Alright so I know since it is already 2:16pm I have no proof but I got up before 2:00PM and stayed awake...sort of.Except for a brief 15 minute sleep while I was taking a bath but I woke up soon after my head went under.So I am thinking of something to write about but I do not know what.I have not written about how fake some ghost thing is like I did that one time about orbs in cameras so I will do one of those I guess.Though I am not sure what this will be about yet...hold on a sec while I check all my favorite horror sites and see if they have any ghostlike stuff or just a rumor about something in general.
so I have failed to find any thing so far this may take a while... ... ...
Okay forget it I will not be doing one of those unless I find something to do one on.If you are reading this and have an idea on what I could write about enlighten me in a comment or PM.I...yeah...