Age: 4585
Race: Pureblood Vampire
Height: 6'2
Appearance: [black haired one]

Bio: Even though he comes from the long, pure line of the Carpathia's, he appears to never really care much about Vampiric politic's. He appears to only help out enough with the clan buisness to stay in good graces with Mitrik. Thought that is not the case, he wants most of his clan members to think of him as a slacker, when he actually does a lot more then they realize, keeping it hidden from them by order the elders. Unkown to most of the clan, he is the one who was chosen by Mitrik himself as the one to keep the peace between all the clans and coven's. He's the one to go to if the head of a coven or clan needed to set up a meeting with the Carpathia Elder's.
Sexuality: Gay