This will only h u r t for a s e c o n d
☠ Comfortably numb ☠

☠ Comfortably numb ☠
✗ It's cℓэąπ.
✗ It's ρurэ.
✗ It's яąrə.
✗ It's g∞ɗ.
† I can't feel nothing at all. †
D 0 l l y . . . . . . T r y M y N e w P a r t s ♥
† I don't have to explain myself to you. †
✗ It's ρurэ.
✗ It's яąrə.
✗ It's g∞ɗ.
† I can't feel nothing at all. †
D 0 l l y . . . . . . T r y M y N e w P a r t s ♥
† I don't have to explain myself to you. †
>>What they Call me on the streets:
Yuki/Neko {Sometimes: Kitsu or Kitsune}
>>I am:
Female. A grammer Nazi. A furry.
>>How I roll:
I'm a freak. So what? In the beginning, i'm super shy. When you get to know me: I'm way outgoing. People say I'm adorable. Yeah, right I'm a total f.a.g Lets see, I guess I'm smart. I have a nice IQ floating about my brain. Patience? Screw it. Anger? {need help} I'm loud, obnoxious, and I crack jokes. Get to know me.
>>Don't Hate:
>>Now you know:
April 1st, Aries.
>>What I Strut:
"Emo", Rave, "Goth", Lolita. Someimtes i'm a slacky dresser. Meaning: Sweat pants, long sleeve shirt.
>>Adore Me With:
Raves. Music. Neon Lights. Ipods. Art. Manga. Cosplay. Anime. Otaku talk. Japanese foods and clothing. New awesome Hottopic Clothing. New notebooks/sketchbooks. A mocha capichino {frozen} from Dunkin' Dougnuts. Reeses peanut butter cups. Random acts of kindness. Dead roses. Glow Sticks.
>>Annoy Me With:
Skenks. Sluts. Fakes. Dead ipods. Old people perfume. Used sketch/note books. Dead cell phones. Rude people. Random insults. Dead glow sticks. Canceling at the last minuet. Going "oh yeah..wait nevermind". Putting your two cents in.
>>What People See:
Hair color: Black, Brown, Blonde, Purple, White. Height: 5'0. Body: Wide, curvey. Small breasts. {Who cares?} Eye Color: {technicolor} Blue, Green, Purple, Gray. Skin: Pale. Peircings: Left ear is supporting a Zero Gauge.
>>What I Was Blessed With:
Artistic Skills. Writing Skills. Photography Skills. Cooking Skills. Make-up Skills.

Ew. That right thurr, would be me.