Age: 15
Race: Half Human Half Winged Wolf
Height: 5'5

Bio: He lives on the streets, his only companion being an orange tabby. He has been on the streets ever since he was 6, both of his parents where murdered right in front of his eyes , the killer threanting to kill him too if he ever spoke of it and didn't disapear. Not needing to be told again he took off in a blind run while his mothers purse was clenched tightly in his tiny hands, having been holding it for her before she was murdered. When he was 13, he had found a small kitten, left in the back alley's of the more nicer homes, the orginal owner not wanting it because it was the runt. In desperate need for a companion in his lonely life he took the kitten for himself, often have to steal to feed it but it was worth it, he wasn't lonely anymore. He had name the kitten Lilly, who was always following him around as soon as she could walk, and even helped him from being caught a few times.
He had become more adapt when it came to pick pocketing, though he only stole from those who wouldn't miss it. He had yet to try actually breaking into houses to steal some things that he could sell to pawn shops.
Sexualtiy: Unknown, never thought about it.