Alright people, Today I have decided to write a story!this is the first Chapter, a tale of magic, swords, war and action! this is the journey of Corrine an aspiring Pegasus Knight and her young companion Kios who is much older than he looks.
Corrine wishes to train with her hero, the Great Syren, unaware of the true horrors that war can hold. . .
--- Chapter One ---
A young girl stood, opening a letter from a place far away from home. A Smile split her face and she shouted "Yess! I got in!"
The Country of Althelyn, a young country known for it's powerful army of Pegasus knights, it's wide information network and it's strong defenses. The Giza mountains that surround the country leave only one safe path into Althelyn, this is the countries greatest defense, the mountains that surround them.
Young Corrine is an aspiring Knight who has been training her hole life to become a Pegasus knight, and today that dream has been realized. Only the best of the best are accepted and although Corrine, at age sixteen is inexperienced the leader of all of Althelyn's armies, Syren, saw potential in this young girl and decided to admit her. Never before has Syren admitted anyone that young, and many of the other Knights are wondering why such a young, inexperienced recruit has been chosen.
Corrine knows nothing of war, but she would gladly live through any hardship for a chance to work with her hero, Syren, said to be a great strategist and warrior. Today Corrine will journey from her small village to the capital, there she will be trained as a Pegasus knight. Today Corrine and her winged companion, Angel, will set their sights on the capital city, Feliare.
"Are you really Leaving Corrine?" A young child asked as she packed up her winged horse to leave.
"Yup, I'm going to go train as a Pegasus Knight, and I'll finally be able to meet the great Syren!" Corrine said sounding rather excited, patting down Angel, her Pegasus she continued to secure her supplies. Food, water, all the things she would need on her journey to the capital.
"But Corrine you can't leave! I'd miss you! when my mom died you were the only person to look after me!"
"That's not true Kios, you still have Eva to look after you" she said turning around to look at Kios, his red eyes were tearing and she noticed his slate gray hair was getting in his eyes.
"Corrine I don't want you to leave me. . ." he sniffed "I don't want you to go! if you leave you'll die just like my dad!" tears were falling down his cheeks now, his hands whipping away at his eyes with his small hands and Corrine knelt down, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Kios you know I'm not going to die, as long as I have Angel I won't get killed. Besides, I've already been accepted I can't back down now." she said trying to comfort the crying boy.
"But. . .Corrine. . ." he sniffed, trying to come up with some reason for her to stay behind.
She smiled and lifted his head so he was looking at her "Kios, I promise I'll come back, someday I'll come back. Right now my country needs my help." she extended her hand and held out her pinky finger, Kios looked at her and locked his pinky whit hers. "It's a promise Kios, I swear someday I'll come back, I swear on my pride as a Pegasus Knight"
Kios nodded "okay. . ."
"Now, until I come back I need you to be a good little boy and watch after the village for me" Corrine said standing up, hand on her hip in a I'm-you're-commanding-officer kinda way.
Kios nodded, tears dried on his cheeks as he gave her a childish salute "yes Ma'am"
Corrine looked down at him and they both broke out into laughter "I'll see you latter Kios" she said mounting Her horse.
Kios nodded "yeah, just be sure you come back as soon as possible!" he said happily, although he seemed happy she could feel the sorrow behind his childish eyes, she knew him well enough to hear the hidden words behind his goodbye.
"I'll stay safe Kios, and I will come back safe and sound, I won't ever let you go throguh the pain of loosing a loved one again"
With one last goodbye, Corrine took off into the skies ahead. tears welling in her golden eyes, she made sure to be out of Kios's sight before she let even one tear fall from her eyes. The world looks so blurry. . . she thought, the wind blowing fast, tangling her silver hair and rushing in her ears. I will come back someday. .. right?
she urged her horse to move faster as she cried silently to herself.
The day had been full of flying and hurrying toward the capital. Her horse Angel was fast, faster than any other horse she had seen, but, The capital would still lay two days ahead of them and today was just day one. If she was lucky and the weather remained normal she would be there by tomorrow afternoon.
Corrine had picked a nice place to land, near a stream were angel was drinking, Corrine however was leaning against a tree, holding her families heirloom, a beautiful lance, made from the branch of a scared tree. It may not have been steel but it was as strong as any metal and had served her very well. When Corrine had told her father she wanted to be a Pegasus Knight he went throguh all the trouble to buy her a baby Pegasus and then gave her the lance. he left the village a few days afterward. Eva, the head of the orphanage in her village had raised her since then, she also said that the real reason Corrine was so determined to become a Pegasus Knight was because she wanted to find her father but she of course would deny it.
her father could go wherever he wanted and she wouldn't care. Besides, at least she could live in the comfort that her father was alive, Kios had lost his father to the war.
She felt a pain in her heart, Kios. . .she missed him so much already. After he lost his father his mother died of illness, after that Eva had taken him in, the circumstances in which she had met him were quite odd. She was sleeping in the room next to his and she could hear him crying. Corrine being the kindhearted person she was tapped on his wall, trying to get his attention she softly called "Hey can you hear me?"
Kios didn't talk to her but he did tap lightly on the wall.
In attempts to get him to talk to her she talked to him all night, spouting facts about the mighty Pegasus, telling Kios all about Angel, and about her hero, the great Syren.
Kios hadn't talked to her at all that night, but he did stop crying and whenever she asked him if he was still listening he would tap the wall. She didn't get him to talk to her for days, but eventually she did get him to finally open his mouth and say "My name is Kios"
Corrine felt tears in her golden eyes "Dammit!" she cursed as she whipped away the tears.
Corrine jumped when she herd a noise in the brush behind them.
Angel whinnied
"hush!" Corrine hissed "I'm trying to listen"
She was standing now, holding her lance tightly with both hands.
As the sound came closer she took the opportunity to attack first, she rushed toward where she herd the noise, the tip of her lance pierced into the trunk of a tree, just below it she saw a familiar patch of slate gray hair and red eyes scarred with fear.
"Kios!?" she said, letting out a breath she haddn't been aware she was holding
The young child stayed still, afraid to move at all.
Corrine pulled her lance out of the wood and stood tall, holding the lance at her side "What the hell are you doing here!?" she shouted
Kios flinched "I. . .I um. . ."
"yes?" she asked in a motherly you're-in-huge-trouble! tone with a hint of a sisterly I'm-so-glade-you're-here-right-now-but-I'll-never-admit-it
He swallowed "I had a bad dream Corrine. . .you were falling, and blood was raining down from the sky! I was scared. . .please don't be mad at me Corrine" he said holding back tears.
Corrine was aware that Kios suffered form horrible nightmares, and often times, his dreams came true. she knew that, even if no one else did.
She let her lance fall and she hugged him tightly "You're so stupid Kios" she said, unable to hold back tears
Kios hugged her back, she could hear him sniffling and she felt the tears fall down his cheeks.
"Eva's going to be mad at you" Corrine said, they had moved back to her camp sight, the fire burned and crackled lightly, Kios was eating some of the food she had packed for herself.
"No. . .I think. . .I think she would actually be glade I'm here. . . " kios said between mouthfuls
Corrine sighed "yeah. . .but you can't stay here with me Kios you have to go back to the village"
"Why!?" Kios protested "I can help fight! I, I can't change yet and I'm not too good at fighting but I know I can be helpful Corrine! I won't get in the way I promise!"
"thats not the point! Kios, you can't come with me, if anyone found out about what you are. . .I don't even want to think about what would happen to you. . ."
Kios paused "But. . .Corrine. . ." he thought for a moment "T-then, I won't change forms, I'll act like a normal human. Please let me come with you Corrine please!" he shouted desperately
She paused and stared down at her unwanted guest. "If I send you back, you'll just leave again huh?"
He nodded as if he was proud of the fact.
"Fine, you can come with me" seeing the look of pure joy spread over his face she added quickly "but, you must promise me a few things, first, you cannot tell anyone, I mean no one about you're abilities, you'll have to hide you're powers and you're true nature, you'll play the part of my little brother and you have to stay out of my way. When fighting starts you go and hide, you don't get to come to training with me and you will listen to anything I say without a second thought alright?"
Kios nodded once she had finished talking
"No, I need you to swear to me Kios" Corrine said sounding very serious
"I swear Corrine, I'll do whatever you ask without question, I won't get in the way and I'll keep my powers hidden"
Corrine nodded "good, now, Angel can't carry the both of us so we'll go by foot, and we'll have to stop at a nearby city since I only brought enough food for myself. . ." she looked at Kios and shook her head "For now lets just go to sleep, I'll take care of everything in the morning"
Kios nodded and settled himself on her bed roll.
Corrine tied up Angel, leaving the fire alight, since the nights were cold and the light would keep away the things living in the forest. She settled herself next to Kios and although the two of them didn't fit well they managed to fall asleep. Kios almost seemed to purr with happiness, happy that he could stay and she smiled lightly as he fell asleep with a smile on his face. "good night Kios" she said closing her eyes, unaware that her young companion had already drifted into sleep.
-- End Chapter ---
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