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Complete RP Example: Me and Chrys
Me: Ciel
Chrys: Leo

The Thing glared back with its stainless steel eyes and give out a puff of ominous black smoke. Ciel felt threaten as he try to fix the situation, yet the thing gets angrier and angrier. The metallic inside was an inferno as whatever was placed inside is already non-recognizable. He panics and prays to whoever is up there to give him a divine message. Of course, such thing doesn’t exist, and the beat swelled and roared with furious intent, ready to get off its legs and pounce on the poor demon. Suddenly everything was quiet, and Ciel peeked out from behind his table to the suddenly calm looking stove. He walks towards it and pokes it…………..



The last thing he was expecting while walking around in his sleep pajama bottoms and an old tank top was for one of his walls to try and kill him - and that was exactly what happened. Leo reacted instinctively, protecting his still-damp head and ducking behind his bed, one flaming chunk of something black scarring the comforter and the floor it landed on. The sound of destruction rained around him
*for several moments and, after a few heartbeats, he very carefully peered around the mattress towards the wall, surprised to see into Ciel's room. "...Ciel?" he questioned, getting up carefully and wiping the soot off on his leggings. "Ciel, are you okay in there?"


It was dark, and full of black all around, murky, and it was extremely hard to breath. Ciel vaguely remembered getting blasted by the stove, wrapping his wings around himself and throwing up a flimsy barrier before the impacts hits. Shifting, he winced as books of various kinds dig themselves into his back, let themselves known that no, they do not appreciate being used as a landing cushion. Coughing, Ciel attempt to get up only to wince in pain as his wing BURNS and dear lord there must be things lodged in it cause it hurts when he try to stretch them out. Grimacing and is somewhat glad he is at least alive he stop moving his wings and try to move his legs and arms. Arms are bit scratched and slightly burnt, legs are perfectly fine, thank goodness, no broken bones.
Leo…. Advisor Leo? OH dear GOD. Ciel filched, he live next door doesn’t he?


*"Ciel?" His tone took on a bit more urgency at the lack of response, vaulting himself through the smoldering hole between their rooms and jogging over to where the Advisor lay fallen. Kneeling, he began to remove what rubble he could, uttering a soft hiss as he grabbed one hot piece of something that wasn't readily recognizable, tossing it aside and ignoring the heat that bloomed against his palm.
*"Damn, you really did a number - are you okay?" he asked as he continued to move objects aside, only belatedly praying none of them were magical and likely to turn him into a toad for touching them. His mismatched eyes briefly turned over his shoulder, realizing what had blown up from having helped Ciel before. Exhaling, he brushed more soot over his clothing and stood, offering a hand to the
*demon. "C'mon, let's get you out of this mess and somewhere we can look at your injuries."


“A-advisor?” Ciel opens his eyes a bit and looks up to Leo from his fallen position. It was a few seconds of silence as Ciel’s mind try to gather itself together to make sense of everything.


Blink. Blink.

“I-I’m so sorry!” he blurs out to Leo as he suddenly sits up from his laying position, several scorched book falls away from his forms wincing from the pain from his sudden movement, whatever he want to say next was lost as his head swim from the sudden shift in position, he tips forward, and in an attempt to stable himself he ends up clinging on to the hem of the tank top Leo is wearing. “So sorry…. Sorry….” He chants the word sorry in slight hysteria, as if, if he says them enough, the explosion would have never happened.


To say he was surprised was a most dire understatement. The man stood there, staring with eyes possibly as wide as they'd ever been, unblinking as the demon sobbed against him. Oh. /Crap./ "Hey..." he murmured, moving his hands to take the ones gripping his top and kneeling again, slipping an arm around the demon's back and moving to stand with the other in his arms. "Shh, that's enough, Ciel.
*ping an arm around the demon's back and moving to stand with the other in his arms. "Shh, that's enough, Ciel. Accidents happen. That's the backbone of Science." It was a lame attempt at a joke, but Leo's brand of humor wasn't known for timely delivery. Looking around and deciding the demon's room was entirely too trashed to do much with, he turned and picked his way over the burning wreckage and
*crossed the wall into his own room. "I'm sure the Headmaster will be here shortly after an explosion like that - it'll be handled and everything will be fixed. Walls can be rebuilt. Now answer me or I'm taking you to the nurse's office - are you okay?" Despite the seeming harshness of his words, his brows were knitted over his mismatched eyes in worry, concern very nearly aging him with each step.


Ciel try to calm his sobs down as they walked over the wreckage. Controlling his breathing he was able to stop his sob around the ‘Headmaster would be here shortly’, and completely stop crying by the ‘are you ok?’. He tightens his grip around Leo’s neck and rested his head on Leo’s shoulder blade as Leo carries him. Leo is worried; he can sense it from the tone of his voice. Of course, it’s not everyday someone blow through your wall with a stove. It is not everyday that even after being instructed that you blow up the stove and create a hole in your neighbor’s wall, said neighbor who help you to use said stove in the first place. Feeling dread and embarrassed he can only bury his face into Leo’s shoulder and nod to Leo’s question. His wing is pretty much a mangle piece of bloody appendages, but it’s not like it won’t heal with proper medication. Besides….. he don’t trust himself to really speak right now, unless he is ok with work himself into another panic attack.


"It's okay, Ciel." He didn't really know what to say. Leo was never one for comforting or making things easier, being far too blunt by nature to understand subtlety. It wasn't like he couldn't see the mangled mess of what used to be the demon's wing, but even as the panic began to settle in his veins, he knew that a dose of magic would heal it right up - he'd seen as much with Dwyn. Trying to keep
*his natural instinct in check, he paused by his bed and, in deciding the Advisor might not let go of him, sat down on his bed and freed one up warm to begin brushing off the debris. "You can stay here if you want," he finally offered, looking around. The wall had taken most of the brunt of the explosion in his room - there was just a bit of a mess, nothing that would hinder sleeping, certainly.
*"Sleep here, I'll make you dinner if you're hungry." It was easier for him to just carry on and move forward. It was all he knew.


Ciel didn’t want to let go. Not matter how blunt Leo was, Leo was solid, like a rock foundation, a befitting characterization from a war hero. But…. He doesn’t want to wear and worn on Leo either. Giving the comforting warmth a few more seconds, he pulls away from Leo and bid it goodbye. “I-if that’s ok with you.” He mutters out to Leo softly, his eyes trying to not met Leo’s eyes. Instead Ciel looks around Leo’s room, finally land his eyes on the hole, signing, he then glazed back to his mangled wing. Mindful that he is indeed dripping dark black like substance onto Leo’s bed, he climbs out of Leo’s lap and sat in a position so that his blood drips on the floor instead of the bedding. “U-um… do you have any first aid kit around?”


"You don't--you can't heal it?" Leo looked surprised, and immediately regretted how naive he sounded. Giving a curt nod and lightly touching Ciel's shoulder in as comforting of a gesture as he could manage, he stood and crossed his mostly untouched room to enter the bathroom. Deft fingers dug out some antiseptic, bandages and pain pills before returning to the demon on his bed. Kneeling opposite of
*Ciel, he looked calmly at the Magic Advisor, even though he was falling back into war-time habits inside, ready to run miles on adrenaline. "What do you need me to do? Guide me and I'll do whatever I can to help." It was one thing to help a human with a wound, but wings...were slightly out of his field of knowledge.


“Regrettably no.” Ciel mutters as he watched Leo go into another room with a small smile that is ruined by the depression that lurks under. Even before Leo gets back from the room, he curls his wings in so that it’s within arm’s reach and began to pull out the twisted metal out and dropping them to the ground without out much as a hiss of pain. Of course, it hurts, but after having years of people poking and prodding around his body with sharp and pointy things, it didn’t hurt as much as it should.
“Well…. Can you help me wash all my wings? There are some parts of it I can reach…” Ciel suggested as he pulls out the final two large twisted metal out, cutting himself more with his harsh tugging, doing more damage to it than good.


The look that flit over Leo's face was one that said he was trying very hard not to fall into full-scale panic mode. No matter what race you were, picking metal out of your body with such placidity did not sit well with him. Nodding, the man got off of the bed and went back into the bathroom to retrieve a wash cloth with warm water. Padding back into the rubble-strewn room, he walked around the
*bed and to Ciel's back, managing to keep from wincing as he looked over the damage. "Just relax and let me know if I'm hurting you," he said softly, his scarred fingers lightly touching the heap of wing, the wash cloth following suit.


Ciel braced himself as the wet cloth touched wing. Of course, it burns, water and wounds never mixed well, but he kept himself silent as Leo worked on his wing. Finding his hands idol, he wonders if he should ask Leo to give him stiches for the longer cuts or he should just do it himself. Leo seems uncomfortable enough with all of this and Ciel doesn’t want to over stay his welcome…
Silence fills the room besides the splash of water every now and then. Slowly the water first tinted to red like normal, but quickly that fads away into black…
“Um” Ciel speaks up after a while, “I think I need stiches….”


*Leo whispered a swear under his breath in a foreign language, watching the black soak in to the cloth. "Let's...go get Dwyn," he said at length, worry creasing his brow beneath his haphazard bangs. Licking his lips and tasting soot, the copper of blood and dust, he shook his head and looked down at what he'd brought. He was not a fan of being unprepared. "Let's go to Dwyn," he repeated. "And if
*not, I'll...do what I can. I don't know the natural fall of a demon's wing, I'm afraid, and I'd not want to hurt you." His eyes flicked up over Ciel's shoulder, the tightness of helplessness uncomfortable in his chest.


The rest of the post shall be uploaded upon request.

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