OK,so Saturday was pretty effing awesome.I saw a few friends from outta town.(<< >> wink We went shopping.During our shopping trip,we decided to take a ride on some shopping carts.My...my uh 'friend' ran into a display of mini muffins and there were like 50 mini muffin packets EVERYWHERE!It was so hilarious!Then we danced to Drop It Low on a friends ipod....GOODDD TIMMESSS~

OK,so Sunday wasn't AS fun,simply because I was sick and so was my sister and kind of my mother,but we decided we'd take a trip to Wal-mart at 10:30pm.We all got ready and headed on to Wal-mart.Once there,being the shop-a-holic I am,I found a pair of jeans that I HAD to have.I wanted to try them on,so I went to the dressing rooms...There wasn't anyone there to open the door for me,and I couldn't see anyone around the cornerr....So I just kind of,crawled under the door.And when I came out to show my mom the ew jeans,I noticed there were 2 ladies that had been stnding there the ENTIRE time...It was so horrible!Then there was this little mexican man following me everywhere.He was.....WEIRD!

And lastly,today.(Monday)I'm really sick and Brent should be coming over to take my mom out to shop for Molly(My sister).(Brent-my brother from another mother,sister's ex,sister's boyfriend for about 4 years,boy who dances on my coffee table...HE GAVE ME A LAP DANCE THE OTHER DAY!Well anyways,time to close the parentheses!)And I'm really sick today so I'm going to the ears,nose,and throat doctor this afternoon.Wish me luckk.I HOPE I GET A SHOT! heart I LOVE SHOTS heart