well I'm thinking of making this my favorite paring/hated parings entry since well I'm guess everyone would be interested to see who all Roloko ships and what parings Roloko has a never ending sea of hate for
favorite MalexMale parings
Rolo/Lelouch (Code Geass)
Zero/Tamaki (Code Geass)
Teiria/Ribbons (Gundam 00)
Bel/Fran (Reborn)
Yukito/Touya (Card Captor Sakura)
Naowaki/Hiroki (Junjo Romantica)
Miharu/Yoite (Nabari no Ou)
Lelouch/Suzaku (Code Geass)
Shinizel/Kanon (Code Geass)
Kamui/Subaru (X/1999)
Fai/Kurogane (Tsubasa)
Teito/Mikage (07 Ghost)
King Sara/Yuuri (Kyo Kara Maoh)
Gwendel/Yuuri (Kyo Kara Maoh)
Alois/Ciel (Kuroshitsuji II)
Grell/Sebastian (Kuroshitsuji)
Frau/Teito (07 Ghost)
Hyuuga/Aya (07 Ghost)
Hyuuga/Konatsu (07 Ghost)
Hakuren/Teito (07 Ghost)
I can't think of anymore atm, but if they pop into my head I'll be adding them to the list
favorite MaleXFemale parings
Saji/Louise (Gundam 00)
Villetta/Oghi (Code Geass)
Chiba/Todo (Code Geass)
Corns/Guilford (Code Geass)
Suzaku/Euphie (Code Geass)
Tianzi/Xingke (Code Geass)
Lelouch/Kallen (Code Geass)
Lelouch/CC (Code Geass)
Lelouch/Milly (Code Geass)
Rivalz/Milly (Code Geass)
Jeremiah/Sayoko (Code Geass)
Rolo/Nunally (Code Geass)
Sakura/Syaoran (Card Captor Sakura)
Kei/Hikari (Special A)
Yahiro/Megumi (Special A)
Jun/Sakura (Special A)
Aya/Touya (Ayashi no Ceres)
Yuuhi/Chidori (Ayashi no Ceres)
Aria/Gamma (Reborn)
Yamamoto/Haru (Reborn)
I-Pin/Lambo (Reborn)
Ryohei/Hana (Reborn)
Colonello/Lal Mirch (Reborn)
Reborn/Luche (Reborn)
Chrome/Mukuro (Reborn)
Tsuna/Haru (Reborn)
Tsuna/Kyoko (Reborn)
Ikuto/Amu (Shugo Chara)
Nagihiko/Rima (Shugo Chara)
Kukai/Utau (Shugo Chara)
Kira/Lacus (Gundam Seed)
Athrun/Cagalli (Gundam Seed)
Millaria/Tolle (Gundam Seed)
Maillaria/Dearka (Gundam Seed)
Luna/Shin (Gundam Seed Destiny)
Mwu/Murrue (Gundam Seed)
Lichty/Chris (Gundam 00)
Anew/Lyle (Gundam 00)
Lockon/Feldt (Gundam 00)
Kati/Patrick (Gundam 00)
Marie/Allelujah (Gundam 00)
Setsuna/Feldt (Gundam 00)
Setsuna/Marina (Gundam 00)
Raimei/Aizawa (Nabari no Ou)
Tomouya/any of the main girls in the series (Clannad)
Yuuichi/Mai (Kanon 2006)
Yuuichi/Ayu (Kanon 2006)
Yuu/Yuuko (ef A Tale of Memories/Melodies)
Reji/Cal (Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~)
Romeo/Juliet (RomeoXJuliet)
Benvolio/Cordelia (RomeoXJuliet)
Castor/Razette (07 Ghost)
thats all for the moment since I have a craptastic memory
Parings I despise:
Kira/Flay (Gundam Seed)
Flay/anybody (Gundam Seed)
Lelouch/Shirley (Code Geass)
Shirley/any other CG character (Code Geass)
YunaSeiran/Cagalli (Gundam Seed Destiny)
well I'm thinking of making this my favorite paring/hated parings entry since well I'm guess everyone would be interested to see who all Roloko ships and what parings Roloko has a never ending sea of hate for
favorite MalexMale parings
Rolo/Lelouch (Code Geass)
Zero/Tamaki (Code Geass)
Teiria/Ribbons (Gundam 00)
Bel/Fran (Reborn)
Yukito/Touya (Card Captor Sakura)
Naowaki/Hiroki (Junjo Romantica)
Miharu/Yoite (Nabari no Ou)
Lelouch/Suzaku (Code Geass)
Shinizel/Kanon (Code Geass)
Kamui/Subaru (X/1999)
Fai/Kurogane (Tsubasa)
Teito/Mikage (07 Ghost)
King Sara/Yuuri (Kyo Kara Maoh)
Gwendel/Yuuri (Kyo Kara Maoh)
Alois/Ciel (Kuroshitsuji II)
Grell/Sebastian (Kuroshitsuji)
Frau/Teito (07 Ghost)
Hyuuga/Aya (07 Ghost)
Hyuuga/Konatsu (07 Ghost)
Hakuren/Teito (07 Ghost)
I can't think of anymore atm, but if they pop into my head I'll be adding them to the list
favorite MaleXFemale parings
Saji/Louise (Gundam 00)
Villetta/Oghi (Code Geass)
Chiba/Todo (Code Geass)
Corns/Guilford (Code Geass)
Suzaku/Euphie (Code Geass)
Tianzi/Xingke (Code Geass)
Lelouch/Kallen (Code Geass)
Lelouch/CC (Code Geass)
Lelouch/Milly (Code Geass)
Rivalz/Milly (Code Geass)
Jeremiah/Sayoko (Code Geass)
Rolo/Nunally (Code Geass)
Sakura/Syaoran (Card Captor Sakura)
Kei/Hikari (Special A)
Yahiro/Megumi (Special A)
Jun/Sakura (Special A)
Aya/Touya (Ayashi no Ceres)
Yuuhi/Chidori (Ayashi no Ceres)
Aria/Gamma (Reborn)
Yamamoto/Haru (Reborn)
I-Pin/Lambo (Reborn)
Ryohei/Hana (Reborn)
Colonello/Lal Mirch (Reborn)
Reborn/Luche (Reborn)
Chrome/Mukuro (Reborn)
Tsuna/Haru (Reborn)
Tsuna/Kyoko (Reborn)
Ikuto/Amu (Shugo Chara)
Nagihiko/Rima (Shugo Chara)
Kukai/Utau (Shugo Chara)
Kira/Lacus (Gundam Seed)
Athrun/Cagalli (Gundam Seed)
Millaria/Tolle (Gundam Seed)
Maillaria/Dearka (Gundam Seed)
Luna/Shin (Gundam Seed Destiny)
Mwu/Murrue (Gundam Seed)
Lichty/Chris (Gundam 00)
Anew/Lyle (Gundam 00)
Lockon/Feldt (Gundam 00)
Kati/Patrick (Gundam 00)
Marie/Allelujah (Gundam 00)
Setsuna/Feldt (Gundam 00)
Setsuna/Marina (Gundam 00)
Raimei/Aizawa (Nabari no Ou)
Tomouya/any of the main girls in the series (Clannad)
Yuuichi/Mai (Kanon 2006)
Yuuichi/Ayu (Kanon 2006)
Yuu/Yuuko (ef A Tale of Memories/Melodies)
Reji/Cal (Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~)
Romeo/Juliet (RomeoXJuliet)
Benvolio/Cordelia (RomeoXJuliet)
Castor/Razette (07 Ghost)
thats all for the moment since I have a craptastic memory
Parings I despise:
Kira/Flay (Gundam Seed)
Flay/anybody (Gundam Seed)
Lelouch/Shirley (Code Geass)
Shirley/any other CG character (Code Geass)
YunaSeiran/Cagalli (Gundam Seed Destiny)

Roloko's top 3 characters:
Rolo Lamperouge
Haru Miura
Juvia Loxar