Care to tell me the fairness in this?
My friend who rarely gets to visit, since she lives far away now, comes over this weekend, the mother should...
A. Make the younger brother spend the night at his friend's house
B. Keep going like everything is normal
C. Give them alchol, weed, and play quaters with her son and 3 other minors that are complete jerks and end every sentence with: "your mom" "f*****t" "gay", and so forth while said friends are still spending the night and the one visiting is becoming uncomfortable b/c of said kids and mothers actions, and they spend the entire night being loud and drunk
If you choose A or B, congrats you live in a somewhat good household
If you choose C, then you mom is a stupid slut who only does what people tell her to do and will only do it in front of them...
(In case your wondering I choose C)
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My personal thoughts of who should never have been born, who i need to kill, and my current mode of the day, congrats, you now know more then most people do!!
Contains: violence, mild cussing, and so forth, don't like don't read
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