BeCaUsE i'M sUcH a NiCe PeRsOn.. stare
-=+ ..I can't stand life anymore.. +=- I have like-- no friends, Every ******** person seems to hate me for no goddamn reason, I'm never gonna be good enough for my parents, They hardly notice I'm alive anymore now too.. My sisters tryed to ******** kill me, --my friend was w/ me at the time when my sister came after me w/ a knife, She didn't seem to care-- or notice......... Every ******** person at school is so-- i don't know.. Everyone's always calling me ' The gothic suicidal wanna-be loser freak ' or w/e... A few times I've been locked in my locker.. I get into lots of fights... Almost killed... hardly though.. ' I wear way to much make up ' Xplasie's hardly ever online at the same time as I am.. I could go on but I've been typing all day, and my hands are killing me, jzz-- peoples act like I have no life, sweatdrop
Now I'm on my computer 75 % of the day working on stupid pritty much pointless things for peoples, The same peoples who hated me but all of a sudden wanna be my friend... Ya right, Why the ******** does every ******** person use me?.. On gaia alot of peoples who are my 'friends' use me for gold, and items and everything, in rl it's money and stuff, I doubt anyone that I have ever been friends w/ actually didn't use me for some thing that they 'needed'. My parents are being so so so unfair, if I flunk the exams I'm having at school my computers gonna be taken away from me for like a year, and if my grades don't improve then I'm gonna be sent to a ******** bording school.. Not that I'm really complaining, I'd rather be in some stupid bording school then here... stare Hmm.. maybe I should run away from home.. Problem solved, I mean, I don't see the point of living w/ a family of freAks who ******** hate me.. I have a bajillion rules that dont make any sence, and my sisters get away w/ everything... God, and J. Ashley R. [[ahha hah hah..]] got Angel and Chris mad at me... crying
hmm... and what's the point of going to school when you don't learn anything but nothing, and every one ******** hates you..?
--and now I have to find a job cuz my parents cut off m allowence, I mean jzz-- stare
oh-- and is there like something wrong w/ being a vegetarian..?? I don't see anything wrong w/ that.. and yeah I have a pet tranchula... there's nothing wrong w/ that either... I take great care of her... her name's Angel and she's one of the coolest ever.. Yeah, I named it after you Angel, cuz you and her had alot in common.. You were my best friend, you were the nicest person in the world, I'd name even more but I doubt I would have enough room on this entry to name even a quarter of them..... heart
..-Sigh-.. Like 2 - 3 peoples admited they like like me.. Hmm.. 1-- He just met me, doesn't know anything about me, and-- everything.. 2-- He of them HAS said that before, I went out w/ him... then I found out he was cheating w/ my best friend rolleyes
.......I mean wow........ surprised
God must hate me He cursed me for eternity God must hate me Maybe you should pray for me I'm breaking down and you can't save me I'm stuck in hell And I wanna go home
Hmm... Do you ever feel like breaking down? - Yeah,.. I always do.. Do you ever feel out of place? - I have for like.. 100% of my life Like somehow you just don't belong, And no one understands you? - Of corse.. Do you ever wanna runaway? - I feel I want to every day even more.. Do you lock yourself in your room? - I lock myself in my room 99.9% of the day everyday..With the radio on turned up so loud That no one hears you screaming? - 3nodding
I think my parents might split.. Things seem to be getting worst between them everyday.. My dad threatened to move out just the other day...
Every time I see your face, Every time you look my way, It's like it all falls into place ,Everything feels right ,But ever since you walked away ,You left my life in disarray ,All I want is one more day ,It's all I need ,One more day with you.... Every word of that song is glued into my head thanks to you Jacr..
So shut up, shut up, shut up Don't wanna hear it talk2hand
Hmm... and no ones gonna care to read this right? ahha.. no one ever does.............. I don't know why I bother say anything or anything... no one listens... stare
I'm fricking invisable!! heart
. . . . . . . .Get a life. . . talk2hand
-Xx-.To.The.End.-xX- · Tue Jan 31, 2006 @ 06:40am · 3 Comments |