On being a Featured Avatar |
So, some of you may know that I had my avatar on the homepage yesterday. Being the numbers person that I am, I decided to keep track of a few things. I had my comments set to Friends Only while I slept in case some douche decided to post guro or something on my profile when I wasn't around to remove and sack them for it. The following is what I logged on to:
After turning my comments on, I would get literally over 500 of them before the clock struck midnight pacific time and put the next poor sap on the homepage.
Overall, my tally came out as such:
504 comments, plus about 5 or 6 that I deleted for various reasons. The ones I deleted were essentially just spam like "copy this to X profiles" for the most part. I wasn't going to bother warning for that on my own profile.
57 PMs, breakdown below: - 14 congratulating me or saying that they liked my avatar or profile - 11 begging - 10 asking for friend requests (Mine are off) - 10 asking for help/advice of some sort - 5 pointless messages like a smilie, hey, sup, etc - 3 Phishing attempts (Not counted in total) - 2 commenting on my height - 1 commenting/asking about my age - 1 calling me a fake, a hacker, and threatening to ban me
Some had multiple elements to it, so there are others not in a category up there, but you get the idea.
2 were both begging and friend request
Quote: hey could you add me plz i am in need of new stuff for my avatar
Quote: hay i dont know you too much but your aci and profile is the most epic thing ive seen on this game (im not begging) but do u think you could spair some coins idk how much ill be happy with it i hope we can be good friends ok u seem like a rly cool person thankx Username Removed by me
Some were just plain amusing, like the following:
Quote: Who would win in a fight: Rambo, or Ahnold from the Predator movie? By the way, congrats on getting the featured avatar thing! I counted this as asking me a question (I don't think it's represented in the tally above), not as a congrats, as that last bit was more of an afterthought. I plan on replying to this.
Didn't do a break down of comments because 57 PMs took long enough to go through, but my comments should be visible to the public, so the lulz is easy to find. I was fortunate not to have phishers try to throw pop ups in there, or trolls try to post gore or something. I guess I was lucky since it was New Years Eve. That and maybe they actually noticed that I was a mod and it would just mean a faster death for the account than any laughs the trolling would bring.
Speaking of New Years Eve, I guess it's New Years Day now huh? Happy New Years and all that jazz, though it's just another day to me. Anyway, that's all, just wanted to post some numbers. I don't think I'd envy anyone who was spotlighted; I think I'd more pity them.
Gaidin · Fri Jan 01, 2010 @ 08:12pm · 1 Comments |