If you are reading this, then you are obviously wishing to know around what times, I, Mistress Aphrodite, are able to battle people over Wi-fi on my Heart Gold game.
I know a lot of people don't like reading a lot of stuff, but I have to fully explain myself, so here goes.
About the Trainer:
1st: I am extremely social. Outside the times of battling, I'm either outside, playing X-box, or in a College Class. Please don't expect me to go out my way.
2nd: If you find anything negative about me or my rules, please feel free to write a huge PM and send it to me, telling me how much you hate my pickiness. I'll happily reply with a "U Mad, huh?" and delete it.
3rd: I am such a huge nerd [and still social? LIES AND SLANDER!]
and if you want to just talk about pokemon in general, or stats, or types or movesets, or strategies, or the shape of Octillery/Gastrodon's bodies, freaking PM me! I love nerding out about pokemon!
Battling Rules:
1st: Please send me a PM telling me you'd like to battle on a certain day, at a certain time, so I'll know when to get on WFC.
2nd: In that lovely PM, please tell me if you want to Single or Double Battle. Until I edit this saying I have a Legendary/Uber team, I don't battle with Ubers. I'll stick to Standard/UnderUsed/OverUsed/I'll even try a NotFullyEvolved battle. Or just mix it up.
3rd: If you like to record your battles, (I like to sometimes) please tag my Gaia name as well as Youtube (if you put it there "MrMarilynMonroe" wink . I'd love to see myself on Youtube.
4th: If a battle is really fun, add me on Gaia/Youtube. I'd love to be friends/buddies!
Now that that's out of the way, let me set up my time schedule. Allow me to say first, this will all be up for editing, so check often.
Mondays: Any time between 1:00 PM and 9:15 PM
Tuesdays: Any time between 6:30 PM and 9:15 PM
Wednesdays: Any time between 1:00 PM and 9:15 PM
Thursdays: Any time between 6:30 PM and 9:15 PM
Fridays: Any time between 4:00 PM and 9:15 PM
Saturdays: [Don't bet on it]
Sundays: [Closed]
Heart Gold Friend Code:
As of now, I am needing to get a new DS, so my FC will change. Sorry for the hassle.
As of now, I am needing to get a new DS, so my FC will change. Sorry for the hassle.