So today is Sunday, the end of my extremely short and not very exciting weekend. I hung out with Marion and Matt (like normal). We watched Grey's Anatomy all weekend....we have almost completed season three. I am dreading tomorrow, because I just don't want to go to class. lol Which will pass once I get to tuesday because it always does. Hmmmz lets see, I don't have any huge projects due.....this week that is. I can't believe it is almost April....the end of the smester is near! I can't wait to be done with school for a break. Although summer means I have to find a job because well I am broke. gonk
But summer also brings going to NC to see my brother and his Fiance! I can't wait to see them, I haven't seen him for almost a year and I miss him dearly. We are making a stop in Washington D.C and I am so excited to be able to see all of the museums and monuments again, it has been 5 years since I have been there. We are going for a week and a half. Maybe I will be able to get a decent tan, which I look forawrd too!! Then when I get back I am going to try to test out of the Junior Writing course (I hate writing classes), so I can take another class in its place. They changed my program requirements on me again, which is alright, but entitles me to 4 more years here. I will be graduating someitme in 2014 which I can handle.
Let’s see what else should I talk about? Hmmmmz Well, I got a rather surprising email yesterday, still trying to figure out how I feel about it. It was from my ex, which is a pretty touchy subject. I have decided to talk to him…….I just don’t want anything to happen to the current relationship I am in. I try not to be attached, but it is too late for that. I have missed talking to my ex, we were close and so I guess I will give this a try for a little bit and see what happens. He has always been easy to talk to, I just hope this will be alright. My heart can’t take anything it is far to damaged already. I think that is all I’ve got right now, I will write in this next week probably. Have a great week and enjoy the sunshine! (as long as it is sunny)lol ~Jenni
“I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.”
balletfreak2008 · Sun Mar 21, 2010 @ 11:27pm · 0 Comments |