This Is My Conversation With My Best Friend Bermese, It's So Ridiculous But Hilarious! So Enjoy.
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heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
what are you talking bout, it was always a one
Ah hahahaha, you can't trick me! I know you fixed it! you little minx!!
pshhhh...... whatever pirate So when are we going to do the present exchange dealo?
Umm. . .How about next Thursday or Friday, that way its a week before Christmas and we won't have to wait too long. I just wanted to get a cute bag to put your gift in. And I heart this one! whee I can't wait to see you open your gift! Eeeeh! I'm sooo excited!!
lol Am excited, I got you little tiny gift, but there so cute :3 I think your really going to love them!
YAY! If you love them then I'm sure I will too. 3nodding your gift is sooo ... I'm not even going to talk about it, because I will just spill the beans. xp
lol okay, I love your gift cause some of the item I........ Well I can't tell you that information until Friday biggrin
Oh dude! I forgot to tell you! Last week my sister and I went to the tacoma mall. We went to Nordstrom jsut to say we were there. And guess what the pianists name was? . . . JUAN PEREZ!! He stole your freakin name!! lol
Friday . . . soooo long to wait!! But ugh, the anticipation is so exciting!
That b*****d, I'm going to take his name tag & run off with it!!! that will teach him a lesson!
Hahaha, he was a really nice guy. He smiled the whole time he played. And we applauded him when he finished. He was so nice. I wanted to stay and listen more, but Michelle wanted to go. lol Juan, you need to get out there and spread your name around. lol
I will, this weekend am going to another motorcycle event, tomorrow.
Oh hoho, you and your bikers. redface I have a feeling that some day you will marry a biker... or a cowboy.
Why not both hummm? Or a sexy man that a redneck & drills oils out & comes home all sweat, sexy and dirty redface
I got to stop writting this down.
Oh my. I think your imagination is in full throttle right now. redface
4laugh lol, yeah I can't imagine any girl not drulling after this....

I am speechless after this picture, what else is there to say redface
Ewwww... that was just gross. xp
Lol, I thought it's sexy. 4laugh
I hope that brown stuff is chocolate eek
Oh it is Chocolate 4laugh I've seen the whole picture. redface
You would eat him up. xp And go back for dessert. wink
4laugh 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh