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Angeloni87's Journal
A page from his younger years history.
The rain pattered against the glass window lightly. Sliding down in curvy paths to the ground below. A young male, in his teens sat at the edge of a bed. His upper torso slouched slightly with his arms limply resting on his legs. Long black hair hung low over his face. A silver cross necklace dangled around his neck. Reflecting what it could like a mirror. Behind the teen would be another form. Curvy, slender, and long hair. Her back was to him while she lay asleep on her side. The male turned his head and looked over his shoulder at the other form. How peaceful she looked. Quietly without disturbing the mattress he stood. Grabbing his pants that lay slung over a chair with the belt dangling low. The teen slid his right foot in first, then his left. Smoothly pulling his pants up and carefully zipping them. The belt would be pulled and clasped closed around his waist. In his silent work he would pull a toothpick from his pocket. Carefully unwrapping it from it's plastic holder. Slipping it between his teeth he'd lightly bite down. Slipping his boots on, he'd grab up the next item that lay on the floor next to the discarded clothing of the female. Sliding his shirt on, the teen would again look back at the sleeping form. His eyes almost dulled and lifeless. A silent apology given to the girl before he quietly left the room. He didn't know her that well. Nor did he think he'd ever see her again. Not unless they'd pass eachother on occasion in the halls or have the same class. Either way, he wasn't going to give the damsel anymore of his time.

The hall was silent. Cold and lonely. Angel can tell already it was going to be a lazy day. No classes, no nothing. Simply lazy, and relaxing. It was the rain that made it relaxing, or so he thought. The sun won't be out for quite some time. He paused in his silent steps and listened. Lingered by a window and watched the rain fall from the corners of his eyes. The grounds outside were full of vegetational life. No one was out there just yet. More then likely, a majority of the students will stay indoors to avoid getting wet in the rain. Angel was different though. He liked the rain. He liked going out in the rain. The feeling of it hitting your skin felt refreshing and comforting. Some of his friends will more then likely wear their coats and hats to cover themselves. But not Angel. No, he wanted to be drenched. He didn't care if the water wrinkled his cloths or messed up his hair. So long as he could feel the cold splashes of the natural water from the skies, he just wouldn't care. Angel thought over the idea of having breakfast, and decided to skip it. He'll eat something later. Since it was a day off from classes, the dinning hall will be open all day till one in the morning. A luxury some schools didn't have the pleasure of knowing. Angel headed straight for the boy's dorm house located on one side of this enormous school. He knew the right routs to take, what paths to fallow to avoid any teachers or brown nosing students that may be walking the halls. He had memorized nearly everything so as to avoid trouble. Angel didn't bother closing his shirt. He left the front opened, exposing his chest and stomach. He was slender, with a little bit of muscle. Decent enough for a boy his age. When reaching the boy's dorm house Angel had to wait for two students to leave the door after they were talking. He knew those two. And he didn't care for them. They've never really done anything wrong to Angel but something about them just irritated him to no extent.

After they left he'd slip inside. Walk the stairs in order to reach the hall that his room lay. Closing the door he'd lean against it. Eyes staring lazily across the room to the window were the rain continuously fell down to the ground. Very few droplets made it to the glass of his window. The small groove in the roof made sure that it provided shade on sunny days or some kind of protection from the majority of the rain. Angel walked over and opened his window up. Feeling the cold air and dampness of the rain. The smell the dirt and grassy covered ground gave off pleased him. A smell that he cherished above all others. Leaving his window open he'd sit down on his bed and remove his boots. Angel tossed his shirt aside without caring were in the room it landed, and removed his pants. Discarding those on the floor as well and walked to a small closet above the ground. Pulling the wooden doors open and reaching in. He'd take a clean towel from the shelf and close it. The only item he'd leave on would be the cross necklace around his neck. Wrapping the towel around his waist Angel left his room and began walking down the hall. Around the corner to the right the showering room lay. On the left, lockers for extra storage if there wasn't anymore room in the student's privet quarters. Angel entered the shower area. Alone since people were either still asleep, or down below having breakfast or whatever it was they did in the morning. Angel was tempted to stay in the girl's room and have a little more "fun" with a good morning romp in the sheets again. He didn't however since he didn't want the girl to start thinking that there was something special between them. Entering one of the shower stalls Angel slung his towel over the door to the one he now occupied and turned the knobs. Water began pouring down from the mouth of a gargoyle statue. That was something Angel found interesting about these showers. Each had a different statue head that spat water out from it's mouth or their eyes. Giving the affect that it was drooling lots of water on you or crying tears for you to bath in. It was twisted, but interesting. A clean bar of soap would be grabbed, as well as a clean cloth. Angel began washing himself. Washing away the dried sweat and body fluids exchanged last night when he'd gone off with the female student to her room.

Each floor to both houses had areas like this. Shower room, locker room, and bathrooms. Which would be at the far back to the walls of were the shower room lay. Angel washed the soap suds off his body and stood there under the water a moment more. His face lifted and eyes closed so that he could feel the droplets hit is face. Turning it off, the gargoyle head stopped dropping water on him. Only a few droplets here and there slipping down from it's jaw do to the collected and gathered water within it's mouth. Angel took his towel and wrapped it around his waist. Stepping out of the shower stall he'd leave the bathing area. The stone floor absorbing any water droplets he'd left behind. The air already drying what remains on his skin off. Returning to his room Angel would stand by the open window. His hands resting on the edge as he looked out at the rain and surrounding grounds. For the first time this morning a smile formed on his face. It wasn't of a happy boy however. The smile was filled with mischief and mystery. Angel can feel it now in his bones. In his very body and mind that something will happen today. Something always did happen when there weren't classes to attend. Stepping away from the window he'd finish drying up and throw on some clean cloths. When he was ready, Angel would head out to the usual meeting spot. Downstairs in the outside hall near the back of the school. Already, his comrades in crime were waiting. There was Louse, Paul, Phil, and his best of friends Charles. The four boys were bullshitting around with their usual talk. Angel snatched the bread roll that was in Phil's hand and took a bite. Walking only a foot ahead of the boys before turning around. Chewing and staring at him while they stared back and greeted the dhampir. "Bout time you get your a** up and out of bed." Louse said while leaning against a stone pillar. "I was busy." Angel replied with a mouthful and greedily took another bite. "So, how was she?" Phil asked eagerly to know what had happened last night when Angel left with the female student around his arm. Angel gave a slight shrug and finished off the bread roll. "Ok I guess." "Did you wrap it this time?" The boys snickered knowing full well that Angel had a baby son already from another girl. "Jeez none of your business you pervert." Charles lightly hit Phil over the head while Paul and Louse laughed. "Have some respect for a man's sex life." Charles looked to Angel and asked in a casual way. "So did you?" The boys burst into a laugh, and Angel faintly half smiled. "No." Charles put an arm around his friend's shoulder and sighed. "Your going to get another one knocked up and pop out another of your little babies. Then what will you say to your girl-urm, wife?" Angel snorted and shook his head as he turned and began to walk. The other boys walking with him and pulling the hoods over their heads to avoid getting wet from the rain.

"I don't know." Angel knew the moment his son was born that the marriage wasn't going to last. Sixteen years old, and already a father and husband. He thought he loved the girl, just as she thought she loved him after their night of romance. When Angel found out she was pregnant, the two eloped and were married. Sometime after his son was born though, things just spiraled downwards from there and the supposed "love" was gone. They almost argued constantly, and rarely went a day without making a nasty remark about one another. Angel would continue to go to school while she stayed at home in a house Angel purchased so that she and the baby wouldn't live at the main manor. It was just too dangerous there for them. He knew full well that she was seeing another man. Just as she knew full well that he wasn't being a "loyal" husband while at school. He only saw them every other weekend, and stayed only during the summer and holidays.

He wrote to her of course, and she would write back in return. The five boys stepped out from under the safety of the dry stone archway and began feeling the pelting of the raindrops against their bodies. Angel lifted his face to the gray cloudy sky and closed his eyes. Rain washing his face and anything that might of remained from last night. This was Angel. This was him when he was younger in his schooling days. Not a single scar on his body, or a black dragon tattoo. He was a father to only one child, and husband to a wife with their marriage showing no signs of improving, but coming to an end. Eyelids lifted to reveal precious ruby red colored eyes that swam like a red jewel in water with the sun beating down on it. Glistening, and wondering what the day ahead will hold other then trouble. A hand lifted and lightly brushed a finger against the cross hanging around his neck briefly. The wet green grass bending under their boots, and all of their eyes now looking forward ahead. Angel, age sixteen with his friends were on the prowl again.

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