Bahahaha! What's this?
Welcome to our little carnival of bliss.
Oh Hello little girl, how about a smile?
Don't worry, don't fret, it will only take awhile,
Now now, dont cry, give us a look!
See my bright nose, and all this makeup gook?
What's wrong with clowns? What's wrong with laughs?
I could make you balloon animals, perhaps a few giraffes?
Now look here, little missy, cheer up I say!
Smile for this old clown or there will be a price to pay
Oh a heavy price indeed!
For I will take all that you need,
Hush now, child! You grow on my nerves,
I don't like it when my smile swirves.
A smile, a laugh, and we'll all be done!
Then you'll be free to see another rising sun.
What is it? What's the matter? Oh, I know. It's the shoes.
Look I know they're not big enough, but stop all your boo-hoos,
My nose is red, what more do you want?
I can dance, and sing, and my chuckle I flaunt!
Fine then, flee!
Oh, but you'll remember me,
I'll be there as soon as your head hits the pillow,
As silent and quick as the wind does billow
Certainly not the best thing I've written, but I hope some of you have taken the time to read this and vote kindly on my avatar in the arena~