Tybalt Ar'Ciel
~User Data~
Name Tybalt Ar'Ciel
Nicknames Ciel
Famous Shinobi Name The Crimson Catalyst
Village Otogakure
Clan Crystal Release
Kekkei Genkai Crystal Release
Age Twenty
Gender Male
Birth Date May 3rd, Taurus
Rank A Ranked Anbu
Primary Chakra Element Crystal
Secondary Chakra Element Lightning
Third Chakra Element Earth
Chakra Color Blood Red
Weapon of Choice N/A
Shinobi Profession Capture
~Appearance~ Headband Sewn into the collar of his cloak.
Height 6'0"
Weight 152 lbs.
Hair Black
Eyes Sea Green
Clothing Tybalt wears a black cloak everywhere he goes and leaves it on most of the time when he is resting. Beneath it he wears a black long sleeved shirt and a pair of black pants.
Physical Description Tybalt is somewhat muscular and fairly flexible. He is very good at positioning himself for special maneuvers and is a very good jumper.
~Personal Shinobi Information~
Tybalt isn't shy in the least. He doesn't hide any of his feelings and lacks any patience. He is quick to yell and quick to walk away. If you wish to have a conversation with him, you better have a good reason or something to offer. If you wish to be friends with him, he's likely about to kill you.
Nindo "Are you even fit to be the ninja you claim to be?"
Personal Skill(s)
Family Father: Kane Ar'Ciel Mother: Cecelia Ar'Ciel Siblings: None
Tybalt comes from a family with a very abusive father. His father accepted nothing less then perfection and was a heavy drinker. When Tybalt turned twelve he ran away only after having begged his mother to come with him after she had just taken another beating from his dad. In what was likely an attempt to overcompensate, Tybalt spent his new life training to be a member of the Anbu. He wasn't friendly to anyone, at least not in public. He helped a couple of people in times of dire need, but doesn't like to talk about it.
Several years later Tybalt returned home only to find his father ready to kill his mother. Tybalt beat him to the punch and killed him. He offered his mother a chance to come with him once more, but in fear of him after what he had just done, she denied him. This was the final straw; Tybalt had had enough denial in his life and lost nearly all sense of righteousness and only followed his raw emotions. He has become a fairly cruel man, at least in retrospect. His raw emotions are based highly on logic and necessity, though he can be very spiteful, outspoken and fairly over reactant.
~Other~ Tybalt has a weak spot for people who are being mistreated, at least for the wrong reasons.
~Clan Information~
Clan History N/A
Kekkei Genkai Explanation
Using Raiton and Doton, one can now use Crystal Release. Crystal release is particularly special because the crystals it creates will stay around until the creator releases the jutsu or is killed even if they get broken.
~Technique Ranks - Max Number Rank of Each Technique Type~
Kekkei Genkai Jutsu SS Ninjutsu: S Genjutsu: C Taijutsu: A Fuuinjutsu: B Juin Jutsu: B Doujutsu: B Kenjutsu: A Summons: S
Kekkei Genkai Jutsu
Crystal Release: Crystal Rose ⇨ E - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (1 pts.) Crystal Rose is a special type of substitution that leaves a small crystal rose behind that will explode and send small shards out about three feet. The shards are almost like a fine powder and the attacker will most likely not know they're in their arm or leg.
Crystal Release: Crystal Carrier ⇨ D - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (2 pts.) This jutsu will spread a nearly invisible powder of crystal from the user's hands. Anything the powder comes in contact with will then become a 'carrier.' The next two things that the carrier touches will also become carriers. This jutsu is used in junction with Crystal Release: Crystal Delivery.
Crystal Release: Bramble Seed ⇨ C - Rank ⇨ Offensice & Technical ⇨ (3 pts.) Using this jutsu, the user will form a spike ball about the size of a baseball in the palm of their hand and throw it at the opponent. This jutsu is used in junction with Crystal Release: Scatter Shot.
Crystal Release: Crystal Expansion ⇨ C - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (3 pts.) Using this jutsu the user can loosen the molecular structure of any crystal they've made so that it can double in size. This jutsu can only be used in junction with Crystal release: Needle Trap.
Crystal Release: Crystal Sanction ⇨ C - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (3 pts.) When using this jutsu the user will create a small pulse of chakra somewhere on their body that will last for a split second. If an outside source gets too close to this pulse a crystal spike will shoot out at it. To describe the spikes power, we'll be looking at a punch from your opponent; the spike will likely penetrate their entire fist and stab slightly into their wrist.
Crystal Release: Glass Eyes ⇨ C - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (3 pts.) This jutsu allows the user to create two small beads that will allow them to see anything reflected on their surface from up to a 150 foot distance.
Crystal Release: The God's Crossings ⇨ C - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (3 pts.) This jutsu causes a stream of crystals to jet out of the ground as their charge the opponent to hopefully skewer them. The stream can go up to 100 feet, can not change primary direction (though the crystals don't have to stick out straight forward) and is about 5 feet in width.
Crystal Release: Shuriken Wild Dance ⇨ C - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (3 pts.) When using this jutsu the user will form a few orbitals of crystal chunks around them and quickly form them into shuriken as they are shot at the opponent at high speeds. The shuriken will travel up to 200 feet at a speed of roughly 60 mph.
Crystal Release: Diamond Edge ⇨ B - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (4 pts.)(LM) When using this jutsu the user can create a crystal blade from any "extention" type part of their body such as their fingers, their feet, their tongue and their... special... place. The blade can be extended up to 30 feet and is incredibly sharp. It can be repaired in mid use simply by focusing more chakra into it.
Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Prison ⇨ B - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (4 pts.) This jutsu will cause a crystal to shoot out of the ground and trap the opponent inside. The crystal bonds with the opponent causing the opponent to shatter if the crystal were to shatter. Meaning, if the user were to die, the crystal would take the opponent with them.
Crystal Release: Needle Trap ⇨ B - Rank ⇨ Offensive and Technical ⇨ (4 pts.) To use this jutsu the user must expel chakra by simply tapping the ground in some way. After doing so, the expelled chakra will charge forward and emerge beneath the opponent's feet in the form of several crystal needles. If the opponent's skin is pierced by any of these needles not only will it hurt, but particles of the crystal will enter their blood stream.
Crystal Release: Crimson Fruit ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (5 pts.) This jutsu will create a nearly transparent crystal bubble around the target protecting them from a wide variety of attacks. The same would work against an opponent trapped with the jutsu; they could not get out with anything but an A or higher ranked taijutsu.
Crystal Release: Crystal Delivery ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (5 pts.) Once this jutsu is activated, the crystal powder on any of the 'carriers' will began to crystallize and expand and will ultimately engulf them, bonding with them the same way the crystal prison does. Once this process has started the only way to stop it is to remove the infected areas before it spreads too far.
Crystal Release: Scatter Shot ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (5 pts.) When using this jutsu the user will create a small crystal prism in their hand and blast concentrated light from the surrounding area or concentrated lightning chakra through it, thus focusing it into a small beam. The beam is very small, but has enough power to punch through a human without armor. This beam can be redirected or separated with the use of a special crystal prism.
Crystal Release: Pentagonal Prison ⇨ S - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (6 pts.) This jutsu is the parent jutsu of Jade Crystal Prism. It works in the exact same way but on a much larger scale and requires a preparation period. The over all diameter of the prison it creates is roughly 100 feet and 200 feet tall.
Crystal Release: Prism Phoenix ⇨ S - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (6 pts.) Using a large amount of chakra the user will create a bird like creature reminiscent of a phoenix and jump onto it's back. The bird will have a 2 post life span and be able to fire a barrage of crystals from it's wings with a heavy flap. It will be able to fly at a maximum of 200 feet and 40 mph. The bird can only be destroyed by A rank or higher fire or earth ninjutsu.
Crystal Release: Crystal Ozone ⇨ SS - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (8 pts.) This jutsu will cause a dome roughly 10 feet in diameter and 15 feet tall to form over the targeted area. The dome is built with several layers specifically designed to magnify any light that strikes it to intensify the heat inside. It even reaches underneath the surface to turn the dome into what is essentially a bubble to keep the heat in. Over a 20 minute period the temperature will build and build until it reaches over 2000 degrees cooking whatever is inside.To break out of this jutsu one would need one of three types SS ranked jutsu: any taijutsu, a fire ninjutsu or an earth ninjutsu.
Tybalt keeps about 15 feet of trip wire coiled in his cloak and carries a small pouch of pills containing an insanely powerful muscle relaxant. The relaxant is so powerful that it will kill all pain one is feeling, but cause them to fall completely and utterly limp for about an hour, only about 30 seconds after ingesting one.
Scrolls No Available Jutsu
Total points count: 68/69 .: Tybalt Ar'Ciel :.The Crimson Catalyst "Tell me how...
...You call yourself a ninja!" +0 Lines! xxxjutsu: L = [x](7.5)(1)(1) xx/xx