I haven't updated this in forever. sweatdrop And now its almost Thanksgiving of 2010. XD I think the last time I updated this was in 2009........................................................... -insertmoredotshereftw-
Wow.... So.. yeah. Like I said, its almost thanksgiving and I'm in 9th grade now. XD And I'm sitting here listening to Christmas music because thy start to play it around Thanksgiving. ouo

XD The last time I wrote in this I was a fan of Coraline and not Hetalia. IDK how it happened.... but I'm still a Hetalia fan. I've been a fan of it for over a year now. XD That's a first...... eek I've also became a fan of Twilight. XD I'M A FAN OF 2 THINGS AT ONE TIME. BIG SHOCKER. TAKE THAT OCD. I BEAT YOUUUUU. XD My OCD is weird....
hahaha.... sweatdrop