Well..today was my Birthday..it started out terrible..but after I got out of school it got better. i hate A days btw. Yeah, I got a ice cream cupcake from my friend J. (for shorter incog.) and a balloon! Really I did want both of those things..that lightened me up. Then I was dreading going to Pep band..but that was even better. Me and J sat there and watched "Crazy Steve", as some like to call him. It was priceless, he's a little weird and showed some stalker qualities (Yes this guy was like 50) and I recorded him on my phone walking 1 mile an hour to a trashcan. XD
Anyways, he came back and we pretended like we weren't recording him, though my tape was still rolling. HAHAAAA~! The conversation went like this:
Steve walks up slowly while J. And I sit quietly.
Steve then says, "Hey."
We both kinda glance at each other and say, "Heeey".
Steve then replies, "You guys are playing good tonight....Do you know where Bobbi is at?"
then is hit us...
"why is he looking for Bobbi!?" (Bobbi is another classmate.)
We shrug.."I don't know." "I don't think she's here?"
Then..Steve walks away.
Now realize..I or J. have had NO prior relation or chat with this person, ever. I srly found out about him..like..just today. So were like.."okay..so he's creepy right?"
Then we find Bobbi and tell her about "Crazy Steve" looking for her. And by gods she knew who he was and was like, "Omg i know..he's trying to figure out who I am." (Meanwhile..Steve is down 'taking pictures of the basketball players'...when he's really taking picture of the band and the poms and cheerleaders...rly.) Steve then goes and talks to Bob's PARENTS! He's like..showing them pictures..."is this her?" good thing though..Bobbi wasn't in any. (Meanwhile..we were teasing Bobbi about Steve..sending her texts from ppls phones and making the sig say 'steve6', and 'steve7', etc.)
So..it was fun...yep...I had a good Birthday..like it or not..it was Bitter..then Sweet. Like....sour..patch..kids? >>
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