I have been a dedicated member to Gaia since 2004 - and i never thought to stray from this path until after i used the avatar creator on tektek.org, which has a great layering system for the avatars!
Not that i have a problem with tektek or Gaia - but it got me wondering what other avatar creators were out there. I'm into creative writing and designing avatars for my stories - so initially i needed to see what else was out there.
I stumbled up Ernya - which also has a avatar creator and i thought excellent.The only problem i have found with that avatar creator is it isn't updated and there is no layering system sad Then i got a link to another website called Roliana. It also had an avatar creator and i was quite pleased. But yet again no real layering system *sighs*
I continued on my hunt and discovered Crysandrea, but i was stunned by the difference in layout and style that the previous websites. I then asked around for the avatar creator and there was one but it was having problems... so i was patient and finally they fixed it and it's up and running... but still there was a layering issue but not as bad as the previous two.
Finally i found my last website Menewsha - which also had a avatar creator... the only problem was... you had to donate to the website to use it. I was crushed. I'm a student for crying out loud... i barely have enough money to pay my rent and traveling fees...
I feel out of all the websites i have looked at... i found i could easily use a few of them.
I have stayed loyal to all these websites and visit them all as regularly as possible!
Ultimately the only avatar creators i use now is tektek.org and Roliana AC!
![]() Mystik-Rose86 Community Member ![]() |