continueing of Unexpected
as we aproched the town I and a couple of others muttered words of power cutting off power and anyform of communications 2 people outside the city. Others muttered words of power to set up a barrior and keep people inside the town. Then our group broke into smaller groups and we begain to attack the people. Fireballs, people flying through the air, water shoting from the growned and freezing people. It was chaos. There was screaming, people crying and trying to protect those closest to them, people dieing left and right. i soaked it all up. It fed my power and i used it on those who stood in my way. I sent them flying with a simple blast. A woman and her child ran from me. I held up my hand hand and calling on the shadows, darkness covered her. It clawed its way into her through every open pore. The baby screamed in pain as the shadows slowly killed it form the inside out. They were nothing but a pile of ash when i turned away.