May 18, 2010
12:32 AM
Due to lack of communication and other inconveniences, my boyfriend and I have unfortunately parted ways. He is moving to Port Townson, Washington this summer anyway, so this relationship was doomed from the beginning. I honestly can't seem to care at the moment; too forlorn I guess.
On a lighter note, one of my best friends has been graced with a second little brother. Her family is adopting a three-year-old boy from Haiti. According to May and her younger brother:
"His name is Jeremy and he's perfect..."
Her voice was choked with emotion as she said it to me. I truly am happy for her.
I'm looking forward to the summer, mostly because this is the only time of year I can go dirt biking with my family. I have been riding since I was six and so the dirt has become a part of me, I hate to be away from it for too long.
I can't wait for my driver's license, mostly because as soon as I receive it, I can continue on to the stars program and motorcycle freedom. I have a few ideas for which bike I want when I have enough money. First and foremost, without question, my choice would be the Honda CBR1000RR. It is a beautiful bike.