♫ V I T T A ♫
And I see the beauty that she is. She tries to hide it behind a mask of silence. Her imperfections are my perfect calling.
And I see the beauty that she is. She tries to hide it behind a mask of silence. Her imperfections are my perfect calling.

I've swam in an ocean of you.
I sink so deep are you gonna save me or not?
It feels so real...could we have a moment?
I sink so deep are you gonna save me or not?
It feels so real...could we have a moment?
Vitta ran down the street glancing at his phone, "Ten thirty...exactly..." he sighed. Looking around the dull streets, people pushed past him. He was bumped into over and over, not reacting his mind caught up on the days events. Work was only as miserable as it was the day before. It wasn't like he asked to deliver food to people. College was terribly boring, he failed both of his exams and had to retake one of them. Taking a deep breath he prepared himself for the best way to end his day, walking home late at night. Only to be welcomed by the silence of his small one bedroom apartment that he could hardly afford. His black hair reflect the moonlight while his dazzling eyes matched wondered around.
He never talked much, having friends he wasn't in touch with other than school usually. He had to much on his plate, and slowly he was depressing himself over it. Relying heavily on his art, literature and music to get him through the loneliness he felt at night. The occasional dripping of a faucet would visit him from time to time. Though, it was annoying and kept him up most of the night, because he didn't want to leave his bed to fix it...sometimes he found it nice to have a noise in the complex that was with him the entire night.
Stuck within the vault of his wondrous mind, Vitta walked right into a girl. Quickly, he snapped out of his dream world, "Oh! I-I'm sorry, miss! A-Are you alright?", he apologized. His naturally pale face flushing a light pink at the sight of the stunning girl. He felt a bit awkward being that he was 5"10 he had to look down at her. Being awkwardly tall and skinny, with pale skin and black hair and green eyes. He was odd, nothing about him looked normal or welcoming. He waited to see if she was okay, before speaking once more.