The black Kimono with white lining, large white waist tie and sandals for the feet. This is the attire Soul Reapers are almost always seen in. Every Division Soul Reaper wears the same attire.
The Vice Captain badge. The Vice Captains in each Division sport a white bandage wrapped around the bicep of their right or left arm with a dark green badge over the top. On the Badge it will show which Division they are in and it will also have theDivisions logo design on it.
The Soul Reaper Captains attire. Underneath it is a long black Kimono with white lining, large white waist tie and sandals. It looks very similar to the normal Soul Reaper's attire, except the Captain's Kimono is much longer and the legs and sleeves. Over the top of the Kimono is a long white cloak, cut off at the sleeves with a black dot and line design running along the bottom. All thirteen captains of Soul Society wear this attire.
The Captain Division mark. On the Captain's white cloak, this emblem is printed on the back. Inside the emblem the Captain's Division that they lead is printed.
Soul Reaper's each carry around a Zanpaku-to. They carry their Zanpaku-to around with them nearly at all times incase anything was to happen urgently. The Zanpaku-to is normally is tucked into their waist tie to hold it, but some Soul Reaper's have their Zanpaku-to supported on their back or behind their waist. Each Soul Reaper's Zanpaku-to has a different design and length so they can tell them apart. Normally the size of the Zanpaku-to is determined by how strong the Soul Reaper's Spirit is. If the blade is long, the Soul Reapers power is great. If the blade is short, the Soul Reaper's power is not so powerful. Each Soul Reaper's Zanpaku-to also has it's own name. If a Soul Reaper does not even know the name of their Zanpaku-to, their ability to fight won't be too great. When a Soul Reaper fights, him/herself and their Zanpaku-to act as one and help each other. Regularly Zanpaku-to look like plain Katana blades. But what makes them unique is the ability to transform and become a new, stronger blade. The Zanpaku-to have two releases, Initial Release (Shikai) and Final Release (Bankai). If a Soul Reaper learns initial release, they can call it out and increase their strength aswell as have new blade abilites. Final release is the hardest to learn and only a handful know how to do it. It's the strongest and causes the Zanpaku-to to change in appearance greatly, so much so that sometimes it can even change the Soul Reaper's attire and look. For a Soul Reaper to achieve Captain rank, they must know how to use Initial and Final release. But on the very rare occasion this is not necassary.
The Restoration Kimono. If in the event that a Soul Reaper is absorbed of his/her power as a Soul Reaper, they enter the Restoration stage. Their black Kimono is replaced with a white Kimono until their powers return.
This is the attire a Soul Reaper in training wears. Top white, with coloured strip down sleeves. Bottom half of the Kimono is coloured to match the strip on the sleeves. The females in training wear the Red style Kimono, while the Males wear the Blue style Kimono.
humanbias · Sun Jan 17, 2010 @ 09:29pm · 0 Comments |