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The jounal of teh Donut.
It's all in the name.
~User Data~

RP Name: Rico Tiburcio.
Age: 389 or so.
Gender: Male.
Rank: A [Hikaru Akumu said it was okay]
Element: Lightning/Fire. [Explosives and ballistics, if they could be considered elements]
Job: Enforcer.
Riatsu Color: Tan.
Species: Bounts.


User Image
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 175lbs
Hair: shown in pic.
Eyes: gray/green.
Clothing: Pic.
Physical Appearance:
He's skinny, and slightly muscular.


Born in 1770 to the wealthy Tiburcio family in Madrid, Spain, Rico has never been normal. He was never one of the regular kids and was forced to learn the ways of fencing, medicine, poetry and other such things while the other children played together. He was forced to marry a woman he didn't know, or like, and live a life he hated. That is, until his twenty-first birthday rolled around... On that day, everything changed. First off, his wife died of the flu and, while touching her corpse, Rico found that he had absorbed her body, or soul, and it gave him a strength he had never dreamed of. So, with this new-found strength and a mad lust for power, Rico began raiding fresh graves and absorbing the dead, whom he could now see. It became that he had achieved a level of infamy in Spain and was forced to move on, so he did so. Being known as a grave-robbing noble in the same country as the Spanish Inquisition is not something one would want. He travelled all over the Earth, absorbing souls and learning many new things. It stayed this way until, by accident, Rico met one of his kind. An elderly Bount, Rico's new kinsman took him in and showed him the ways of the Bounts.
He gave him his doll, Adalhard, and he gave him his first Bitto, which raised his strength exponentially and gave him a thirst for live souls. Rico learned all he could from the kind, elderly Bount and, having no more use for him, killed him while he slept. After murdering him, Rico absorbed him and his power grew even more.
Centuries passed and now Rico finds himself in Karakura Town, drawn here by some mysterious urge to connect to past Bounts such as Jin Kariya and Go Koga. Or, rather, the fact that this entire town is usually the home to some climactic battle every week and hundreds are sent to the hospital. Rico, being a lazy b*****d, feeds off those in the hospitals. Doesn't matter who.


Rico doesn't like to talk about himself, or talk at all really. He's quiet, calm, and kind of a loner. He's a loner for a reason: he doesn't really like anyone. He loves having power and he loves not sharing it so you could call him greedy and power-hungry


Master Martial Artist:
After living for almost 400 years, Rico has picked up a few tricks. Having studied in America, Spain, France, Russia,and several other countries, Rico has turned his body into a deadly weapon. He is considered a master is several styles including Karate, Judo, Boxing, Savate, Muay Thai, Capoeira, Sambo, Italian School Of Swordsmanship, Jeet Kune Do, and many more.

Enhanced Reflexes:
From centuries of training his mind and body, Rico has the reflexes of a master martial artist. His ability to react to certain attacks is almost uncanny, and his reaction time is almost superhuman.

Enhanced speed:
Rico also possesses near-superhuman speed, honed from years of training and combat. Currently, he can keep up with a Cheetah running at full speed [about 70mph.]

After living for so long, Rico has accumulated a large amount of knowledge from medicine to philosophy, more than enough to fill a public library.

Schub [Thrust]:
A basic Bount technique. The user expels a concentrated wave of reiatsu from their hand or, with practice and mastery, their body. Similar to Hadou #1 Sho, with the exception that, upon mastering, can be imbued with ONE element of their choosing to add damage, or refined to a point.
Mastered: Yes.
Element: Lightning.

Schild [Sheild]:
A basic Bount technique. Formed by manipulating the surrounding reishi into a shield in front of, or behind, the user. Once learned the sheild is about the size of a buckler [about 45cm in diameter]. Can be used as a defensive technique and, with mastery or creative thinking, an offensive technique when attached to the arm. With further training the Schild grows in size, and upon mastery the Schild is the size of a Tower Shield [about a foot taller than your RPC].
Mastered: Yes.

Blitz [Lightning]:
The Bount variant of the Shinigami Shunpo [or Arrancar Sonido or Quincy Hirenkyaku, take your pick], this speed technique was developed by Rico Tiburcio as a way for the Bount to keep up with the faster races. Used by gathering and concentrating spirit particles in the users legs, the user greatly enhances their ability to move for a single or several step. That single step is punctuated by a brief screeching sound [like nails on a chalkboard] and allows the user to travel at Shunpo or faster-than-Shunpo speeds. This places a great strain on the users legs, and without extensive training can result in broken or, in some cases, useless legs.
Mastered: Yes.

Klinge [Blade]:
An advanced Bount Technique. The user manipulates the surrounding reishi into a blade-like protrusion from their hand/foot/leg/arm The length of the "blade" is dependent upon the amount of reiatsu the user puts into the attack. Ergo, the longer the blade, the more reishi used.
Must be at least B rank to learn.
Mastered: Yes.

Serenade Kuss [Serenade Kiss]:
An advanced Bunto healing technique, only useable on a comrade. By manipulating your own reiatsu and refining it to a very, very fine point, you insert a needle of reiatsu into the wound of the afflicted. Upon insertion the reiatsu will spread into the wound and slowly, but surely, heal it. This works great for internal damage, burns, deep gouges, cuts, gashes, and some poisons. However, if there is a missing limb, don't expect this to give it back.
Your healing potential is dependent on your rank[AKA power level], so here's a breakdown.
D: Surface damage, weak burns.
C: Gouges, deep cuts, mild burns, stops internal bleeding.
B: Internal organs, Heavy Burns, Deep Gouges, Minor organ regrowth [like if you're missing an eye or half a lung]
A: Fatal wounds, organ regrowth, limb reattachment, all of the aforementioned injuries.
Mastered: Yes.

Gluhend Zeiger [Blazing Hand]:
An advanced offensive Bount Technique, only available to A rank and higher. Blazing Fist allows the user to extend their reach by manipulating the surrounding reishi and compacting it into a basketball-sized spherical object. While this doesn't look like much, it is very similar to the Ball & Chain: it can be launched directly at the target, swung around and used as a whip/Ball and Chain, or as a grappling hook. It can be imbued with ONE element of the users choice, and once imbued, that element cannot be changed.
Mastered: Yes.

Große Schild [Great Shield]:
A more advanced defensive technique for Bounts, one that makes the normal Schild useless once learned. Upon attaining the A rank and mastering Schild, one can choose to begin learn this technique. Just like Schild, one must manipulate reishi to form this shield, but that's where the similarities end. Große Schild is much stronger than even a mastered Schild, and the user is able to form up to three Große Schild's once mastered. Naturally, this technique is much more taxing to use, but the defensive capabilities are almost peerless.
Mastered: Yes.

Bount Dolls

This is Rico's doll, Adalhard [Noble Strength in German... It's a German name.], in it's regular, everyday appearance. It doesn't look like much, just a regular out-dated PSP, but unlike the regular, outdated PSP's of old Adalhard is John's Doll.. When transformed Adalhard is around ten feet tall and has a poor disposition.
When merged with his Doll Rico just takes the form of Adalhard, just slightly shorter [standing at 5'7" instead of ten foot even].

Adalhard's Forms:
There are two forms to Adalhard: his primary, a M1911 pistol with flashlight attachment, and the actual Doll itself.


While in secondary form:
While in secondary form, Adalhard possesses four types of special ammunition that can be fired. Unlike a Quincy bow, only one round can be fired at a time, and Rico can't combine any type of ammo with another. He has to change the ammo type [via telepathic link with Adalhard] to fire another kind of bullet. Adalhard has an infinite amount of ammunition.

Reiatsu rounds:
Simple, .45 ACP reiatsu rounds. They have no element, and they pack quite a punch.

Elemental rounds:
Rico can infuse his regular Reiatsu Rounds with two different elements, fire or lightning. When choosing an element he has to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of each carefully, since he can't use both at the same time.
Lightning Rounds: Speedy but slightly weaker than the normal reiatsu round, has a chance to paralyze the victim if hit in the neck or spine.
Fire Rounds: Explosive rounds basically and a lot stronger than the Reiatsu and Lightning rounds, it adds some fire damage to each shot. Causes second or third degree burns when they hit, all depending on the opponent. Can cause fourth degree [burns to the bone] burns if the opponent is weak enough.


Primary Form:
Seeing that Adalhard is a primarily Ranged-type doll, his abilities are primarily ranged abilities. In addition to the aforementioned and new abilities, he also sports two big, menacing cannons on each forearm that fire reiatsu-charged projectiles.

Wunder Waffe [Wonder Weapon.]: The cannons on Adalhard's arms fire a densely packed cannonball of reiatsu. Someone once said it was like getting hit with a reiatsu locomotive.

Schock und Ehrfurcht [Shock and Awe]: charging both guns with the fire element, Adalhard sprays the battleground with explosive rounds, each possessing the explosive power of a mortar round.

Schock-Bereich: [Shock Field] Placing both cannons on the ground and firing a lightning-element round, Adalhard creates a lightning-element shock wave in a twenty-foot diameter. Anything caught within the field, with the exception of Adalhard, will be paralyzed and seriously injured.

Gott Kugel [God Bullet]: As the name would imply, this is a serious, no-joke finishing move. Firing a relatively small, but very fast, projectile into the air, Adalhard has to wait for two turns for his attack to come to fruition. After these two turns are up all hell breaks loose. That one bullet, while high in the stratosphere, multiplied several thousands of times over and is now raining it's hellish crop down on the battlefield in a two-mile diameter from Adalhard. While the projectile that was initially fired was of a relatively small size, the rounds raining down on Adalhard and his enemy[ies] are about the size of bicycles. Each one packs an ungodly punch, and they continue to rain down for three posts [Adalhards's] The final Gott Kugel, the initial bullet, will strike the ground at the end of the third post and will hit with the destructive power of an Atom Bomb.
After using Gott Krugel, Adalhard is forced into his second form [the gun] for six of my posts, leaving Rico, should he still be alive, to fend for himself. Someone with a high defense, or something like that, has a better chance of surviving this attack. Still, it's tough to get through unscathed.

An old rapier, spirit mace [mace for spirits XD], and a watch.

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