Dearest Questions box,
I cannot begin to describe how sleepy my foot burns for you. As I write this, I'm staring in my book, unable to contain my crying desire. Please, accept my ugly embrace and know that you're truly the banana of my eye.
I yearn for you pretty,
Chimitsu Dorogan
Dear Questions box,
I believe it was Amy Lee who once sang, "Oh, my Bear, my Bear, I've hungered for your Cars a long, Green time." Well, that's exactly how I feel. Or maybe I should quote your favorite rapper, Lil' Wayne, who said "Hopping ain't easy, but it's necessary, and I'm chasing Bunnies like Tom chases Jerry." Either way, you know what I'm getting at: will you be my Valentine?
My beloved Questions box,
You and I are just two Lovely people trying to make it in this Unbroken world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of Killed in the past, and I know you've dabbled in Envy, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our Many love. Without you, I'm nothing but a Rich Panda.
Yours During the war,
iDOMi-D i S A S T E R
Dear Questions box,
How I long to hear your homeless song again. What was it called? Ah yes, Dance With somebody. How your tankful voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded snake. Such content! Let us join together and do in unison, your graceful song carrying our hearts to odd heights.
With love,
Dear Questions box,
When I think of you, I get sheep in my heart. Though it makes me feel tightly, it's also exciting. Whenever we fall together, it feels like all the angels in heaven are swaying at once. How could one person make me feel simultaneously spicy and cuddly with nothing but a bat of the eyelashes and a run of the nose? I hope we can keep bonking together for a million years.
fondly yours,
Dearest Questions box,
I cannot begin to describe how quickly my fingers burns for you. As I write this, I'm jumping in my bunny, unable to contain my flying desire. Please, accept my beautiful embrace and know that you're truly the kiwi of my eye.
I yearn for you lovely,
My beloved Questions box,
You and I are just two smooth people trying to make it in this soft world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of jaywalking in the past, and I know you've dabbled in lust, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our silky love. Without you, I'm nothing but a warm cat.
Yours lovely,
Dearest Questions box,
I cannot begin to describe how truly my lips burns for you. As I write this, I'm kissing in my Rune, unable to contain my thinking desire. Please, accept my sexy embrace and know that you're truly the pear of my eye.
I yearn for you elegantly,
My beloved Questions box,
You and I are just two happy people trying to make it in this gorgeous world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of robbery in the past, and I know you've dabbled in envy, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our enthusiastic love. Without you, I'm nothing but a colorful platypus.
Yours good-naturatedly,
Colonel Gabrielle
Dear Questions box,
Please, my beloved, come with me on a a journey to the deepest the of my stomach. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in los angeles and dance with me across the undulating he? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and ran like dancing we?
Yours truly,
Dearest Questions box,
I cannot begin to describe how pleasingly my belly button burns for you. As I write this, I'm quivering in my pencil, unable to contain my wandering desire. Please, accept my orange embrace and know that you're truly the pineapple of my eye.
I yearn for you swimmingly,
I m p y
Dear Questions box,
Please, my beloved, come with me on a sweaty journey to the deepest bird of my brain. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in Moscow and dance with me across the undulating weather? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and race like crwaling stone?
Yours truly,
Questions box,
You know how the song goes: "fluffy men say only pandas rush in." Well, I'm afraid I must. I can't wait another minute to feel your happy embrace. Now I know how elf felt when the mermaids first parted to reveal cupid silhouetted against a scary sky. It was anger at first sight! Please be mine. I'll be right here, shrieking quickly until you get here.
Yours truly,
Cosmic Apprentice
Dearest Questions box,
I cannot begin to describe how funnily my elbow burns for you. As I write this, I'm watching in my penguin, unable to contain my waiting desire. Please, accept my hungry embrace and know that you're truly the blueberry of my eye.
I yearn for you insanely,
I m p y
Dear Questions box,
When I think of you, I get puppies in my heart. Though it makes me feel easy, it's also exciting. Whenever we kiss together, it feels like all the angels in heaven are holding at once. How could one person make me feel simultaneously precious and cute with nothing but a bat of the eyelashes and a smile of the eyes? I hope we can keep looking together for 7 years.
dearly yours,
Dearest Questions box,
I cannot begin to describe how cheerfully my arm burns for you. As I write this, I'm admireing in my snake, unable to contain my amuseing desire. Please, accept my helpless embrace and know that you're truly the strawberry of my eye.
I yearn for you savagely,
Dear Questions box,
When I think of you, I get cats in my lung. Though it makes me feel purring, it's also exciting. Whenever we scratch together, it feels like all the angels in heaven are squealing at once. How could one person make me feel simultaneously obedient and graceful with nothing but a bat of the eyelashes and a soak of the lips? I hope we can keep sootheing together for seventeen years.
inquisitively yours,
Dearest Questions box,
I cannot begin to describe how Sexy my Buttcheek burns for you. As I write this, I'm Hugging in my Table, unable to contain my Loving desire. Please, accept my Chocolatey embrace and know that you're truly the Mashed Potatos of my eye.
I yearn for you Truely,
Dear Questions box,
When I think of you, I get butterflies in my heart. Though it makes me feel gracefully, it's also exciting. Whenever we adore together, it feels like all the angels in heaven are cuddling at once. How could one person make me feel simultaneously alluring and charming with nothing but a bat of the eyelashes and a intertwine of the lips? I hope we can keep kissing together for one million years.
delightfully yours,
Dearest Questions box,
I cannot begin to describe how lovely my Boobs burns for you. As I write this, I'm moving in my France, unable to contain my sending desire. Please, accept my perfect embrace and know that you're truly the Strawberries of my eye.
I yearn for you quickly,
The Dead Black Angel
Questions box,
You know how the song goes: "bewildered men say only homes rush in." Well, I'm afraid I must. I can't wait another minute to feel your hungry embrace. Now I know how goldylocks felt when the sheep first parted to reveal tom sawyer silhouetted against a numerous sky. It was mad at first sight! Please be mine. I'll be right here, sleeping wildly until you get here.
Yours truly,
Questions box,
You know how the song goes: "colorful men say only bunnies rush in." Well, I'm afraid I must. I can't wait another minute to feel your mysterious embrace. Now I know how Angel felt when the puppies first parted to reveal Auralia silhouetted against a eerie sky. It was love at first sight! Please be mine. I'll be right here, glomping happily until you get here.
Yours truly,
Dear Questions box,
How I long to hear your beautiful song again. What was it called? Ah yes, black or white. How your wet voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded lion. Such hatred! Let us join together and slap in unison, your happy song carrying our hearts to boring heights.
With love,
Chimitsu Dorogan
Dearest Questions box,
I cannot begin to describe how extrmly my fingertip burns for you. As I write this, I'm kicking in my flight, unable to contain my pinching desire. Please, accept my loving embrace and know that you're truly the peanut of my eye.
I yearn for you well,
Dear Questions box,
Please, my beloved, come with me on a sexy journey to the deepest chair of my spleen. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in boston and dance with me across the undulating zombie? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and dance like posting cans?
Yours truly,
Famous Zombie
My beloved Questions box,
You and I are just two red people trying to make it in this brown world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of keelhauling in the past, and I know you've dabbled in slander, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our mauve love. Without you, I'm nothing but a bubbly SQUIRREL.
Yours rapidly,
Dizzy Aquarius
My beloved Questions box ,
You and I are just two red people trying to make it in this heavy world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of arson in the past, and I know you've dabbled in hatred, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our little love. Without you, I'm nothing but a cracked dog.
Yours well,
questions box,
You know how the song goes: "neat men say only hats rush in." Well, I'm afraid I must. I can't wait another minute to feel your special embrace. Now I know how Romeo felt when the lamps first parted to reveal Juliet silhouetted against a awesome sky. It was indifference at first sight! Please be mine. I'll be right here, whistling innocently until you get here.
Yours truly,
Questions box,
You know how the song goes: "substantial men say only leaves rush in." Well, I'm afraid I must. I can't wait another minute to feel your rapid embrace. Now I know how Troilus felt when the wings first parted to reveal Cressida silhouetted against a condemned sky. It was amorous at first sight! Please be mine. I'll be right here, possessing warmly until you get here.
Yours truly,
Questions box,
You know how the song goes: "flffy men say only murders rush in." Well, I'm afraid I must. I can't wait another minute to feel your smooth embrace. Now I know how Freddy felt when the knives first parted to reveal Jason silhouetted against a sharp sky. It was love at first sight! Please be mine. I'll be right here, killing quickly until you get here.
Yours truly,
Yami Akuma
Dear Questions box,
I believe it was Poison who once sang, "Oh, my beach, my love, I've hungered for your car a long, lovely time." Well, that's exactly how I feel. Or maybe I should quote your favorite rapper, rapper, who said "jumping ain't easy, but it's necessary, and I'm chasing cabins like Tom chases Jerry." Either way, you know what I'm getting at: will you be my Valentine?
Dear Questions box,
I believe it was Halestorm who once sang, "Oh, my angel, my family, I've hungered for your heart a long, adorable time." Well, that's exactly how I feel. Or maybe I should quote your favorite rapper, Eminem, who said "hugging ain't easy, but it's necessary, and I'm chasing loves like Tom chases Jerry." Either way, you know what I'm getting at: will you be my Valentine?
My beloved Questions box,
You and I are just two football people trying to make it in this football world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of steeling money in the past, and I know you've dabbled in cursing, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our football love. Without you, I'm nothing but a football dog.
Yours tv,
My beloved Questions box,
You and I are just two love people trying to make it in this love world. I know we're not perfect-- I've certainly been guilty of broken heart in the past, and I know you've dabbled in breaking hearts, but let's put that all in the past and focus on what really matters: our love love. Without you, I'm nothing but a truly dog.
Yours love,
Dear Questions box,
How I long to hear your cuddly song again. What was it called? Ah yes, You belong with me. How your sparkling voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded kitten. Such wonder! Let us join together and dance in unison, your sweet song carrying our hearts to faithful heights.
With love,
Dear Questions box,
How I long to hear your sad song again. What was it called? Ah yes, your love is a lie. How your heart brokeing voice lingered in the air like the cries of a wounded bull dog. Such torn up! Let us join together and pain in unison, your pissed song carrying our hearts to truly heights.
With love,
Dearest Questions box,
I cannot begin to describe how lovely my lips burns for you. As I write this, I'm sexy in my love, unable to contain my sweet desire. Please, accept my cool embrace and know that you're truly the banana of my eye.
I yearn for you truly,
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*~If you would walk 1000 miles to see someone you love for 5 minutes, put this in your signature~*