When the sun goes down.
All the things I Ponder,
In my everyday Life.
Is it my Imagination,
Or did every dream come true?
Did I truly Win this Confrontation?
This is all so surreal.
I remember all those moments spent
Morning, Noon, and Night.
All My Love, I sent.
How could I forget?
I never would have thought
After the way we ended,
With every word we fought.
Our love still never died.
I keep fearing,
That I might find this a dream...
The pain I'd be Endearing
If your Heart was not mine.
I thank you Dearest,
For the Love that you give.
Even those that were nearest,
Never showed me that.
I love how you want to protect
Me, Holding on to me like that.
I never would expect
You making my life so perfect.
Times growing short.
Weeks before the family begins.
A baby girl, I do report!
Our lil misfit shall join this world.
For Born Again Sinner, I love you very much my dear.

Community Member
You are a great poet and I liked the Alice poem.
pokemon is ok... more or less..
(u say anything bad about Pichu and u DIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!)