Yesterday was the first match for our tennis team. I'm playing in the varsity top 6 at the 6 spot right now so I actually got to play on our varsity team for the first match at least. Since all seniors must be on varsity and there is 9 seniors with a freshman and junior on the varsity team, that's pretty damn good. 5 seniors don't get to even play singles. The match itself ended up to be an epic battle. I won the first set 6-1 and lost the next set 3-6
stressed We had to play a 10 point tie-break to decide who would win the third set which means first to 10 by at least 2 points wins. We kept it neck and neckt until right at the end when I took the victory at 11-9. Then I play varsity doubles like 5 minutes after my match since we were running out of time (Theres 3 doubles spots and I play in varsity 3 with my friend). Ran out of light so we couldn't finish but we were tied at 4-4 so at least we didn't lose the match cuz we were down 1-4 for a while. Anyways, my match ended up being the one that decided whether or not we won so I was gettin high fives and "good jobs" from everyone. And the best part was that the school we were facing was our rival school which we had never beaten before in school history (which is like 8 years old
xd ) up until yesterday
Time doesn't stop for the leaves floating with the wind.
Just like the leaves, time stops for no man.
Live life to the fullest while you have that time and lifes full meaning can be experienced.