Last night, I decided to go to bed earlier than I usually do. I haven't had much sleep lately, and I wanted to change that.. so that I am up no later than 3pm. Because of that, I went to bed.. I'm not sure when. It may have been 12am. Unfortunately, that did no good. I ended up waking up at 4am. And now I'm tired.
We had to leave the house at 10:30am in order to go see a movie. We went to see Kick-a**. I was very excited, and it also turned out pretty good! Someone had mentioned it being gory, but it wasn't gory enough for me. However, the movie was still interesting, and it had a lot of action in it. I kept cracking up.
My favorite.. it may be Red Mist, or Hit Girl. I didn't really care for the main character. He was pretty boring..
There is this scene where Kick a** was being beaten up. Then he got ran over by some guy on accident. The guy in the car thought for a moment, and then drove away carelessly, not going to see if the guy was alright. My mom was crying, but I was laughing. I don't know whether that scene was suppose to be sad or not. But it wasn't depressing.
I don't know. Maybe I sound cruel for laughing over some guy getting ran over. But if it was in real life, I wouldn't be laughing. It's a movie, so there's no need to take things seriously.
We were on a crowded bus, and there was this one guy who came in. He got irritated by all of the people who were standing up, because all of the seats were taken. And he started bossing people around to move back. And he told this girl next to him that she should just push people out of her way to get moving, and that he was going to do the same. But he didn't. He reminds me of my dad; A coward and a control freak. Makes me want to kick his a**.
Anyway, I decided to draw a picture of L all chibi-like and as a hero. I didn't know what colors to use, and I don't think it's all that great. But here it is anyway.
I had a great day today. It was pretty fun!~ And I got to talk to Chemic before I left, which made my day even better. redface
( Swoons. )
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