1... 2... 3... B u r n
My fire can burn anything
Call me the Gaurdian of Soul
My fire can burn anything
Call me the Gaurdian of Soul
Belphix looked up at the Castle like building in Hollow Bastion. It was eerie looking and it gave Mushu the shivers. "Hey, Hey Bel... Lets go back. That Isa guy might want you to stay there." "Stop being a wuss." "But Bel I don't think..." Belphix sighed and kept walking towards it, despite Mushu's protests, which didn't stop him. Belphix didn't care that he didn't want to go. He was more concerned about his interested and the Dragon his shoulders was just coming along to him. He came to the entrance and went inside.
Belphix's mind started to wander again and he went back to his young self running from the shadow. The shadow seemed to be following him more and more. This memory was more vivid. He could see himself being pushed against an alley wall...