First Week of 7th Grade
It's been tough... though liked it. No more drama, hated people. It was a "adventure" getting up this far in life. I've lost and gained friends on the way. Realy was hard to overcome changing schools in 5th grade. 6th grade in a new school, new people, no title. Not kind of fun i was looking forward to. But you know. 7th grade... wow, it feels like imma little kindergardner again. I see my cuz at school though. I have awsome friends and teachers. There is still that one class that you find boring and that really fun class you love. Even though my two besties dont have any of the same classes of me, i see them at lunch somtimes... My old ELA teacher from last year, is the new ELA for 7th grade...There is also the popular groups two, the boys and the girls but nobody knows who the girls are yet... crazy i know... ummm thats all i can say about this past week on school.... so ttyl8er BYE xd