So im kinda new to this whole journal thing.
I mean i have kept my own personal diarys i guess but never made them public.
But i want to try this out and see how it works out,
Who knows maybe people will take an interest to what i have to say,
Then again some of you wont which is okay for me,
because its my opion and not yours so get over it.
Soooo i guess i should start out by telling you about myself,
Im 20, i have a 16 month old son and it is hell let me tell you,
I never thought i would be feeding someone other then myself for at least another 5 or 6 years,
I got pregnant in my Senior year of High School,
Not my best dicision but it was definatly a learning experence,
I didnt realize i was that immature till i was taking care of someone who depended on me 24/7,
Its scary but also a lot of fun at the same time.
And doing it as a single mother well thats just a different story all together,
My Senior year of high school consisted of constant morning sickness visites to the doctor and weird cravings in the middle of class.
My friends were supportive till my sons father bailed around my 7th month mark i was well into the summer and working full time along with 2 family deaths, not really the best time for my support frame to run from me.
One of my best friends was leaving for the Air Force, another was completely obbsessed with her boyfriend so it was a hard time getting a word in about my own problemes with her hardly listening and moving a couple hundered miles away from me.
But once i was able to calm down and get myself together i found it was quite easy when i put my minde to it and didnt think of asking for help.
His father came back when i was in labor so i was lucky to have him there my family didnt like that much though. I make little money but i get enough to support myself and my son granted were on hud but were making it.
But im starting to get tired and its almost 6 am.
I guess i just wanted to share that little bit into my life with someone other then myself.
Have a great morning Ill write again soon.
~Chantel xd
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I hope this works......
I plan to write about anything and everything stories, my life, random things that i see around me.
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