Mood: Happy
Listening to: Jonny McGovern "Somethin' for the Fellas
Whenever I would go somewhere, I always had to bring my brother. Where we live is not safe, and she doesn't trust the people around here if I go alone. Even when I bring my friend with me, I have to bring my brother. Which is odd.. considering if I was with my friend, at least I wouldn't be alone. My friend may be younger than my brother by two years, but he's much taller. Tall people are more intimidating, so I would be safer.
Anyway.. It was around 4:55PM today when I heard my friend Devantea knock on the door. It's been so long since we've hung together, so I was really excited. I missed him. And I asked my mom if me and him could go walk around and do something. My mom actually let me, even though she told me she was kind of iffy about the situation. We came home at six, like she told me.. and I think she's going to let me go alone with him instead of always bringing my brother along! I feel nineteen.
I won't count on her always going with it. But I think I may stand a chance.
It's not that I don't like hanging out with my brother. It's just.. I always had to bring him with me. My brother doesn't like Devantea, so I don't want to have to bring him because he'll be upset. He would rather stay home and be online. So think of it as being considerate.
The reason I have not seen Devantea is because I don't want to constantly bring my brother when he doesn't want to go. I started to consider Devantea not my friend, but.. he really is. It's just we barely get to hang out anymore, and I guess that's my fault. I don't want to lose the only friend I have..
I've been spoiled lately, and I love it.
Yesterday, we went to the mall to go and see "The Lovely Bones". My mom let me get a drink. A snack, and ice cream. She bought me the Death Note movie that I didn't have. ( Now I have all of the movies. 1,2, and 3. ) She bought me some Death Note cards, even though I payed her back.. And she also bought me a Death Note t-shirt. As well as a cell phone holder, and headsets.
Then today.. she bought me the nail polish that I've been wanting, and some Rockstar.
So yeah! It's been going pretty well lately. Yesterday I had a bad stomach ache though.. and I was really tired for staying up all hours of the night. So when I got home, I went to sleep. I was in bed for... 20 hours, I think? Haha. I woke up a few times and went back to bed.
OHH. And yesterday, my mom gave me and my brother some money to go and play games at the arcade.
I bought handcuffs and an L wig on Ebay. I should be getting the handcuffs on either Monday, or Tuesday. As for the wig, it may be a while until I get it. But hey, as long as I'll get it before the anime Convention!
The anime Convention should be in the Spring. My brother will be going as BB from Death Note, and I will be going as L Lawliet. We will be cuffed together wearing the handcuffs L and Light used in the anime. You know.. with the long chains?
I need to buy a few things before then. Such as: Cocoa powder, Corn syrup, Red food coloring, Hair gel, Ace bandages, and some lollipops online.
Once I have those, I can start saving my money to buy things at the convention.
When I was hanging out with Devantea, I asked him if he wanted to go with us. He said he will, and that he'll pay for the bus and to get in. He'll be going as his own character. Now all I have to do is ask my brother... My brother wants to be happy and have a fun time at the convention, and I don't want to ruin his mood by bringing my friend along. It's just.. Devantea hasn't been to a convention before. I barely get to hang out with him, and it's more fun bringing a friend along. The last time we went to the convention, it wasn't all that exciting. I'm not a very social person. So it was hard going up to people and talking to them.
I really hope my brother will be okay with it. Wish me luck!
Oh.. Some time this week, my mom will be upgrading my Deviantart account. I asked her if she could do that, instead of getting me Shonen Jump. I was kind of bored of it anyway. And besides, if I want to read manga, I'll just buy it or look it up online.
So yeah. I'm really looking forward to the anime Convention. It's supposed to be bigger this time. Yay!
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