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My Poems & Art
Here I'll post art that I've had made for me or poems that I write.
Book Name/Title ::
Main Characters::
Maybe others
Character Descriptions::

Name~Lanay Kostandinos
Eye Color~Light Brown
Hair Color~Blonde
Speaks~English, French and Greek
Some Likes~Video games, Boys, Her friends, Raphi, Coke Cola Zero
Some Hates~Missy, Math, Science, Running/Gym,
SuperNatural~Yes, she's half witch.

Name~Jazz Raneff
Eye Color~Dark Brown/Black
Hair Color~Light brown
Nationality~Ukrainian, Slovak, Russian, Swedish, Cree Indian/Canadian, Japanese
Speaks~English, French, Slovak, (Learning) Japanese.
Some Likes~Cookies, Anime, Art, Music, Candles, Tea, Love
Some Hates~Teachers Pet, Close Minds, Being excluded, Hate, Coca Cola
SuperNatural~Yes, full witch and has expirience with magic.

Name~Raphi Rodriguez
Eye Color~Brown
Hair Color~Brown
Speaks~English and Spanish.
Some Likes~Sports, Girls
Some Hates~?
SuperNatural~Yes, but doesn't know it.

Chapter 1

I stepped out of the golden minivan my mom liked to call Eva. My blonde hair fell to my shoulders as I grabbed my purple plad bag out of the car. "Bye mom." I said with a wave as my mom drove away.
My name is Lanay Kostandinos. I'm a blonde haired, light brown eyed, 5'4 Greek girl. I'm a gamer girl and training to be a DJ too. I wish I could fit into a size 2, and had blue eyes and a perfect boy friend but I'm happy enough how I am right now.
Oh, and did I mention I'm part Witch too? No, not the ugly, mint green, big nosed witches with tacky moles you see in movies! I was made into a Witch by my best friend, who just happened to be Wiccan.
I sighed walking up to the entrance of my new high school, Central Vancouver High. First day of high school I thought nervously. "Lanay!" My best friend Jazz Raneff call out. Jazz is a 5'3 brown haired, brown eyed girl with a billion backrounds. She's Ukrainian, Slovakian, Russian, Swedish, Cree Indian, Canadian, and Japanese.
I immediatly turned around and was almost knocked over by Jazz's "hug tackle". "Hey Jazz! Big school eh?" I said as she hugged my friend back with a smile that showed my teeth. She looked at the massive school. "Yeah it is, but did you hear?!" Jazz said excitedly. "Did I hear what?" I asked slightly annoyed.
Jazz was quite immature, childish, in love with cookies and usually made no sense. Jazz was actually the one who "made" me part Witch. She specialies in spells and stuff and is always having to explain things to me because I just don't understand all the Pagan and Wiccan stuff and thier way of life.
"Raphi got kicked out of his old school so he's coming here now." Jazz said, giggling at me expression. "Raphi! Like super hot Raphi?!" I said, a bit too loud.
I have a major crush on Raphi Rodriguez, from the second I first saw him at Jazz's block party. Wierd thing was Raphi was Jazz's next door neighbor, they weren't very close though and barely ever spoke. Last time I had seen him, I forgot his face soon after.
To be truthful, I would have killed to get my memories of him back, but there's just nothing I could do about it. It was as if someone's stealing my memories, but only the ones of Raphi.
"Yeah, super hot Raphi" Jazz said, giggling. I was so happy that I would finally get a chance to see him everyday. Too bad I was only in grade eight and he was in grade twelve.
"Jazz, why was he kicked out?" I asked, honestly not really caring why. The hottest Mexican guy in the world was now at my school.
"He beat up some kid and some other stuff I don't really want to say here, too public" Jazz whispered. That made me wonder if it only took beating up someone to get kicked out of a priate school. "Well-" I started but was cut off by the warning bell. "Oh, well merry christmas" I said as I shot Jazz my signature smile.
"I'll text you." Jazz said as she danced off to god knows where. I shook my head, laughing a bit as I turned around and started towards my homeroom.

I peeked my head through the door too see the class was full of my elementary school friends and very few strangers. "Yo bro!" A familiar voice called out to me. "Hi Derek" I said with a smile as my "bro" came up and fist pupmed me.
That was kind of our thing, fist pumping and high fiving; everytime we saw each other. Derek was probobly my best guy friend, but we had a wierd relationship. He referred to me as "bro" and on rare occasions Lanay.
"Bro, I look sexy today right?" He asked with a smile. I usually just went along with whatever he said because Derek said the wierdest things. The last week of elementary school, he asked Jazz if she shaved her eye brows to look as sexy as him.
Before I could reply, he answered for me. "Of course I do bro! High five-oh, too slow." He said as he ran off to go talk with some of the other guys.
Well then I thought as I sat down at an empty desk beside a girl I had never seen before. "Hey, I'm Lanay." I said intruducing herself. I really loved meeting knew people and this girl looked really nice. "Oh h-hi, i'm Chantelle." She said shyly. The girl, Chantelle seemed rather quiet in my opinion.
"Good morning class" The teacher said. He had curly salt and peper hair and was wearing glasses that suited him very well. "My name is Monsieur Grenier, I am your homeroom and French teacher" He said, sounding proud. You could just tell he was French, not that the accent didn't already give it away.
"Bonjar mister Grenier." I said with a smile, purposly trying to sound like I was hopeless in French and could never ever developpe the accent. "Is bonjour an is monsieur not mister." M. Grenier said as he walked behind his desk to get something. He pulled out a stack of papers and started calling names out.
"Janie Apple," He called as my friend Janie stood up and walked to the desk. He told her something and gave her a sheet of paper. "Lanay Kostandinos" M. Grenier called out. I stood up and walked to his desk. "Here is your class list and locker number." He said handing me the paper. "Your locker combination is 3, 27, 19" He whispered as he called out the next person.
I realised it wasn't in alphebetical order right now because he called up a boy who's last name started with a "W". I sat back down in the desk I was sitting in before and sighed. "Chantelle Steele" He called as Chantelle hurried over to his desk.
I was pretty tired today, I had a nightmare last night and didn't sleep well. First period hasn't even start yet though. "Dan-" M. Grenier said but the bell came on and everybody stood up to leave.
"Attendez! I mean, wait. Whoever name I didn't call please stay to get your locker and class list." He said as a bunch of kids tryed to form a line of some sort infront of his desk. I smiled half-heartedly and walked out of the classroom.

I had some trouble finding my first class. Science, great. I thought sarcastically as I looked at the room numbers. I finnally found it, at the end of the hallway one floor above my locker. I entered the class to see that girl, Chantelle again and so many of my other friends. I smiled at everyone and sat down in the very back of the class next to my friends Natalie and Chantelle.
My friend Lucas and three boys I didn't recognize were sitting infront of me. A teacher walked into the door and I got a bad gut feeling.
"Natalie, who is that guy?" I asked trying not to let the teacher hear my extra loud Greek voice. "That's Mister Tyron" She said happy that the dumb blonde knew something.
Mister Tyron? I already don't like him, I thought as I slouched in my chair. I tended to do that alot. "Alright class, let's get started. My name is Mister Tyron." He said, writing his name of the board.
I could see auras and other wierd things but I couldn't tell what color this teachers was. A mix of purple and black, it reminded me alot of death. "What you looking at with that determined face Lanay?" Natalie asked as M. Tyron stopped talking. "Girls?" He said and that was all he needed to say. "Sorry mister T." I said as I took out my phone and started texting Jazz.
Dude, I don't get a good feeling bout M. Tyron. His auras a mix of purple and black, what does that even MEAN?
I quickly sent the message as he announced that we were going to play a name game. "Alright, say your full name and something you like. How about we start with...you." M. T said, motioning to yours truly to start first.
"Ok, I'm Lanay Kostandinos and I love video games." I said with a big grin. I'm a proud gamer girl and don't care what anyone says or thinks about it.
"Alright now how about you." He said to one of the boys infront of me. "Uh my names Joey Chapeau and I like video games too" He said, looking back at me. "Now you, then we'll go clockwise." He said as a girl stood up but kept on looking at the floor.
"My name is Serena Gonzles and I don't really like anything..." She said sitting back down. "Emo" I whispered to Chantelle as my phone buzzed. I got a text.
The science teacher? And WTF? Indigo means Benevolence and Highly Intuitive. Violet means Highly Spiritual, Wisdom and Intuition. Black means Lacking Energy, Illness, Imminent Death...
Jazz texted back. I was about to reply when another bell rung. "Class, it's a short day today and we're just getting to know eachother and where our classes are." M. Tyron said, looking directly at me. I ignored him and left the class.
"Lanay!" A girl yelled as she ran up to me and hugged me so tight I felt like I was going to die. "Kaylie, let me go!" I yelled at my friend as she let go. "I've missed you guys!" Kaylie said with a smile.
The red head wasn't exactly dressed how I remembered she once did. She was wearing super short shorts, a very...revealing top and tons of makeup.
"I missed you guys too" I said trying not to stare at Kaylie. The slutty look really didn't suit my once good friend. "What's your next class?" I asked, looking around for no one in particular.
"Gym. You?" Kaylie said miserably. "Ew, I have..." I said taking out the piece of paper M. Grenier had given me earlier. "Socials" I said finally. "That's ew too." Kaylie said, pretty much winking at every guy that walked by us.
"Uh...Bye Kaylie." I said as I turned around and walked away.
Wierd...It looked more Indigo and black then violet. And Kaylies changed. ALOT.
I texted Jazz. I found her social studies class and streched out my arms out before going inside. "Oh god." I said accedentally when I saw the twins. Connor and Conny.
Connor was a blonde hair, gray-blue eyed freaky stalker and Conny was the uglyest, most annoying, blonde haired, grey-green eyed freak who always looked like she was on some kind of drugs.
I didn't exactly have a problem with Conner anymore, he was kind of scared of me now but Conny was still the most annoying human being besides one of my little brothers Stefan.
"Lanay!" Conny yelled when she noticed me. "Conny!" I yelled back in a fake happy voice. "I missed you so much, it was so boring at my house. You should come over sometime!" Conny said happily, her short blonde hair bouncing when she did.
"Uh, I'd rather not." I said as she slipped into a seat beside Doug, a brown hair, blue eyed boy I had known since kindergarden.
"Hey Dougie." I said, knowing he wouldn't notice or answer me. He always lisened to music during class so I always used to ignored him.
"Hey" He said, in his normal guy-going-through-puberty-BIG TIME tone.
"Good morning class, I am Madame Burner and I will be your socials teacher." She said introducing herself. I had never seen this woman, but she looked and sounded very nice.
I looked out the window at the cars passing by. It was a sunny and warm day outside and the sun was shining into my light brown eyes. I had her mom Angelina's eyes, they were light brown but in the sun a green rim apeared around them. Sometimes you could even see black or other color dots in them, they both had very unique eyes.
"Lanay Kostandoonis? Did I say that right?" Madame Burner said looking around the class. I looked away from the window and stood up. "That'd be me an you said it wrong. Kost-an-din-os." I said, correcting the teacher.
"Oh excuse moi." She said smiling. "Yeah it's fine." I said as I sat back down and watched the teacher. Madame Burner was taking attendance I guessed. I turned around and screamed. When I looked outside the window, I saw a body.
"What's wrong Lanay?!" Madame Burner yelled worriedly as she shot to her feet and was next to me in seconds. I didn't know what had happened exactly. "I'm s-sorry, I just saw something outside and it scared me." I said apologetically. "Oh well, I don't see any-" Madame Burner started as her eyes widened.
I was hestitant to look but did. On the track was a body. A red body, at least it apeared to be red. Blood maybe?
"Alright class, I'm going to call the office. Please stay quiet, this is serious." The teacher explained, it was obvious that she was panicking now too.

I didn't once look away from that body untill Madame Burner finished that call.
"They're going to see who or what it is now, school will be dissmissed right away if anything happened and this isn't just a prank." Madame Burner said.
Her eyes said we'd have to leave but her lips said if anything happened. Everyone rushed to the window to see the body still laying there. Lifeless.

Chapter 2

Walking out of the school, I was starting to turn back to my normal color. Chantelle had told me I looked pale but I didn't answer her, guess I was in too much shock. I would have to apologize later sometime.
I was pale because it was a body and now the police had arrived at the school and were investigating it.
"Lanay! Oh baby are you ok?!" My mom called out as she put on her hazard lights and jumped out of the car.
"Ma! I'm fine!" I said embarassedly. "It's all over the news about that body. They don't know who it is yet." My mom said, sounding and looking very upset.
"It's already on the news?" I asked, surprised that people learned about it that quickly. "Yeah, now let's get home I have a feeling things will get worse." My mom said as she turned around and went to the car. My phone vibrated so I stopped walking and looked at it.
Hey! Are you ok?!
It said. The text was from my youngest brother Stefan who had recently got a phone.
Yup, I was just one of the first to see it but i'm not hurt or anything...
I texted back to him. I slipped my phone into my pocket and made my way over to the car. "Come on baby!" My mom yelled from the car.
"Shh ma!" I yelled harshly at my mom as I ran to the car, swung the door open and slammed it shut.
"Hey! How many times have I told you, don't slam the doors?" My mom asked as she started the car. "I don't know, once maybe?" I replied with a fake smile, desperately trying to hold on to the memories of him she could still see as I rolled my window down.
I loved the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair and the sun shining on her skin, I didn't like it too much when it shined it my eyes but it looked cool so I didn't mind very much.
We had pulled up to the building were my brother went to his hip hop class. "I thought we were going home ma." I said rubbing her eyes.
I didn't have a problem coming here, I actually enjoyed watching my little brother, Stefan dance. I found it funny alot of the time how he was better than most of the people there but started just recently.
"Come on Lanay it'll take a minute, we're just going to pick Stef up early today ok?" My mom said as she opened the door to the gray building and walked in. It looked very old, like it was built in the 50's. I sighed and sunk into the passerger seat of the gold minivan.
"BOO!!" A voice yelled beside me. I screamed and attempted to punch the person who had scared me.
"Ow! What the hell?!" He yelled holding his nose. Maybe he didn't notice the window was rolled down, or maybe he forgot I had a hard punch.
"Oh my gosh! Sorry Dustin, but you had it coming man." I said rolling up her window and opening the door. "No, you scared me last time and when I saw it was you here I was going to scare you back but all I got was punched in the face. I didn't deserve this!" Dustin yelled, taking his hand away from his nose to see if it was bleeding.
"It's not bleeding ok? And I didn't even punch you that hard." I said, trying not to smirk. "You suck Lanay" Dustin said, still holding his nose.
"Oh, hey Dustin." My mom said as she came out of the building followed by Stefan. "Hey" Stefan said too. "Oh hi." Dustin said, quickly pulling his hand away form his nose and smiled.
"Well, I need to go so i'll see ya' round." He said with a wave as he walked off. "Why is Dustin all the way over here?" My mom asked curiously as she unlocked the car and got in.
"He lives just a block from here ma, maybe he walked today-I don't know." I saidI was getting extremly annoyed at my brothers moans of "pain". "My leg hurts so bad Mom." He said as we ignored him. Stef always had something to complain about. Always.
"So, we're going home now?" I asked, wanting to just get home and relax. "Yup, your dad's picking up Pedro so we can just go home right away." My mom said as she started to drive home.
"Cause baby tonight! The DJ got us fallin' in love again-" My phone rang. My ringtone for when Jazz called was one of my favourite songs.
"Hello?" I said, wondering why Jazz called mr instead of texting or anything else. "Lanay!" Jazz cried. "What's wrong? What happened?!" I said into the phone, not being able to hear anything except Jazz cry.
"Ma, we need to go to Jazz's house, she's crying and can't tell me why." I said as I attempted to understand again. "N-no! Y-y-you can't c-come!" She continued to cried. "Why not!" I yelled into the phone, getting worried now.
Jazz's mom was a cow. She grounded her for no reason, treated her like a maid and slave, didn't let her do anything and on the not so rare occasion beat her.
"M-my mom will k-kill me if she f-f-found out I called you-u!" Jazz cried into the phone. "Too bad." I said as she hung up the phone.
"Ma, the cow's acting up again, go talk to her kay?" I asked. "Come on ma, drop me off at home first." Stef said in a whiney tone that reminded me of that stupid Missy. "No." My mom and me said at the same time.
I did that alot. Saying things at the same time as someone else. It happened with just about everyone. Another thing I hated about myself. "Good thing we're close by her house too." My mom said as she pulled into Jazz's co-op and parked the car.
"Alright, Lanay how are we going to make it seem like Jazz didn't call us?" My mom asked. I am an evil genius, great at making up lies and plans on the spot.
"Well, we could say we were at the photography store down the street looking for a frame you wanted or something I don't know and cause the cow's sick we dropped by to see how she was doing." I said smiling. "That's a good plan Lanay!" Stef said sounding happier than before. "Yeah, good job now let's go." My mom said turning off the car and getting out.
I stepped out and closed the door, not slamming it this time to save myself the door slamming "talk", wich wasn't even much of a talk in my opinion. More like complaining or something.
Stefan and my mom were already at the door when I heard an extremly girly laugh coming from next door. "Oh Raphi! You're so funny!" A girl said, playfuly hitting Raphi's chest. What is she doing here?! I screamed in my mind as I flew up the stairs and into Jazz's house.
"Hey!" I said with a wave to Jazz's mom as someone tapped me on the shoulder. "Boo!" Jazz said with a light laugh. "Come here!" I said as I grabbed my best friend and pulled her outside. "Some chicks here with Raphi!" I said, attempting to whisper. I failed. "Who's here with-" Jazz said but was cut off by the same girly laugh.
"Raphi! Stop it!" The girl said laughing again. "He isn't even doing anything to her! He's not even saying anything!" I whispered succesfully this time.
"Slutt!" Jazz whispered back as the girl locked eyes with me. Smiling, I lifted up my middle finger, high enough for her to see that it was for her. She smiled and did the same. "Lame." I said, crouching down so Raphi couldn't see me if he turned around.
"Lanay?" A female voice called out from behind us. "Huh?" I said, standing up again and turning around, just as Raphi turned to see my back. "Serena?" I said, squinting her eyes a bit to try and see the girl better. The sun was so annoying at times like this.
"Yeah, it's me..." She said sounding really upset about something. "What's wrong?" I asked, walked over to her, followed by Jazz.
Raphi was still looking at me, with a warm smile; not paying any attention

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