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User ImageUser ImageBefore and After
Full Name:
Roswell Vorsseiu
(Responds to R's and V's)
Future Fraccion to Ochenta
Nickname:Anything you can think of
Actual Age:
Appearance Age:
Date of Birth:
July 3rd
Date of Death:
July 2nd
Origin of Birth:
Kyoto Japan
Sexual Orientation:

Hollow Hole Location: Upper back
Remains of Hollow Mask:Around the eye sockets and mouth not very attractive which is hardly anyone ever sees them underneath the bandages
Certified Rank:B

Reiatsu Color:
Sandy Yellow
Zanpakuto Name:Suppai Kamereon~Acid Chameleon~Chameleon Agriarse

Zanpakuto Information:
Two Three pronged claws each claw extending one foot.
Zanpakuto Appearance:See Image
Resurrection Activation:Blend Kamereon: Of course this would sound like MMPH HARUMPH. Roswell will become an Chameleon with 8 tails each seeping in its own multicolored acidic substance.

Pre Release attacks


:Negates low class cero 10-8

Incredible evasion and counterattack of simple physical attacks

Roswell can manipulate his body and adopt reptilian behavior such as burrowing and slithering

Roswell can attack and defend regardless of positioned from the back or front Normally in a crab walk like stance when preparing an attack.

Like An chameleon can look in two separate directions.



A ferocious attack using Roswells horn like claws a wild slice and then using flexibility a slink through the legs in and a slam from behind.

Ebe & Flow:
The two fang like claws are bathed with acid of the highest degree capable of melting steel or weakening a weak zanpaktou.

The blades can fire off concentrated acid like Bala.

Resurrection Ability's:

Roswell's body has a unique defense system after being stricken he will release acid and vanish temporarily by blending with his surroundings.

Collects harmful or excessive chemicals and converts it into an acid.

Roswells body changes color as he hunts down more petite weaker Hollow to feast upon with a incredibly long tongue he secretes a substance thats been known to drill through even the strongest of materials making him untouchable for a period of time.

Accursed 8
Each tail will deliver its acidic injustice burning melting and corroding things that make contact

Violent tails
All tails will combine into a single tail which dive down underground upon doing so eight tails will sprout like trees from below attack all above.

Acidic Rain Acid will be fired into the sky by the eight tails and it will Rain down from the Heavens giving a new meaning to acid rain

Recoop: Like most lizards cut off tails will return in time. ((1 post per tail))

Hollow abilities
* Bala (bara; Spanish for "Bullet", Japanese for "Hollow Bullet" wink :Not used much.

* Cero (sero; Spanish for "Zero", Japanese for "Hollow Flash", "Doom Blast" in the Viz translation): Also used very little

*Garganta ( garuganta; Spanish for "Throat", Japanese for "Black Cavity" wink :Only used if commanded to.

*Hierro ( iero; Spanish for "Iron", Japanese for "Steel Skin" wink :Weak Sauce Hierro but makes up for it in speed

* Pesquisa ( pesukisa; Spanish for "Inquiry", Japanese for "Probe Circuit" wink : Very Very Good Pesquisa though many dont realize until a fight ensues.

Resurrección ( resurekushion; Spanish for "Resurrection", Japanese for "Returning Blade" wink

Sonído ( sonīdo; Spanish for "Sound", Japanese for "Transfer Effects" wink
Acid Encyclopedia

Perchloric acid
HClO4, is an oxoacid of chlorine and is a colorless liquid soluble in water. It is a strong acid comparable in strength to sulfuric and nitric acids. It is useful for preparing perchlorate salts, but it is also dangerously corrosive and readily forms explosive mixtures.

Sulfuric Acid:
The hydration reaction of sulfuric acid is highly exothermic. One should always add the acid to the water rather than the water to the acid. Because the reaction is in an equilibrium that favors the rapid protonation of water, addition of acid to the water ensures that the acid is the limiting reagent. This reaction is best thought of as the formation of hydronium ions:
Because the hydration of sulfuric acid is thermodynamically favorable, sulfuric acid is an excellent dehydrating agent, and is used to prepare many dried fruits. The affinity of sulfuric acid for water is sufficiently strong that it will remove hydrogen and oxygen atoms from other compounds; for example, mixing starch (C6H12O6)n and concentrated sulfuric acid will give elemental carbon and water which is absorbed by the sulfuric acid (which becomes slightly diluted)
The effect of this can be seen when concentrated sulfuric acid is spilled on paper; the cellulose reacts to give a burnt appearance, the carbon appears much as soot would in a fire. A more dramatic reaction occurs when sulfuric acid is added to a tablespoon of white sugar in a beaker; a rigid column of black, porous carbon will quickly emerge. The carbon will smell strongly of caramel.

Nitric acid (HNO3),
also known as aqua fortis and spirit of nitre, is a highly corrosive and toxic strong acid.

Hydrogen iodide (HI)
is a diatomic molecule. Aqueous solutions of HI are known as iohydroic acid or hydriodic acid, a strong acid. Hydrogen iodide and hydriodic acid are, however, different in that the former is a gas under standard conditions; whereas, the other is an aqueous solution of said gas. They are interconvertible. HI is used in organic and inorganic synthesis as one of the primary sources of iodine and as a reducing agent.

Hydrobromic acid
is a strong acid formed by dissolving the diatomic molecule hydrogen bromide in water. "Constant boiling" hydrobromic acid is an aqueous solution that distills at 124.3 °C and contains 47.6% HBr by weight. Hydrobromic acid has a pKa of −9, making it a stronger acid than hydrochloric acid, but not as strong as hydroiodic acid. Hydrobromic acid is one of the strongest mineral acids known.

Hydrochloric acid
is the solution of hydrogen chloride (HCl) in water. It is a highly corrosive, strong mineral acid and has major industrial uses. It is found naturally in gastric acid.

Historically called muriatic acid or spirits of salt, hydrochloric acid was produced from vitriol and common salt. During the Middle Ages, it was used by alchemists in the quest for the philosopher's stone, and later by European scientists including Glauber, Priestley, and Davy in their scientific research.

Foradex Acid
An acid specifically created in the Bowls of Roswell that attacks soul particles. Its compounds tend to weaken Zanpaktou.

Poralvex Acid
An acid produced from Reiatsu of the devoured. It tends to corrode everything it touch but easily dissipates once the Reiatsu it uses runs out.

Sestrameron Acid
Another one of Rosewells Acids that starts out in a gaseous state and after a period of time becomes concentrated acid.

Noctrem Acid
Acid that adopts the capabilities of the substances used to create it. ((See Ceccio in skills))
Extra Weapon(s) or Items:
Due to the lack there of he is easily manipulated and obedient. Often replies with grunts nods or body movements. He has also gained a things I classify as chameleon response. Changing colors accordind to mood.

Natural Talent:Oddly Dancing
Enjoys razz raise
Dislikes:Nothing but himself to an excess.

Biography Before Death:
The being its self was once known as Roswell Vorsseiu. A fine man years of toil had lead him to attain what he believed was unattainable. His life once poor and useless after his labor had become miraculous a flourishing. Owning a garden filled with exotic reptiles ; lizards most of all. The children called him the lizard man with happy smiles and warm hearts. He had shown children that many reptiles weren't slimy weren't scary and were actually great to be around. Then a man who had brought his children to the marvelous reptilian dome negligently dropped a lit cigar in the dry grasses. All the families left for closing time and just minutes later the fire burst out wildly the snakes fled and Roswell helplessly tried to protect his hard lifes work but perished in the flame for it was to late. He remained at that burned site with his charred pets as he watched the firemen arrive late putting out the fire that caused his death.

Biography After Death:
He watched the children's tears their sorrows their suffering. Many of the children had deep bonds with Mr Roswell in his living life and he blamed himself for all of this that had happened and could not cross over. His soul was consumed by a deep depression his soul did not speak it did not move it covered its face in shroud of darkness and so it remained. He remained in this position even upon being eaten. Wandering fighting devouring his powers continued to grow. Relishing the moment he discovered a force capable of making him even stronger and he took it.

~User Data~
User Image

RP Name:Ryouta Kiyomizu ((Meaning or symbolic to "cool purewater" wink )
Age:appears in late 10's early 20's


Weight:130-138 zone
Physical Appearance:Looks pathetic but is secretly rather fit and buff has been able to fell those much larger in body mass than him.
Bount Doll(s):Takoyaki: The doll itself isn't very menacing when first looked at its actually mocked most of the time. Especially since it name is that of a snack food. However small (the size of a pin cushion) Is capable of horrid things. Especially when angered by people mocking. Capable of creating a tidal waves of water from its minuscule mouth create frigid air by simply shaking its tentacles and launching a smoke screen or bullets of ink it gives a new meaning to small but mighty. The two of them are inseparable. Oddly enough its sealed state is an octopus pendant/keychain. Much like Guhl and Günther in the anime it can manipulate free water and gains strength in wetter conditions. Although its small it has a terrifyingly large second stage if urked off enough. This state has it own name and is called .Tantaikei comparing to the size of a bus.


Originally raised in a small town Ryouta was a fish salesman when he discovered his immortality he then he became a fisherman then a whaler then a marine biologist of the highest caliber as the years of his immortal life went by. He discovered a plushie or so they were called and was captivated by it he kept it by his side constantly and as it aged he collected more cute things entranced by them. Upon location of the organization of bounts he couldn't resist but join. He discovered his doll after looking around in a shopping district and a Hollow destroyed the display he was looking at. All the destroyed cute things infuriated him as his doll appeared before him he brutally screwed it over. He developed relationships with the bounts good and not so good. Mostly not so good aheh.

Ryouta is very positive and out going. He is obsessed with cute things like cats and chibis and is easily distracted when in the shopping districts or downtown. He gets very irritated when he gets mocked but at the same time can have it roll of his shoulder unlike his doll. He believes in inner beauty but is angered that outer beauty gets more attention. As many times as he's been called it he is not gay this infuriates him. He dislikes swearing and often replaces his own swears this creates a scolding relationship with Valentine and other others who use vulgarity and are self centered.

~Passive techniques~

Slippery: As the name states Ryouta is very slippery he can manipulate his body to be more flexible that humanly possible as if he had no bones. If striken in this evasive state the damage will vibrate throughout the body causing more pain that average. Much like when you hit jello and it jiggles you hit him and he jiggles when the state goes from disabled to passive.


Riptide:A vast amount of water bursts forth from Taikoyaki's little mouth and parts into two and has the ability to curve and crash down from the side or above creating the equivalent water pressure equivalent of 15tons.

Whirlpool wall:A technique that is used in defense against quincy arrows cero bala and projectile weapons. Taikoyaki will open a whirlpool type shield and suck in attacks however their is a limit once 2 posts of absorption is used Taikoyaki must wait and recharge for a total of 5posts the recharge time is lowered to 3 in wet conditions (rain by the beach etc.)

Aqueous Armor: Taikoyaki will blow a large bubble that encases Ryouta and shapes itself to his body. This makes Ryouta very light and resistant to liquid related attacks and softens physical attacks. A horrible weakness is lightning.

Chilling Armor: If frozen the armor becomes more a more defensive casing mostly all physical attacks useless and creating shards of shrapnel. Ryouta is very sluggish and slow in this state with one main weakness fire.

Flow Dance: {Only usable with aqueous armor} In place of highspeed movement in order to keep up with opponents speed abilities can release water like a jet in order to propel himself from danger. Including the normal 3post shunpo cooldown rule he is only able to this twice until he must restore the aqueous armor which take one post. If Taikoyaki is in the Tantaikei state he can no longer use Flow Dance or his armor abilities.

Titanic Tsunami: Taikoyaki will fire its own mass of water and combine it with water sources nearby thus creating a giant wave of water to come crashing on the opponent equivalent of 25tons

Frosty Cloak: Taikoyaki will blow out frigid air which becomes a thick mist cloaking all in the location.

Hailo heart Taikoyaki will wave its little tentacles cutely as tv sized blocks of ice begin to form in the air and begin to fall. When he's done he'll finish with a large block of car sized ice and a *Pyun heart *

Nyu! 3nodding Another adorable but deadly attack as he swings his tentacles up in down and begins a wiggly type jellyfish dance rain will begin to pour. The rain is the equivalent of being constantly pelted by rocks.

Puda?: 4laugh A counterattack involving the spitting of ink. The ink is not only an inconvenience but causes a horrid itching

Jooooooooooo! stressed Taikoyaki becomes Tantaikei in anger and grows to the size of bus his tentacles attempting to smash who irritated him even Ryouta himself if thats the case.

Absolute Constriction: Hardening its tentacles to prevent heavy damage Tentaikei binds it's targets arms and legs preventing movement and raises them within its visual sight tightening the grip.

Pyun Penetration: Water is manipulated on Tantaikei's tentacles creating drill or spear like structures to attack from distances and to penetrate its foes. Normally used in unison with absolute constriction.

Iron Apendages: Being as large as he is he isn't hard to hit so in exchange he's adapted to harden itself in times of crisis.

Bount Abilities

Haunting Melody(Requires C - Rank)
An interesting and rather new power, this technique requires one to sing, usually through a hum, though any kind of song could work. Any who hear it find themselves lulled into a sense of lethargy. Their minds dull to the point that they are not aware of the presence of the Bount. This will last as long as the target hears the sound of the Bount singing. Other Bounts are immune to this power. You can only walk while using this ability, and are unable to attack anyone at all while using this power.

Mind Shroud (Requires B - Rank)
Thanks to the strangeness of the Bount Mind, and due to having more than one mind present within them (doll), Bounts with this technique have learned how to be highly resistant to anything that effects their minds in a bad way. Any attack that is based through mind influencing of any sort (attack being defined as being used on them against their will) will find it much harder to effect a Bount with this ability.

Soul Absorption:
Bounts normally try to absorb the human's soul after the person dies and is trying to pass on. But they are also capable of taking the soul's of those who are living, to do so kills the human.

By absorbing human souls, a Bount can live forever. When they absorb human souls, they gain eternal life.

Locate Soul:
An inherit ability within Bount (after spending generations of consuming souls), the Bount are able to hone in on souls that have just recently departed or are in the process of becoming something else, i.e. Hollows.

Reishi Absorbtion(Any Rank)
This power is able to be used the day you are born. You can take reishi, take it apart, and absorb it into your body in order to heal your wounds.

Quincy Bane (Required B - Rank)
Designed by Valentine after the Quincy almost wiped out the Bounts, it was named so for it's ability to REALLY piss off Quincy, heal the Bount's wounds, and nullify attacks. A bount can, if they wish, stop moving and concentrate heavily. If they do so, the next Quincy Arrow that strikes them will be absorbed by the Bount, healing their wounds and negating attacks. The amount of damage healed is dependent upon the power of the shot (rank).
A - Fully healed
B - Major burns and such, major cuts, all broken bones
C - Cuts, lesser wounds, some broken bones
D - Minor wounds, such as a split lip or so

Hey Listen
Ryouta is very temperamental person when it comes to insults its best. He grows very close to those who look cute and offer him cute things. If your in a fight with him all you have to do is hold out a kitty and he's utterly to almost completely hesitant to attack a fatal weakness....but it has a bad side effect on his doll. Aries finds that a woman's inner beauty is whats important not their outer beauty. Which is why he classifies a certain someone as a whore *cough* Liver*cough*. He and Valentine don't get along mainly because their opposite views on life. Although he would never raise sword or in this case doll against because he knows he'd be fudged.

Trident strapped to back that extends from small to medium.
A pen (tis mightier than the sword!) Bah it just knocks people below rank C out and makes rank C's dazed.

_____________[│║║█║▌][ρ є я ѕ σ η α ℓ - ∂ α т α] User Image

Full Name:Fausto De Falsetto
Nickname: Bag Head, Freak
Famous Shinobi Name:N/A
Birthdate: Dec 28
Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual
Height:6'8 [when fully standing] 5'9 When in crouch
Weight: 132
Personality:Fausto has his very own way of thinking. He dislikes the average and likes to try new things constantly. His Nindo is to embrace the old but open arms to new. His creative mind is both loved and feared by many. His medical genius is also praised but his creative methods aren't exactly what people can find as comfortable. That is if they accept his new method he's not one to force it on people. He is committed to his patients believing if he dies but the patient lives operation was successful.
Personal Skill:An artistic mind calls for artistic creations. He's taken up clay works and art. His styles aren't very attractive to some unless they favor works like Picasso. He normally is very over dramatic with both his posture and his attitude. His voice can be very pleasing or very shrill and annoying.
Favorite Food: No ones ever seen the man eat but assuming he talks about dango a lot.
Favorite Drink:Milk
Least Favorite Food:Aged food such as wine or dried fruit.
Likes razz eople who love new things, Creative minds, kind people worth saving
Dislikes: Rude cold people, When it gets dark.
Hates:Really Dislikes the rain or wet conditions, Ignorant people who try to be bad asses by swearing every second.

_____________[│║║█║▌][¢ σ м в α т - ∂ α т α]
Ninja-Type biggrin efensive Medic
Ninja-Type biggrin efensive Medic[b]Battle Stance:He often crouches to decrease a hit space while he uses his long lengthy flexible legs to move forward and back normally only stands in offensive of dodging cases. The stance tends to look a bit awkward but unique.[//b]
Shinobi Profession:Medical Shinobi/ Hokage's Assistant
Nindo:Embrace the old but open your arms to new.
Chakra Color:Silver or White
Chakra Element:

Battle Strength:Medical Nin Strengths. Has Superior flexibility which makes slow close ranged attacks difficult to land where they want. His weapon's tip alternates between supportive items. The two they become are a fan to increase futon and a parasol that carries over 215 pounds of weight that is equivalent to a parachute or glider if falling from a high distance.
Battle Weakness: Medical Nin Weaknesses. Slow response to fast taijutsu. In their supportive states his weapon is almost entirely useless if the weapon itself is targeted.

_____________[│║║█║▌][ѕ т α т ι ѕ т ι ¢ α ℓ - ∂ α т α]
¢ σ м ρ ℓ є т є ∂ - м ι ѕ ѕ ι σ η ѕ -
ѕ - я α η к : 0
α - я α η к : 2
в - я α η к : 32
¢ - я α η к : 63
∂ - я α η к : 72
ƒ ι g н т ѕ - ω σ η : 19
ƒ ι g н т ѕ - ℓ σ ѕ т : Fled:27 Lost:13

_____________[│║║█║▌][є q υ ι ρ - ∂ α т α ]
Headband Location:Arm Band
Headband Style:Straight
Headband Color:Blue/Black
Flak Jacket Style:Same as any other under coat
Flak Jacket Color:Blue
Weapon Class:Halberd/Scalpel like tip
Name of Weapon:Shifuto Shiruba~Shift Silver
Weapon Range:Close to Mid
Weapon Location:Strapped to back or in summoning scroll.
Summoning Type:Weapon
Boss Summoning:No pact made

_____________[│║║█║▌][נ υ т ѕ υ - ∂ α т α]

○ Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Jutsu)
○ Bushin no Jutsu (Clone Jutsu)
○ Kawarimi no Jutsu (Subsitution Jutsu)
○Name: Fūton: Kaiten Shuriken (Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken)
Rank: D
Class: Offensive
Range: Short to Mid Range
Hand seals: Tiger
Description: This jutsu will infuse wind-based chakra into bladed weapons. The user can than manipulate the blades in a spinning manner to attack the target.
○ Name: Genjutsu: Kai (Genjutsu: Release)
Rank: D
Class: Supplementary
Range: Short Range
Hand seals: Ox
Description: Kai is a Ninjutsu technique which allows the ninja to avoid the effects of a Genjutsu illusion. After forming the needed handseals, the Genjutsu technique will not affect the ninja. The ninja can also use the technique on another individual who was unable to avoid the attack. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja touches the one affected to end the affect of the spell.

○ Name: Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique)
Rank: D
Class: Supplementary
Range: All Ranges
Hand seals: Long Range
Description: This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and their intended destination.The Body Flicker Technique has various variations among the different hidden villages, all of which involve some extra element aside from the movement itself. The extra element is usually some sort of substance used to distract the opponent, such as leaves or sand.

○Name: Fūton: Reppūshō (Wind Style: Gale Palm)
Rank: C
Class: Offensive, Supplementary
Range: Short to Mid Range (0 - 5m or 5 - 10m)
Hand seals: Hands clapped together and then extended towards target
Description: A simple technique that sends a gust of concentrated wind at the opponent. The one time it is used in the series it propels a shuriken to increase its lethality.
○Name: Fūton: Kazekiri no Jutsu (Wind Style: Cutting Wind Jutsu)
Rank: C
Class: Offensive, Defensive
Range: All Ranges
Hand seals: Dragon
Description: A large slicing wind will be created which can cut through his opponent. This can be used to immobilize large targets. This technique can also be used to divide and neutralize an incoming wind attack launched against the user and make it harmless.
○Name: Fūton: Suiran Reppū (Wind Release: Verdant Mountain's Violent Wind )
Rank: C
Class: Offensive
Range: Mid Range
Hand seals: Snake
Description: By using wind-based chakra, the user can infuse his/her chakra with bladed weapons from a distance and manipulate them.
○Name: Fūton Ninpō: Kamikaze (Wind Style Ninja Art: Divine Wind )
Rank: C
Class: Offensive
Range: Short to Mid Range
Hand seals: Ram
Description: The user releases a gust of wind that forms several small tornadoes
○Name: Wind Release: Slashing Tornado
Rank: C
Class: Offensive
Range: Mid Range
Hand seals: None
Description: The user creates two localized tornadoes by flapping their Giant Folding Fan or slashing their weapon. The first tornado ensnares the opponent in it and the second tornado combines with the first to create one giant tornado that slashes the opponent to death with razor sharp wind pinions.
○Name: Fūton: Kami Oroshi (Wind Release: Godly Wind from the Mountain )
Rank: C
Class: Offensive, Supplementary
Range: Mid Range
Hand seals: Tiger
Description: This technique creates a vortex of wind to blast at a target. The winds are strong enough to crack solid ground. It can even be used to increase the strength of Fire Jutsu and water jutsu.
○Name: Kamaitachi no Jutsu (Wind Scythe Jutsu)
Rank: C
Class: Offensive
Range: Short to Mid Range (0 - 5m or 5 - 10m)
Hand seals: None
Description: By freely manipulating the gale brought forth by a Giant Folding Fan or some sort of weapon, the many air currents collide and create vacuums pockets. The person enveloped by this gale is assaulted by countless invisible blades, carving up their body. Also, the strong wind power will blow away all incoming projectile weapons and will even make the opponent unable to stay on their feet.
○ Name: Healing Bite
Rank: D
Class: Supplementary
Range: Short Range
Hand seals: None
Description: The user can heal other's wounds by having them bite into their skin and suck out their chakra. In addition to rapidly depleting their chakra reserves, the user is left with a permanent bite mark every time they uses it. Due to this depletion of chakra, it is dangerous for one to use this ability more than once a day. Because Genin who are becoming a medical ninja has trouble with preforming in battle to heal their comrades they learn how to use this technique for emergency uses.

○ Name: Chakra no Mesu (Chakra Scalpel)
Rank: C
Class: Offensive, Supplementary
Range: Short Range
Hand seals: Tiger → Horse → Rabbit → Rat → Dog
Description: This medical technique forms one's chakra into a small, sharp blade. This can then be used for highly accurate incisions necessary for surgeries and anatomical dissections. Unlike regular scalpels, the Chakra Scalpel can actually make cuts inside the body without actually creating an open wound, limiting the risks of an infection. The Chakra Scalpel can also be used offensively, although it requires great precision to be effective. Because of this requirement, using the Chakra Scalpel offensively is highly unusual. In heated combat, even the greatest medical-nin won't be able to exert the precision needed to make fatal cuts, but it can still effectively cut muscle tissues and tendons, rendering the target immobile.

○ Name: Chiyute no Jutsu (Healing Hands Technique)
Rank: C
Class: Supplementary
Range: Short Range
Hand seals: Modified Ox → Tiger → Dog
Description: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja focuses chakra into the palms of their hands, creating a small ball of healing chakra. This chakra, when concentrated, can repair physical damage to another person. This is the more advanced level of Chiyute no Jutsu, used by Chuunin and is required to advance to level of chakra. A Chuunin has learned to use Chiyute no Jutsu with greater control and efficiency and it is now possible to treat deep serious injuries that might otherwise result in death from bleeding.


_____________[│║║█║▌][H i s t o r y - ∂ α т α]

Family:Both his mother and father still reside in the mountains away in from villages. He normally sends him his regards through bird messaging. Grandfather passed away. They praise his artistic mind.
Background History: Fausto was originally born in a very small unknown hut in the mountains. From there he was raised. There came a day when he matured to age 5 and after a horrid bandit attack where he and his family were defenseless and seriously wounded he swore the path of a medical ninja. From there he trained until age 12. He wore a bag over his head in place of a ninja mask which hasn't changed since this day. He practiced wind oriented jutsu from his grandfather and from age 12 to 13 he and his grandfather migrated to Konoha. He participated in the academy and became a full fledged genin. More training under his master and grandfather he was sent on several missions that required his medical prowess. At age 13 he received his scalpel like weapon and although it was hard to use at first because of its length he eventually mastered it after failing his first chunnin exam. At age 17 he had become an intimidating 6'6 and had acquired enough training to be top of the class in his chunnin exam. At age 19 his grandfather died. After this tragedy Fausto trained even harder he even grew taller to become the best medical nin he could be. The Hokage found his spirit and passion and creative way of thinking very prosperous. He was the taken in by her and was trained under her in the medical arts. He now serves as both a doctor and a reliant assistant. People often ask him to apply for a jounin but he would much rather be patient and wait until he gains more skill and strength. He tends to teach kids the importance of avoidance and fills in as a sub for the academy.
Theme Song:Like a Surgeon~By Weird Al Yankovic

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