Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: Terrance: 5'7. Eliot: 5'6
Weight: both around 140 lbs
Hair color: Both blonds
Hair Length: Terrance long. Eliot short.
Eye Color: Both a pale purple, both blind in one eye
Terrance is the more cutsey/girly of the two. He is always hyper and childish, often pouting when things don't go the way he wants them to. He absolutely adores small cute things and is a fan of sweets. he is playful, sweet, and childish to the core.
Eliot is the more mature of the two. he's always looking out for his twin, wanting to protect him as best he can. he is most like a dog really, always loyal to those he comes to trust and full of energy. He himself is very active, just not as active as his brother. He tends to hang back on everything he does and checks himself before doing something. he likes sweets, but has a fondness for the more creepier animals out there.
Terrance and Eliot were born as the sole sons of a very rich man, through a prositute. They were torn from their mothers arms at birth and raised by harsh nannies, cold hearted butlers, and stiff men. They never really even saw their father, only once or twice a year for inspections. They were taught everything from schoolwork, to riding horses. However, being that their father was rich they were always targets for threats and kidnapping. Once they were actually kidnapped and taken over seas to russia, where they were kept in a cell and tortured for everyday their father did not respond to theransom. That is how they both became blind in one eye. They have a joke between them about this, because both their blind eyes mirror the other. The joke is that when they stand side by side they both make one blind man and one right man. However, through all the hardships that they have overcome from being kidnapped, tortured, pricked, pried, and ignored by their father they still have the ability to laugh it all off and have fun.
