I'm such a dork. After I found out about Tek Tek dot Org, I started making dream avis like... Wow. Too many. So, I decided to share them with the people of my livejournal--and then I thought-- "wtf? Who wants to look at my livejournal, and see Gaia avis?" So, I'll just put them here! YAY! I won't put up the dorky Naruto and Kakashi ones, because.. They're dorky. Anyways.. Here's the latest. First thing I wanted was a monochromatic type thing, but all I got was black, cause I couldn't think of something nice in black and white. That's my next project. <img src='http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/6931/tek060216ed05852gw.png'/> Anyways, this is the first one that I've made just for display purposes. I like it, I think that the colors are okay and it fits. <img src='http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/530/tek0602096832135hc.png'/> I normally hate this hair style... But, I'll try it. Looks kinda not bad. Could be better, though. <img src='http://img476.imageshack.us/img476/5803/tek06021437bd948ve.png'/> This one is cool, cause it's a new hair style. ^_^ I like it... I've been trying to make the pink/black/white thing happen for a while. FINALLY! <img src='http://img431.imageshack.us/img431/3765/tek060215267b457si.png'/> LAWL! I totally made a pimp, man. ^^ <img src='http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/5723/tek0602163d77845lb.png'/> Omg, I gotta blue one! I like this one-- it's one of the most expensive ones I've made. o.O;; Well.. I guess. ^^ <img src='http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/298/tek0603025065795ae.png'/> So, this is the red one. I'll have a white one after... Hopefully, it'll be the monochromatic I really want... @_@;; rawr!! Anyways, I just wanted to use that hair and the scarf, and this came out of it. <img src='http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/777/tek060302f89413lw.png'/> So, here's the next installment of my lovely dorky-ness.. I think she looks pretty okay. I mean-- yeah... It was the best I could do with the mohawk, and hiding the forehead of doom!! @_@;; SCREW YOU! <img src='http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9780/tek06030264f6412bt.png'/> Uh... This one is just.. Too cute for words. I want to kill it. <img src='http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/6088/tek060302079a865eh.png'/> When I make more, I'll post them up here. ^^ See ya, baibai.
X+.Pretty.Hate.Machine.+X · Thu Feb 16, 2006 @ 11:33pm · 1 Comments |