So what's going down the drain and what's the winner?
#4......is.....a....LOSER! Yes that's right...Chobits is NOT the costume I will be in. Why? Because EVERYONE does Chobits...I've seen Chiuahahas that had chobit ears...
#6 CUT! This outfit had the same problem with all the other one's that I cut that were long...they'll get stepped on and ripped by the end of the day and that just sucks....
So now...will it be 8 or 11....drum roll please
(pretend sword is hitting a drum)
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The Winner:

Number 8. This doesn't belong to an anime but it does belong to the Asian doll movement that has been arising lately amongst Americans. These dolls are beautiful and very well made. They even have eyelashes! This dress is short so it won't get stepped on but I think it will be the right length to not make me look short or tubby. The colors are bold but still have black and because it's not an anime I won't be harassed if I don't buy a black wig for it blaugh
Another plus to this outfit is that I could say I'm a Chobit if I want...but it's more Gothic Lolita...which is just pretty anime-like girls in general. This outfit will also be garunteed unique at the convention and I won't be a Chi clone smile
If I can afford a second one I will go with #11 as well..but I really don't think I can afford more than 1.
krysil · Fri Mar 03, 2006 @ 12:03am · 0 Comments |