"Hey! your hair is blonde again and I think I'll call you Sara again!"I stared at him."Don't change the subject!What happened?!"He sighed then started to tell me."That evil thing"Zach couldn't say it without an angry tone,"tried to take you awat from me.Tried to make you one of his kind."I stared at him with a tired face."A vampire you mean?"I put my hand on my neck and felt the bandage.:Baby,its been a long day why don't you get some sleep."As Zach lifted me up and put me under the covers I could hear his heart racing.He kissed me on the forehead."Goodnight love."Next thing I knew I was asleep.I awoke in the middle of the night.Zach's arm was around my waist.I felt safe,like no danger would come to me.
* * * * *
I awoke early.I looked at the clock and it said, 7:00.I looked over and saw that Zach wasn't there.I sat up with the morning sun shining in my face.As i got out of bed I heard Zach's voice.I smiled and started to run a bit then I heard another voice,a woman.I stood at the doorway of the room listening to there conversation."Oh stop!Hehe!Oh, Zach.Lets run away together and get married!Just leave the trash you call a wife."Anger started to rise."Oh, Eline!You are the greatest.I never really loved that little hoe as much as I love you."Tears kept rolling down my face.I couldn't stand it anymore.I opened the door.I walked until I got to the living room,where they were.Their back's to me on the couch."IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT ME!!!!"They tured around so fast,my tears streaming down like waterfalls.:Sara le-"I stoped him before he could say anything."NO!! GO AHEAD MARRY HER IF YOU WANT!!!"I took my wedding ring and threw it to the floor."I HATE YOU!!!"I started to run to the door."SARA!! If you leave this property before three days of becoming a werewolf you'll become a human again!!!"I stoped at the front door."I don't care!!!Maybe I'll find Scott!!He will love me!!!"I opened the door and ran outside,still in my PJ's.The road was starting to heat up."SARA!!!!"I heard Zach yell after me.I kept running.I looked back at the old house in the country."I will never come come back!"I screamed at him while turning around.I saw him walking towards me,the wind blew.Making my hair and clothes move with it.I tured back around and ran toward the country.
* * * * *
It felt like I had been running for hours,but it was only like and hour.My legs gave out and I fell at the side of the road crying."Why?"I asked myself."Why me?"I felt faint and fell asleep on the side of the road.When I woke up I was being carried.I opened my eyes and looked up.The person carring me was wearing nothing that showed their skin,i gasped."Sam?"The man looked down."Yes,darling?What is it?"I tried to pull away,but I just stayed in his arms.In a small,croaky voice I said to myself."No,I didn't mean it.I don't want to be here I want to be in Zach's ar-"I stoped myself and remembered what had happened that moring.Eline's Black hair,her tan skin,and her look of hatred at me.I dug my face in Sam's chest and cried.I had cried myself to sleep.I woke up in a small space,it was warm,and it smelt odd.Just then the top came off and I knew it was a coffin.Sam looked down at me.Next thing I knew I was being picked up by him.He held me in his arms."You know it's more comforable if you wrap your legs around me,right?"So I did."How?"I mumbled in his shoulder."How, what sweety?"He asked with a questioned voice."How did you become,you know,a vampire?"Just then he started to burst out laughing.Ok I'll tell you.On one condition."I looked at him."What would that be?"I asked."If I tell you my story.You must let me turn you into a vampire."There was a choice I could stay a human and keep running through the countryside or I could become a vampire and stay with Sam forever."Whats your choice,Darling?"I couldn't speak.I knew my fate would be horrible either way.I looked him in the eye."There is nothing else specialin my life.All my family is dead my husband was going to leave me so i have nothing to lose."As I said that a tear rolled down my face.
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Sara's storys
hey all this is where you can see all of my awsome storys
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Before I met you,
the sun,
was like a yellow grape.
the sun,
was like a yellow grape.