Break? Lucifer guessed so, and concluded the conversation. "No thank you. That is all. Farewell." Nodding politely, the nurse got up and exited through the hidden door. As it shut, Lucifer heard a definite "click". Was that a lock? This had to be investigated, so the lupine girl approached the door and attempted to shove it open like the woman. With all her effort, nothing happened. That seemed suspicious; why did she need to be locked up? Lucifer rested her head against the door, and her eyes widened as she suddenly heard a childish yell. "I want my sister!!!" Another, more mature feminine voice followed. "Now now sweetie, we will eventually find her." "NO! I WANT MY SISTER NOW!!!!" This girl sounded like a spoiled brat, but even so, 'apparently' loosing your sibling would be troubling. There was a slamming noise, like something or someone was thrown into a wall. Someone let out a loud moan. Footsteps echoed through the halls as more people came. "Let go of me!!!! LET GO!!!!" Poor girl. She sounded so desperate to find her sister and so irritated that others were in her way. A door slammed shut, then silence. Where am I really? What kind of place would allow a girl like that? New questions began to invade Lucifer's mind. The only place that would suit her is an insane asylum. This place seems innocent. Is it really an insane asylum? I'm not insane though. The last sentence that went through her mind rang out several times. After reminiscing about the past events that changed her life, Lucifer started to put two and two together, which caused her to unexpectedly burst out laughing. I almost murdered those around me that I cherish! Of course I'm insane!!!! I'm positive that is what I have proven myself to be! The reason I'm here......the reason I'm staying here forever....is because I am insane! By now Lucifer was cracking up. Why didn't I realize this before!?!?
"Miss, is everything alright?" Being oblivious of the nurse, Lucifer turned around. "Why, if you're insane, it never is right? I mean really, isn't this an insane asylum?" There was a pause, as if the nurse was debating her next choice of words. "Well.....that isn't what we like to be called....but the people here find out anyway. I am not supposed to share this with you, though." She put a finger to her lips. "Don't worry, we treat all of our patients with kindness. Oh! I almost forgot; you have a visitor." "It's him, isn't it? The one you told me about earlier?" "Correct. Do you wish to see him?" Lucifer's countenance darkened as she mumbled, "I would rather not. Maybe tomorrow, though." "Alright Miss, would you like me to inform him that now isn't a good time?" To show agreement, she nodded and the nurse left the room. As if things couldn't get any worse, a shower of sparkles appeared in the middle of the room and with it Waka. "OH.MY.GOD.WHATAREYOUDOINGHERE?!DOYOUKNOWIMNOTACCEPTINGVISITORS?!?!?" The blond haired man turned around in surprise.
"Oh ma cherie I just wanted to check up on you...."
"Ok ok I'll leave!"
Just as quickly as he appeared, he vanished. "Thank goodness..I just want to be left alone!"

Chapter 25: Oz

With no clocks in the room, Lucifer didn't know when day and night was, so she just slept when she was tired. If she was hungry, Lucifer hit the switch on the side of the bed, and the nurse would come in to ask what she wanted. Life actually seemed better here; the only disappointment was when she had to take the drugs to "calm herself" as employees would say. Shots never were on Lucifer's list of fun things; she had had horrible past experiences with them, like at the circus. However, just the feel of the sting on her skin wasn't the worst part-they often made her nauseous. Sometimes it even felt like there was something inside of her, something living. Perhaps there was. This asylum was full of weird surprises. On her second day, another visitor came. "This is someone else; a boy who looks about 15. He wishes to make sure you are well," was what the nurse employee said. As far as Lucifer could remember, she hadn't met any teenage boys, so she allowed the visitor. It was a boy with blond hair to his ears, and Lucifer swore she had seen him somewhere.
"Hello, sir, you are-"
"It's me, Oz. Do you remember?"
"Oz! Weren't you at the thanksgiving dinner?"
"Yes, I was, and I asked Alice to come rescue you from the circus."
Memories flowed back into her brain, with Alice and that circus.
"Now I do! I do remember, Oz. So do you now why I'm here?"
"Break told me. He also included that he needed info- no, that he wanted to make sure you were okay somehow." Suspicion flared up inside of Lucifer. Break needed information on her? She knew he was just studying her, all she was was an experiment. "I highly doubt that," she replied flatly. Shocked, Oz said, "Well, at least I care. I know you truly aren't insane. Even if you are, soon everyone will see you're not." Honestly, Lucifer muttered, "Thank you Oz. That really is touching to me. No one else cares like that." A small chuckle escaped Oz's lips. "No problem! If you need anyone to talk to, you can just ask me." "That sounds like a deal! See you, Oz." "Bye, Lucifer." Oz left the room, but forgot to lock the door. Did he do that deliberately? Now could be the chance to investigate! Looking out the door, Lucifer saw no one in site, so she quietly crept out. She froze when she heard a familiar voice.

Chapter 26: Threat
"Sister? Are you sis?" The little girl Lucifer heard yesterday had an appearance very different from what she guessed. This child has scraggly blond hair down to her shoulders with a long ponytail hanging out the side. Her hair was held in a white bonnet, and her vampire-like eyes stared right through Lucifer. "Can we play? Those scary people are gone now." Almost shrieking with horror, Lucifer stared at the child's white night gown, drenched in a red substance that also dripped from her hands and mouth. Trying to sound like a mother, she asked, "H-honey, what is that on your dress?" With a maniacal laugh, she replied, "That's the red tea from the scary people!" What "red tea was, Lucifer had no idea. She didn't even want to know. "Where are they now, sweetie?" "They went BOOM!"

*disclaimer: the only characters i actually own are Lucifer, the other Lucifer, and Sunakawa. Fai is owned by the makers of tsubasa reservoir chronicles, alice, oz, gilbert, break, sharon, echo, vincent, and oscar are all owned by the makers of pandora hearts, waka and amaterasu are owned by the makers of the game okami. the diclonius breed is owned by the makers of the anime elfen lied.

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