I've gotten a message about someone making sure they don't get deleted and I decided to do this: I'm going to make a list. I'm not trying to make people feel bad or anything, but I'm documenting the friends who are "home safe" so you all know and those of you who aren't can request to be if you feel it important.
Also, I need some information from some of you. IF YOU HAVE CHANGED YOUR USERNAME AND/OR YOUR ACCOUNT, I NEED TO KNOW! I don't want to delete anyone that I shouldn't, but I haven't been around enough to keep track of everyone who changes their name. IF YOU HAVE AND FEEL IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE "HOME SAFE", PLEASE COMMENT OR PM ME TELLING ME WHO YOU ARE, HOW WE MET, AND YOUR ORIGINAL USERNAME [ IF YOU REMEMBER IT ]. I WILL [ TRY TO ] LOOK AT PROFILES, BUT THAT ISN'T A GUARANTEE! Please get ahold of me, you guys [ especially those of you who may be "afraid" to ].
Anyway, it'll be alphabetized below!
Acoustic Memories
Awesome Tree
Blood Raven One
Corran Terrak
Dead Shadow Walking
Demetrius Kagran
Eiwob Divad
ozzy p [ dark prince of wolfs ]
Madame Killi Tearless
Master Shadow Kilo
Rheye Jinkaku
Shadows in the Dark Abyss
Takashi Rinuku
-Terrell the Death Angel-
EVERYONE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just so you all know, I will not delete you if:
1 - I know you in real life.
2 - You brought me to Gaia and/or are the reason(s) I keep coming back.
3 - You were in a MAJOR roleplay with me, meaning one that I participated in often; were in multiple ones; OR were from one of my FIRST roleplays.
4 - The above, but if you invited me to them or to guilds.
5 - I have had deep, meaningful conversations with you that make you or I feel as if we connected.
Thank you guys for your patience and understand: THIS WILL BE UPDATED OFTEN! Now it's time for me to move onto my profile before my journal [ since it'll take the longest ~_^ ].
Love you guys,
P.S. Please also understand that you can request to be removed. If it be for your own personal reasons, I understand and there'll be no questions asked unless you feel like sharing.
Also, I need some information from some of you. IF YOU HAVE CHANGED YOUR USERNAME AND/OR YOUR ACCOUNT, I NEED TO KNOW! I don't want to delete anyone that I shouldn't, but I haven't been around enough to keep track of everyone who changes their name. IF YOU HAVE AND FEEL IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE "HOME SAFE", PLEASE COMMENT OR PM ME TELLING ME WHO YOU ARE, HOW WE MET, AND YOUR ORIGINAL USERNAME [ IF YOU REMEMBER IT ]. I WILL [ TRY TO ] LOOK AT PROFILES, BUT THAT ISN'T A GUARANTEE! Please get ahold of me, you guys [ especially those of you who may be "afraid" to ].
Anyway, it'll be alphabetized below!
Acoustic Memories
Awesome Tree
Blood Raven One
Corran Terrak
Dead Shadow Walking
Demetrius Kagran
Eiwob Divad
ozzy p [ dark prince of wolfs ]
Madame Killi Tearless
Master Shadow Kilo
Rheye Jinkaku
Shadows in the Dark Abyss
Takashi Rinuku
-Terrell the Death Angel-
EVERYONE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just so you all know, I will not delete you if:
1 - I know you in real life.
2 - You brought me to Gaia and/or are the reason(s) I keep coming back.
3 - You were in a MAJOR roleplay with me, meaning one that I participated in often; were in multiple ones; OR were from one of my FIRST roleplays.
4 - The above, but if you invited me to them or to guilds.
5 - I have had deep, meaningful conversations with you that make you or I feel as if we connected.
Thank you guys for your patience and understand: THIS WILL BE UPDATED OFTEN! Now it's time for me to move onto my profile before my journal [ since it'll take the longest ~_^ ].
Love you guys,
P.S. Please also understand that you can request to be removed. If it be for your own personal reasons, I understand and there'll be no questions asked unless you feel like sharing.