I know I wrote about the infamous "Jar Philosophy" in my other entry, but I was thinking about it again a little while ago. What am I to other people? Am I who I think I am....am I a waste of space like I know I am? Why is it so easy for me to say these things about myself when I can't clarify if they're true or not? Am I really in a glass jar, watching, ignorant of everything that I can't see? The world is a really big place, and I know that. I'm sure that we're all in glass jars. We don't really ever know, and we never will know, everything about each other. Technically, we're all ignorant. I don't know...persay...1/100,000,000 of the things that go on in my town everyday. It's almost heartbreaking how people become "know-it-alls" and think they've got the world in the palm of their hand. The truth is, only God knows all. He created mankind from dust, for crying out loud! Thinking about being fashioned from dust may lead me to another thought: How could beauty be created from dust? I mean, not the kind of beauty that most people think of- airbrushed Hollywood stars who make everyone either jealous or cry in a corner about how "ugly" they are. I'm talking about the natural beauty of the human nature, and how our bodies work. We're like a finely tunes machine, strong and sound. Most of us won't acknowledge this because, well, no one thinks the same way. Although they say great minds think alike, don't you think that one of the Great Minds believed that his or her philosophy was better than Great Mind #2? It's possible. Wouldn't it be great if we all agreed? If we all complied with each other? Fighting wouldn't be necessary.
Which leads me to war. Usually, the side that is defending what is right will lose the most men or women. They'll risk their lives for righteousness. And what of the offensive side? They brutally attack the other side. Maybe Side #2 is stronger than Side #1. But that's okay, right? Even if they are strong, they're still wrong. Side #1 may not win, and they'll lose their supporters in the fight. They might lose hope, or lives, in the end of it all. Most often times, Side #2 is like a carton of pink lemonade. You're probably thinking, "Oh wow what a delicious carton of pink lemonade! It's so pretty! I may as well drink it!" But what you should do, immediately, is STOP! That pink lemonade is so bitter and foul tasting it's not even funny, and do you want to know the names of the chemicals that made the lemonade turn pink? No! You don't! See? That's my point. People won't realize they should've drank the regular lemonade until after taking a sip. It's a natural color, and it has a little sugar just to tone down the lemon zing. Perfect combination. The pink may be more appealing, but in the end, it never ends in a sweet manner.
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