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History::Documented history does not mark the beginning of the species. History begins about the time that a small city is established. The first city established is what is today known as the hunting capital Mogatil. Mogatil was established for its location among the summer migration of the mammoth herd’s. Here scribes began writing down a rough history of the small population. The people were still tribal in nature and occasionally explored the mountains above the plains. Treks dabbled in farming mastering grain quickly in the fertile soil of the plains. Trekan history takes a very dramatic change upon the accidental discovery of metal ore. The treks had become moderately skilled in using tools made of stone so they allowed their curiosity to get the best of them and they used the stone tools to capture a sample of the strong metal. The first years were tentative attempts at retrieving the ore many resulting in injuries but a suitable process was discovered after heating the metal into a liquid, an intuitive trekan created a durable mold ((believed to held in the capital building unconfirmed rumor)) and created a primitive weapon. With this discovery a city was made up in the mountains over time with the assistance of metal tools to speed up the process. The discovery of metal caused an exponential growth in population and culture. This advance brought on a whole string of mining achievements, such as the deep tunnel mine and the mine cart. As the city grew and the mines sprawled through the mountain creating an elaborate tunnel system, a new substance was found. Zun was discovered in the earth after a pocket was hit and killed several miners. The population mourned their death but reveled in the glory of finding the new powder. As with all science, there were many injuries trying to perfect a technique to using it safely because even moving it too suddenly would cause friction to build up along the dense crystals and ignite the explosive powder. Scientists discovered that mixing the powder with water would make a mud that would stick to wall and was slightly less volatile. The sticky mud could be placed on cave walls and then detonated remotely with a crossbow slug or some other jarring motion. This material allowed them to mine more effieciently and construct the city even further. By this time the growing city of Icaron had far surpassed the city of Mogatil in both population and in size. Mogatil was not shut down however. The hunters refused to leave so they were given reign over the city and it was to become the hunters base of operations. The treks are aware of most of the species on the planet but choose to remain isolated from them. Once they retreated to the mountain tops, they were almost completely isolated. Their isolation grew into habbit and they became very dependent on each other for survival. Around the fifth year of Icaron being the main city a drought struck Mogatils crops making everyone fear a famine. Luckily the hunt was plentiful that year and the people lived through the event. From that time they deciede a second farming community was needed. Hidden in the mountains is a small valley. This valley was found to have very rich soil so the trekans made a small community there. This community has little chance of drought because snow from the mountains melts and runs into the valley. The running water creates a large waterfall that quickly became a special site. In the years of the Trekans there was no need for a full military because of the isolation. The fighting was left to the skilled warriors known as the hunters.

Native name(s)::The Trekan natives names reflect the cultures pride and honor. The names consist of a first name, a last name, and a Title name that is later earned in life. A Trek must bring honor to the family name, and they do this literally. The last name is the Family name, and in this example we shall use the name Hawk. All family names come from the names of birds, and the family will even wear, or pierce the feathers of their family bird to show respect for the family name. First names derive from anagrams or onomatopoeias based off the family name. So for this example, we will use a Anagram of Hawk and name him Kawh. When spoken to, normally you say the whole name of the trek, in this case, Kawh Hawk. The uniqueness of the Trekan name is the title that can be earned, and why its earned. Lets Say Kawh Hawk is a scout for the military, and is said to have great vision. Kawh Hawk becomes so well known for his great vision, that people grant him the title, Kawh Hawk ‘the Watcher’. This Is ‘title’ giving amoungst the Treks is unique for it reflects their since of pride, but also shows how they give credit, where credit is do. Now this title is not just an honor for Kawh Hawk the Watcher, but its also an Honor to the Family. For when Kawh Hawk the Watcher has a son, or daughter, they will inherit the title to their family name. This means Kawh’s son or daughters family name will become ‘Watcherhawk’, ‘HawkWatcher’, Or any combination of the words without losing the structure of the word or its meaning. Now another plus to having a parent who earned themselves a title, is that the Childs first name can be a anagram of the Parents title and family name. Lets say Kawk Hawk the Watcher has both a son and daughter, naming the son ‘Kart HawkWatcher’ and the daughter ‘Creth HawkWatcher.’ For this Prideful title to names to have its full potential to being an honor, their must be thus who don’t earn the honor. Lets say Kart HawkWatcher becomes the village idiot, and quickly earns himself the title ‘Kart HawkWatcher ‘the Fool’’. He has disgraced his family name, and weather he likes it or not, his son or daughter will be known as “Hawkfool,” or “FoolHawk” or a variation of the words. Lets also say Creth never earns a title of any kind. Her children don’t inherit their Grandfather Kawh’s title, instead the loose the title. Returning the family name to just “Hawk”

Personality:: Trekans are an adventuresome people always search for new thrills. This hunger for adventure was what evolved them into the winged creatures they are today. Trekans have always stayed in large groups due to their predominantly social nature. Trekans don’t like being alone and they enjoy contact with other Trekans. Friendships between Trekans form at an early age. Friendships are even stronger when the two or sometimes three go through all the rights of passage which will be explained in the culture section. The bond between best friends is stronger even than love for most of their life. Best friends usually stay close to each other even after a family is formed. Trekans stand at a closer range from other races. Many races would say they have a personal space problem, but to them it is natural. One EXCEPTION to the rule is contact with other races. Treks would stand close as they usually do but they would not be overly touchy with the new person. A handshake would be the extent of the greetings.
Trekans are proud people and enjoy good competition. Many times young trekans try stunts and contests to prove themselves as the best. The completions range from aerial flips to riding a snowboard like device down the snow of the mountain.
Trekans are usually happy and passive but occasionally something is done or said to offend them. The treks take offense easily and retaliate when they feel they have been mentally hurt. While they are easily provoked, the treks don’t hold grudges and many are forgotten within a few hours. The trekans make jokes about each other in good fun but sometimes the victim takes it too serious and takes it to heart. Most trekans are sore losers but not in the way you would think. Instead of complaining that the winner cheated, they make it their goal to become better.

Age::Trekans live a long life span which on average is about 90 years with the oldest being 115.

Physical appearance:: Trekans are typically slender and tall with well built legs to allow them to jump. These creatures stand at an average height of 5’9” with the tallest of them standing at 6’2”. Their faces are sharp with long ears and muscular necks. The eyes resemble eyes of hawks and other birds of prey. Their hair is usually a light color either blonde or light brown. Eye color ranges from blue to green with a bird like quality to them. There is virtually no white in their eyes and the small amount there is undectable. The eyes are fully colored with a small ring of yellow around the Iris. Trekans have “wings” on their back. These wings are made of a fleshy skin like substance that easily tears but quickly repairs itself. These wings are usually decorated with peircings and fake feathers. Design Scaring and Branding adorn the bodies across the arms and chest, with some rock dyes. Trekans have human anatomy but lungs are able to take in less oxygen without feeling the effects of hypoxia (oxygen deprivation).

Physical Abilities:: Trekans are able to leap high distances into the air and the wings on their back catch the wind allowing them to glide for long distances. Trekans have a mastery of chain weapons and are able to wield weapons that would kill others. These beings can also cling to surfaces for a short time allowing them tactical positioning. Trekans also have the ability to zoom in their vision, and focus on one thing at a very far away distance. The disadvantage to this is when they focus on one thing, they will lose focus on everything else.

No supernatural abilities

Cloths::Trekans prefer to wear light clothing that is loose in places but not so baggy it gets in the way. The pants fit well to the waist and they are tight around the ankles. The men wear a sleeveless vest in the summer and the women wear a light tunic. In the winter both sexes wear long sleeves and thicker pants. Most Trekans wear scarves in the colder months covering most of their face starting the wrapping under the chin and covering the nose. Trekans also have goggles but many choose not to wear them. If they are not on their eyes, then the goggles are draped around the neck. Trekans also favor hoods to protect their ears. In the winter to prevent over exposure to cold the treks make coats out of the fur of the animals killed that season. Coats are dyed and then marked with the symbol of the Treks. Treks have a special goggle that protects their sensitive eyes from the sun. These goggles are not required but many choose to wear them because of the brightness especially in the winter. Since the Treks have a lot of access to golds, silvers, other metals, and gems, the fashion mimics there resource. Alot of the cloths and jewlery have a Gem, gold, and silver aspect to it. They also love having Chain like jewelery.

Region:: Trekans migrated to the mountains on Endune where they settled in the cavernous mountain tops. They also live on the plains in the warmer months to hunt for game. Trekans grow food in one of the valleys near the city of Icaron.

Cuisine:: Trekans are picky eaters but the meals they do eat are wholesome and flavorful. The discovery of Salin, a spice that grows on the rocky terrain of the mountains, revolutionized the culinary style of the Treks. Salin has a very spicy taste and is used as one of the exports of the Trek nation. One of their favorite dish is a curry dish without rice as it cannot grow in the soil they have. Instead of rice they use thin the curry and make it a stew. Trekan diet focuses on soups and stews with emphasis on breads. Meals bring families together making everyone take time out of their day to be closer to each other. Trekans also eat wraps and other ffoods with a breaded outer shell. Vegetables are scarce but the ones available are potatoes and carots. These are usually incorporated into things like mixes. Chefs place these mixes into a thick spice bread served with cheese. Trekans drink various Beers seeing how it’s the only other type of drink other than water that can be made in the mountains. Most of the times the drink is prevented from fermenting but on rare occasions they allow it. Cocao beans grow in the valley and they are harvested and brought to the city. With these they make several culinary items such as cookies and brownies. These are not an everyday thing but they make up a large portion of the sweet portion of the cuisine.
Resources::The mountains harbor a multitude of resources. The main one is extensive metal deposits located near the city. A small farm community is located near the city in which grains grow at high levels and vegetables grow at a low rate. Cocao plants grow at the foot of the mountain. Salin grows everywhere as a red flowering plant rootng itself in the rocks. Trekans also take advantage of a substance known to them as Zun. Zun is a highly combustible material used for mining. Zun was discovered in the early mines and society was adapted to implement it for use of mining. Zun is an orange powder that when mixed with water creates a sticky paste that adheres to surfaces. When combined with flame zun produces a powerful explosion capable of breaking rocks. The metal deposits have allowed the Trekans to become very skilled in mettalurgy.

Professions (Army/citizens) ::Army is comprised of hunters wearing a light armor that does not restrict movement. There are three type of hunters. Stalkers, Trappers, and Slayers. Each are very skilled in there own profession, and the titles speak for themselves. The Stalker, during a hunt, will follow the Migrating heard. They are great trackers, and typically have the best eyesight and will keep their distance but never loose their target. Eventually the Stalker will attack one of the animals to slow down the heard. Next is the Trappers. These are the people who sent up all the equipment and are on standby with weapons that will stop and contain the target. Finally it ends with the slayers. They are the ones in most danger, and all attack the creature in a deadly strike. All soldiers carry at least three weapons one of which is a heavy mace with a long iron chain. The army wears black uniform with short hair for highest visibility. Helmets do not block peripheral vision but resemble an owls ears at the back. Archers carry a crossbow with a number of bolts in pouches. Their long distance vision allows them to hit targets from far away. Longbows are very rarely used due to their immobility on the battlefield but the few who use it are deadly accurate.
Citizens: Miners-miners carry pickaxes and small amounts of Zun with the heavy demolition left to a specialized demo team.
Bakers/Chefs: produce many of the culinary items for the society work closely with the farmers
Farmers: Grow the food for the civilization
Teachers: educate the youth of the society. Marked by a yellow band around their arms.

Weapons:: Most weapons are linked to a long metal chain with a sharp edge on the end. Examples of these weapons would be chain scythes and mace. Other weapons would be whips both rope and chain. Most treks are proficient in the proper use of the bola weapon. All weapons are made to allow the Trek to fight at a distance. They maneuver away or above the opponent, and still fight at a safe distance. Weapons like boomerangs and the various chain weapons, but occasionally the Trek might get close to the opponent and have to use a rapier blade. Many of the weapons they use are traps with simple gears and mechanics to trap extremely large animals. Crossbows are also commonly used among the hunters. Civilians have no need to carry weapons other than small bolas and a few chords of rope. A main trap is a rope trap sprung when the pin is released. The effect of the rope trap varies, it could either circle the feet and cause the animal to trip or it could drop something heavy to stun and or kill the animal. Trekans never use their weapons on an animal they don’t need because they do not want to harm their food supply. Instead they practice on straw dummies. Weapons are all made with a eternal knot pattern involved in the craftsmenship. All bladed weapons are kept extremely sharp and clean because the treks take good care of their tools. Even though the weapons are very different, the hunters work as a skilled team. Each knows the funciont of their weapon and how to benefit the team with its use.

Pets (mounts)::Trekans keep small song birds as pets with the occasional falcon or hawk. Birds do not fly away from Treks instead they have a mutual respect as air travelers. Some Oxen are used to carry heavy cargo to the mountain, but they wont go all the way. Treks rely a lot on lifts they invented to carry things up and down the mountain. Some birds Treks have tamed to be massagers to, and the type of bird depends on the tamer.

Religion:: Trekans respect many birds as demigods but the main god is a great horned owl that resides on top of the mountain. The owl’s name is Aelerus. Aelerus is known as the god of wisdom. He has slept for thousands of years unmoved the first time he spoke was supposedly to teach the first Trekan to fly. The voice resonated through the minds of the listeners in a tone that is as if they had been close friends for a life time.
Culture:: Trekans have many festivals many of which are more than one day of celebration. The primary festival is the Festival of the Hunt performed in the spring before the hunters depart the city. This festival contains many days of feasting and amusement. Hunters amuse people with the hunting dance where some dress up as a mammoth and others “hunt” it. During this festival, the use of alcohol is prevalent in the older ones. This festival lasts for five days with the third day being a big event. Young children go through their first right of passage at the age of four. Before the festival begins they are brought to a point on the mountain and they meditate. On the third day of they leave the small shrine and go to the point. The monks tie ribbons around the younglings that are adorned with a prayer. After the prayer is attached to all limbs they stand at the point and are pushed. The young ones glide in front of the city and land safely. This day of the Hunting festival is all about bringing the new children into the community. After their flight they are prepared their favorite meals and given Gifts. The fifth and final day of the Hunting festival is dedicated to the safety and success of the hunters. The hunters are presented to the people and a blessing is said over them by the monks. After the prayer, the hunters shout their chants and battle crys and depart in a caravan to the city of Mogatil to begin planning for the autumns hunt.
When the hunters return in the winter there is big celebration as the hunters march around the city after a successful season. A week after the return another community event takes place. This event is called the Ascencion. This festival is to commerate the greatest trek who ascended the mountain without the help of wings and came to the current location of the shrine. It is believed that Aelerus noted his efforts and devotion and rewarded him with wings. He returned there after a year and built a shrine there to the great owl god. Each year at the brink of winter two monks descend for the annual spectacle. Several strong treks come forth to attempt the same passage that the great Trek made. To hinder the treks like the original, heavy weights are attached to all limbs and wings. Weights are unbreakable so cheating is not possible. People volunteer for this event to show off. Most think it’s a game and they feel it’s a fun game and drop out early before the true hardship begins. Some treks are motivated to make it to the top and push themselves but never make it to the top. Even volunteering for the climb is a very honorable thing. Before the climbers depart a ceremony is performed where the weights are placed on them. The names are then written on their weights. Success is not expected but if ones make it up, they place their weights on the alter and meditate for several days. Before the departure, the monks paint their face with a temporary paint and tattoo them to mark the success. The face paint lasts a few weeks but the tattoo on the right arm lasts forever.
Since Trekans are social beings, dating happens casually. Couples form and the two young ones try minor things to see what they like in a mate. Trekan couples are usually male and female with exceptions. If a boy and girl grow up together and become best friends they may stay together for their entire life time. Once a trek finds a suitable mate, they stay together. Love is a factor in deciding a mate. Trekan marriage customs include a time for the couple being separated before the ceremony then they are reunited at the ceremony. Family and friends attend these. A small silver band is worn around married Treks right ring finger.
Sciences/inventions ::Trekans revolutionized mining with the discovery of the deep tunnel mine. The recent discovery of Zun has also increased the efficiency. The trekans have also mastered the metal link chain extending the reach and strength for weapon uses. Along with the lifts and pullies invented Trekans have also created a gliding vehicle that is able to hold large amounts of cargo. These gliders are similar in design to Da Vinci’s glider but much larger in size with many cables and ropes for hauling equipment.


City description :: Icaron is a city built into the rocks of the mountain. Rope bridges connect building and gliders contiuously fly through the air. The “bottom” is where the commerce of Icaron happens. Vendors and merchants set up shop here selling food and trinkets and toys for the youths. The buildings are made of stone, but the beds hung from pillars, with netting like hammocks, and soft fabrics and many pillows laid inside. High above Icaron rests the great owl Aelerus undisturbed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In the center of the city is the capital building. This building is shaped differently from other buildings as it has an aviary inside for the people to admire the birds in their natural habitat. From the city, one can see the flags of Mogatil.
Mogatil is a less permanent city with many of the building consisting of strong durable tents. The city is adorned with many flags to alert others it is still Trek territory. The flag is a blue background with a black owls outline with white eyes. The flags come in different shapes some triangular and some rectangular. Like Icaron, there is a capital building but it is nowhere as splendid. This building is for the hunting captains and Commanders to plot out the seasons kills. Mogatil always has a constant flow of people coming in and coming out because hunters come and go in large parties of at least thirty.

Law:: Laws are written in the Book of the Skies. Original document is kept locked in the capital building but its contents are no secret. There is also the second draft in Mogatil. Trekan society is comprised of a senate with the leader being elected by the senate. Hunting leaders have to earn their title through five seasons of successful hunting so many of the commanders are older than the rest. Criminal matters are handled through the senate and punishment is decided based on ruling of senate in full for extreme offences. Treason is punishable by death.

• Medium size.
• Drifters blood: +2 to initiative.
Ration: Cuts food need in half.

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