Name: Justin Roth
Age: 16
Alignment: Titans
Bio: Justin was born 16 years ago in the dimension of Azarath. He is the twin brother of Raven. After Raven left for earth, Justin started up a rebelion to try and over take Trigon. One battle about 3 years into the war Justin had gotten up to Trigon for a fight. Unfortunately, Trigon had broken every bone in Justin's body, and as Justin watched in pain, Trigon killed Justin and Raven's mother. After the death of Justin's mother Trigon picked him up and threw him in to space. Where Justin flew for years. One day Justin landed on the planet of Pluto, and was able to sense his sister. He then flew straight to Jump City.
Powers: He has the same powers as Raven
Crush: TBA
Theme song: Gonna Fly Now