In his native universe:
References: PB
Name: Alistor Levi
Nickname(s): Al, Levi
Age: 27
Occupation: Mercenary
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light brown, wavy
Skin: Caucasian
Height: 5'10"
Notable characteristics: His hair is uncontrollably wavy/poofy. He finds it kind of embarassing but it looks worse when it's short.
Usual mode of dress: See image ref ^
Personality: Al is incredibly rude, arrogant and chauvinistic. He doesn't often mean to be-- but just as often as not he does. While he's fine with bruising feelings, he hates seeing people get physically hurt and is kind of a protector. He is also a hoarder, which led him to become a collector of rare and curious things.
Background: Al is a mercenary from a cyberpunk world who found himself in a high fantasy world when he got in over his head on a certain job. He instantly proceeded to alienate everyone he met in his new world, until he met Gina Peregrine, who for some reason felt drawn to him (and he to her). Since she was already a mercenary of sorts, the two decided to open up a shop together, which after the fact acquired a second purpose as a curious/rare item shop because Al loves rare items and Gina wanted to make sure that as many were leaving the shop as were coming in.
Other stuff about Levi:
- Carries a rare gun (sort of like a pistol but outrageously high caliber) which has magical properties aside from mechanical. Pretty much attached to his arm, as he never lets it out of his sight.
- Very stormy romantic relationship with his business partner Gina Peregrine.