Full Name: Zaiden James Zakii
Age: Seventeen
Birth Date: June 9th
Birth Place: The town of Keldridge.*
Hometown: Keldridge
Race: Winged-One*
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair Style: Medium length straight hair, parted down the middle. It runs down to his chin. The back is slightly shorter, running to mid-neck which is about the same as the front running down to his chin.
Eye color: Honey
Skin: Fairly tanned but still paler than most villagers due to his race.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 164 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Unusual Physical Traits: His fingers are very long and bony. Also his ears are a bit small compared to the rest of his head.
Nervous Habits: He likes to cross his arms when he's talking, or rather listening, to others.
Distinguishing Marks: Several clusters of birthmarks on his shoulders and shoulder blades. Also a small scar near his right eye from a hunting accident.
Daily Attire: A white undershirt with an open deerskin vest over it. Deerskin trousers and boots. He also wears a ring of coyote teeth around his neck as a trophy and three bracelets of leather; one on his left wrist, one on his right wrist and one on his upper right arm. Lastly he wears a silver pendent with a blue/green gem in the middle given to him by his best friend.
Social Class: Lower/Poor Class
Education: A few years of formal schooling, the equivalent of elementary school. At the same time his Grandmother taught him several things and continued to teach him two years after he stopped attending the village school at age nine. By twelve he was an apprentice for the village blacksmith and still is.
Birth Order: First and only born
Religious Views: Believes very strongly in the God Ouray* and goes to the temple weekly to pray with his Grandmother and sometimes various times throughout the week to chat with the priest.
*** Keldridge is a small farming village just outside the city of Gauto. The world all of this exists in is the equivalent of a medieval Europe. Keldridge is a spiritual village where the villagers are all quite superstitious but it's a small and tight-knit place where everyone knows each other.
Winged-One is a race of people who've been born with black wings. It's not uncommon in the world. They're one of the few races who're adept in magically abilities. They are respected in most parts of the world but few places such as Keldridge fear and ban them. Zaiden was born a Winged-One but his Grandmother loved him too much to report to the townspeople and take him to be executed.